Donald Trump tweets

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Let's Pick Worst Coverage of 'Your Favorite President (Me)'

Trump suggests contest in tweet

(Newser) - President Trump is back in the White House after spending the Thanksgiving holiday at Mar-a-Lago, and he's back on the media attack, on Monday morning suggesting—"seemingly tongue-in-cheek," per Politico —that the media go head-to-head in an unusual contest: "We should have a contest as...

Time Fires Back at Trump Over 'Person of the Year'

Magazine disputes president's claim that he 'took a pass' last year

(Newser) - President Trump says he turned down an interview and photo shoot for Time magazine's "Person of the Year" issue, the AP reports. In a Friday evening tweet , Trump says the magazine informed him he was "probably" going to be granted the title for the second year in...

Trump's Thanksgiving Tweet: US 'Starting to Do Really Well'

President also had message for Coast Guard, troops around the world

(Newser) - President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump kicked off their Thanksgiving celebration by visiting a Coast Guard station in Riviera Beach, Fla., on Thursday, the AP reports. Trump praised the Coast Guard for its work in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in Texas and said, "There's no...

Trump on Rumored NFL Plan: 'Almost as Bad as Kneeling!'

Sources say league may be considering keeping players in locker room during anthem

(Newser) - President Trump is still latched onto the idea of punishing NFL players who don't stand for the national anthem, most recently calling for the suspension of Oakland Raider Marshawn Lynch, and he definitely has thoughts on a new idea the league is reportedly tossing around. Per the Washington Post ...

White House Walks Back Trump Tweet on UCLA Players

UCLA player's father says he's likelier to thank Xi

(Newser) - President Trump was merely making a "rhetorical response" to criticism when he said he should have left three UCLA basketball players in a Chinese jail , according to White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She said Monday that Trump was "happy to intervene" in the case and had...

Trump: NFL Should Suspend Marshawn Lynch Over Protest

Oakland Raider stood for Mexico's national anthem, sat for US version

(Newser) - On Sunday, Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch stood for a national anthem for the first time this season. It was the Mexican one. Lynch remained seated for the US national anthem before the team's game in Mexico City against the New England Patriots, Sports Illustrated reports. Lynch has...

Trump Dismissive of Manafort Indictment

Tweets that alleged misdeeds have nothing to do with his campaign, president tweets

(Newser) - President Trump doesn't sound impressed with Robert Mueller's big indictment . After news broke that former campaign manager Paul Manafort had been charged with multiple felony counts of tax fraud and money laundering, Trump weighed in. "Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of...

Trump Says No One Will Lay a Hand on Your 401(k)

President seemed to be responding to a 'NYT' report that suggested otherwise

(Newser) - President Trump promised Monday there will be "no change" to tax incentives for the popular 401(k) retirement programs. "This has always been a great and popular middle class tax break that works, and it stays!" Trump tweeted . The AP reports the president appeared to be responding to...

Lawmaker: Trump Told Widow Fallen Soldier &#39;Knew What He Signed Up For&#39;
Trump Gets Entangled in
New Gold-Star Family Feud
the rundown

Trump Gets Entangled in New Gold-Star Family Feud

Rep. Frederica Wilson pushes back after Trump says she's lying about convo on fallen soldier

(Newser) - Trump the candidate had a very public feud with a Gold Star family; Trump the president appears to be embroiled in one, too. The dust-up began with a Democratic Florida congresswoman, who says President Trump told the widow of a slain soldier that her husband "knew what he signed...

Trump Talks Pulling FEMA Amid Struggle to Help Puerto Rico

Chuck Schumer says FEMA's work is 'not even close to done'

(Newser) - President Trump is warning that hurricane relief for Puerto Rico has an end date even as federal officials acknowledge a massive food shortage on the island three weeks after Hurricane Maria. "We cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult...

Ivana Says Trump Offered Her Czech Ambassadorship

Ex-wife also says she was the one who encouraged him to use Twitter

(Newser) - Whether you love or loathe President Trump's tweeting, we now know where credit belongs for the presidential Twitter account. "I said, 'I think you should tweet ... if you want to get your words across rightly, without telling the New York Times, which is going to twist every...

Did Tillerson&#39;s Statement Just Make Things Worse?
Did Tillerson's Statement
Just Make Things Worse?
the rundown

Did Tillerson's Statement Just Make Things Worse?

Gist of coverage is that his ties with Trump remain irreparably damaged

(Newser) - Rex Tillerson made the unusual move Wednesday of calling a news conference to refute reports that he's on the outs with President Trump and came close to resigning his post as secretary of state. So it's safe to say Tillerson is in DC for a while? Don't...

Trump on N. Korea: Tillerson's Negotiations Are a Waste

'We'll do what has to be done!' president tweets at secretary of state

(Newser) - After lamenting the "almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico" and blasting "politically motivated ingrates" there Sunday morning , President Trump moved onto a new topic on Twitter: North Korea and its nuclear weapons program. The Guardian reports that barely 24 hours had passed since Secretary of State Rex Tillerson...

Pat Tillman's Widow: Leave My Husband Out of This

Marie Tillman responds to a presidential retweet

(Newser) - Part of President Trump's recent flurry of tweets about the NFL and the national anthem was actually a retweet that mentioned the late NFL-star-turned-soldier Pat Tillman. And his widow is none too pleased about it. "Pat's service, along with that of every man and woman's service,...

Trump's Call After London Attack: Get 'Proactive & Nasty!'

Attacks shows need for tough travel ban, he says

(Newser) - Rarely reticent after overseas incidents, President Trump spoke up early Friday after news streamed across the pond of a rush-hour explosion in the London Underground that injured at least 18 people. He railed on Twitter against the "loser terrorists," calling those responsible "sick and demented people who...

Here's Who Trump Likely Just Called '#FAKE NEWS!'

President may be upset about NBC reporter Katy Tur's new book

(Newser) - "Fascinating to watch people writing books and major articles about me and yet they know nothing about me & have zero access. #FAKE NEWS!" President Trump tweeted Tuesday. But who was the target of the president's online ire? Politico notes Hillary Clinton is a possibility, having released...

Trump to Dreamers: 'Nothing to Worry About'

President says immigrants are safe during the 6-month window

(Newser) - The goodwill between President Trump and Nancy Pelosi appears to be carrying over into Thursday: The House minority leader asked the president to tweet an assurance to Dreamers that they don't face immediate deportation, and Trump did just that, reports the Hill . "For all of those (DACA) that...

In North Korea's Latest Test, a Possibly 'Ominous' Clue

38 North analysis: Distance suggests test of a potent missile booster

(Newser) - President Trump on Wednesday followed up on his "all options are on the table" warning to North Korea by suggesting that negotiations are not one of those options. "The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years," he tweeted...

Trump Likes Image of Him 'Eclipsing' Obama

He also tweets about Mitch McConnell and James Clapper

(Newser) - It's been another busy morning for President Trump on Twitter . He's hit a wide range of topics, but one tweet in particular drawing attention is actually a retweet of a supporter's eclipse joke. It shows an image of Trump gradually coming closer to one of President Obama,...

Trump Breaks Silence on Bannon's Departure

'Thanks S'

(Newser) - "I want to thank Steve Bannon for his service. He came to the campaign during my run against Crooked Hillary Clinton - it was great! Thanks S," President Trump tweeted Saturday, commenting on his former chief strategist for the first time since the latter was removed from the...

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