Donald Trump tweets

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Trump Praises &#39;Incredible&#39; Charlottesville Victim
Trump Praises 'Incredible'
Charlottesville Victim
the rundown

Trump Praises 'Incredible' Charlottesville Victim

He says Heather Heyer 'will be long remembered by all' as city holds memorial

(Newser) - A day after setting off a firestorm for remarks giving the "alt-left" its share of the blame for the violence in Charlottesville, President Trump has tweeted kind words about its female victim. "Memorial service today for beautiful and incredible Heather Heyer, a truly special young woman," the...

Trump Disbands 2 White House Business Councils
Trump Loses
2 WH Business 
Councils Amid
The Rundown

Trump Loses 2 WH Business Councils Amid Criticism

He disbanded them, though one may have beaten him to the punch

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday that he's shutting down both his Manufacturing Council and Strategic and Policy Forum "rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople" involved. However, Bloomberg reports the Strategic and Policy Forum had already decided to disband Wednesday in the wake of Trump's comments on neo-Nazis,...

Trump Praises Kim Jong Un's 'Wise' Decision

'The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!'

(Newser) - President Trump had nicer words than "fire and fury" for North Korea Wednesday morning, Politico reports. "Kim Jong Un of North Korea made a very wise and well reasoned decision. The alternative would have been both catastrophic and unacceptable!" Trump tweeted , referring to the country's decision...

Trump Would Approve of Woman's New License Plate

It reads 'covfefe'

(Newser) - Ohio officials have granted a woman's request to have President Trump's mysterious tweeted typo , "covfefe," on her license plate, reports the AP . Brittany Scott tells the Columbus Dispatch that she saw the Twitter post in May by Trump that read: "Despite the constant negative press...

Trump Deletes 2 Different Retweets From Morning

One called him a 'fascist'

(Newser) - President Trump is having another eventful stretch on Twitter. And the item getting the most attention appears to have been a misfire by the president, reports Politico . It began when Trump tweeted about a story on Fox saying he was considering a pardon of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. A Twitter user...

China's State Media to Trump: Stop 'Emotional Venting' on Twitter

Xinhua agency says US president is 'pouring oil on the flames' regarding North Korea

(Newser) - President Trump's tweets have raised an eyebrow or several, but one country is officially rolling its eyes. The New York Times notes that China has long bitten its tongue whenever Trump has blasted its policies and actions . But a pair of Trump tweets over the weekend, in which he...

Trump Attacks GOP Senators in Early Morning Tweets

President says senators 'look like fools'

(Newser) - Republican senators "look like fools" and the Democrats "are laughing" at them, President Trump said in a five-tweet missive starting at 4:20am Saturday, Mediaite reports. The thrust of the president's tweetstorm was encouraging Republicans in the Senate to change the rules so they can pass legislation...

Trump: 'President Has Complete Power to Pardon'

President unleashes early morning tweetstorm

(Newser) - "The US President has the complete power to pardon," President Trump claimed early Saturday during what USA Today characterizes as a "tweetstorm" and "tweet-o-rama." Trump sent 10 tweets in a span of two hours, starting at 6:30am. Out of those 10 tweets, perhaps none...

Trump Tweets, Read by &#39;Gollum&#39;
Trump Tweets,
Read by 'Gollum'

Trump Tweets, Read by 'Gollum'

Actor Andy Serkis appears on Colbert show

(Newser) - Maybe President Trump himself would get a kick out of this? Andy Serkis, voice of Gollum in the Lord of the Rings films, appeared on Stephen Colbert's show Wednesday night and read a string of presidential tweets in the voice of his famous character, notes Newsweek . He also ad-libbed...

Everyone Needs to Calm Down About the Wrestling Tweet

Columnist thinks media outlets are overreacting to a dumb joke

(Newser) - By some of the reaction to President Trump's wrestling video , you'd think he directly ordered his supporters to attack journalists. Come on, people, writes Jon Levine at Mediaite . The video was a "stupid joke," and that's all. Those on the left who have long been...

Twitter Not Suspending Trump's Account Over CNN Tweet

Many are calling for president to be banned from the social media service

(Newser) - Following President Trump's latest tweet controversy, many are flocking to Twitter to suggest the POTUS be banned from the social media service, Elite Daily reports. Users are suggesting that Trump's tweets, including the recent one showing a WWE wrestling video in which he appears to clobber "CNN,...

Trump Wades Into Issue of Terminally Ill UK Baby

Says US 'would be delighted' to help Charlie Gard

(Newser) - President Trump is offering help to a terminally ill British baby. Trump tweeted Monday that "if we can help little #CharlieGard, as per our friends in the U.K. and the Pope, we would be delighted to do so." The White House did not immediately answer questions about...

Trump Promised to Send the Feds Into Chicago. He Just Did

President tweets 'crime and killings' have reached 'epidemic proportions'

(Newser) - Because of "crime and killings" now at "epidemic proportions," President Trump has sent the feds into Chicago, he tweeted Friday morning. His announcement aligns with previous tweets in which he called the city's murder rate "record setting" and the situation "totally out of control,...

Trump on MSNBC's Mika: 'Bleeding Badly From Facelift'

Tweets about what he says was a Mar-a-Lago visit

(Newser) - President Trump has been going after media outlets with a renewed vengeance this week, but things got decidedly personal Thursday morning when he took aim at Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe program. "I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore)," he...

Trump Claims 'Clear Victory' After Supreme Court Ruling

He also wants an apology over Russia accusations

(Newser) - The Supreme Court decided Monday to let President Trump's travel ban go into effect with restrictions, a decision Trump himself praised as a "clear victory for our national security." In a statement per the Hill , Trump said the ruling "allows me to use an important tool...

There&#39;s Now a &#39;COVFEFE&#39; Act
There's Now a

There's Now a 'COVFEFE' Act

It would preserve Trump's tweets as official statements

(Newser) - First, covfefe made it into the Urban Dictionary . Now it could make it into the Presidential Records Act. Taking inspiration from White House spokesman Sean Spicer—who last week described Trump's tweets as "official statements by the president"—Illinois Democrat Mike Quigley on Monday introduced the Communications...

Trump's Twitter Blocks Violate First Amendment: Advocacy Group

Free-speech advocacy group says excluding people is 'unconstitutional'

(Newser) - Blocking people on Twitter is a feature many use liberally to keep their feeds friendly. But should public officials like President Trump be allowed to exclude users in the same fashion? Absolutely not, says the Knight First Amendment Institute, a non-partisan group founded last year at Columbia University that's...

Trump&#39;s Twitter Habit Is Back in the Spotlight
Trump Remains Defiant
About Unfiltered Tweets
the rundown

Trump Remains Defiant About Unfiltered Tweets

But critics and supporters alike think he should rein them in

(Newser) - President Trump's social media habits are in the news again, this time not so much for a particular tweet but for his tweeting habit in general. Trump himself weighed in on the subject Tuesday, by tweet , of course. "The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get...

Conway Blames Media for Trump's London Tweet Controversy

The senior adviser criticized media's 'obsession' with Twitter

(Newser) - President Trump had choice words on Twitter for London Mayor Sadiq Khan following Saturday’s London Bridge terror attack , but senior adviser Kellyanne Conway doesn’t think an apology is needed … from Trump, at least. Instead, Conway blasted the media for its "obsession" over Trump’s tweets, reports...

Trump Goes After Mayor of London Again in Tweet

'Pathetic excuse'

(Newser) - President Trump isn't letting up on his controversial criticism of London's mayor in the wake of that city's terror attacks. "Pathetic excuse by London Mayor Sadiq Khan who had to think fast on his 'no reason to be alarmed' statement," tweeted Trump on Monday....

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