Donald Trump tweets

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Trump Gives Blankenship a Thumbs-Down, He Pushes Back

'I am Trumpier than Trump and this morning proves it,' says WV Senate candidate

(Newser) - President Trump is urging West Virginia voters to reject a former federal convict and coal baron running in the Republican Senate primary, arguing that Don Blankenship would lose the general election. Trump tweeted on Monday: "To the great people of West Virginia we have, together, a really great chance...

Trump Rails on Dem Who Helped Derail VA Pick: 'Not Fair, Tester!'

White House pushes back on allegations with internal records it says support Ronny Jackson

(Newser) - The White House said Friday that internal records raise doubt about some of the most serious allegations leveled against White House doctor Ronny Jackson in his failed bid to become the next secretary of Veterans Affairs. Jackson withdrew his nomination Thursday after allegations by current and former colleagues raised questions...

Trump Tweets on Comey: 'Very Sick or Very Dumb'

President also makes bold proclamation Friday: 'KOREAN WAR TO END!'

(Newser) - As Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in jump-started their "new history" together, President Trump took to Twitter to confidently crow about what Politico deems the "historic" moment currently taking place in South Korea. "KOREAN WAR TO END!" he proclaimed , noting that the summit between the North...

NYT Backs Up Reporter After Trump Fires Up Tweetstorm

President tweets, deletes, then retweets attack on Maggie Haberman after Michael Cohen story

(Newser) - Maggie Haberman has gotten under President Trump's skin again. The New York Times reporter filed a story on Friday detailing Trump's relationship with longtime lawyer Michael Cohen—one in which Trump is said to treat Cohen "like garbage," per Trump associate Roger Stone. That article apparently...

Trump&#39;s Venom Against Amazon Is &#39;Personal&#39;
Trump's Venom Against
Amazon Is 'Personal'
the rundown

Trump's Venom Against Amazon Is 'Personal'

'Vanity Fair' reports that he's fixated on taking down Jeff Bezos, owner of 'Washington Post'

(Newser) - President Trump continued his attacks on Amazon Tuesday with a morning tweet again accusing the company of getting a sweetheart deal from the post office in regard to shipping. "I am right about Amazon costing the United States Post Office massive amounts of money for being their Delivery Boy,...

Sinclair's Local Anchors Decry Fake News Via Same Script

Broadcast outlet under fire for newsroom tactics and 'state media' tactics

(Newser) - Sinclair Broadcast Group owns a growing number of local TV stations across the US, and it's come under fire previously for newsroom tactics dictated by its Maryland headquarters. But criticism reached new heights over the weekend when Deadspin stitched together a video showing dozens of anchors reciting the same...

A Repeal of 2nd Amendment? Trump Weighs In

'NEVER,' president tweets after suggestion from retired Supreme Court justice

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday there's no chance the Second Amendment will ever be repealed and called on voters to elect more Republicans in this fall's congressional elections so the GOP can retain control of the Supreme Court. Trump's statements came a day after retired Supreme Court Justice...

Judge Has Some Twitter Advice for Trump to End Lawsuit

'Isn't the answer he just mutes the person he finds personally offensive?'

(Newser) - A judge recommended Thursday that President Trump mute rather than block some of his critics from following him on Twitter to resolve a First Amendment lawsuit, the AP reports. US District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald suggested a settlement as the preferred outcome after hearing lawyers argue whether it's constitutional...

Trump Threatens New Tariffs Against US Allies in Tweet

'We will simply apply a Tax on their Cars which freely pour into the U.S.'

(Newser) - A full-blown trade war is looking ever more likely with President Trump threatening US allies upset with the tariffs on steel and aluminum imports he announced just days earlier, USA Today reports. "If the E.U. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on U.S....

Trump Slams Washington Post for Running 'False Accusation'

Rachel Crooks retells her accusation about a forcible kiss, and president denies

(Newser) - One of the women who has accused Donald Trump of sexual misconduct retells her story in a front-page Washington Post feature that caught the attention of the president himself. "A woman I don't know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE...

Trump Blames Democrats for Failing to Protect Dreamers

But he threatened to veto bipartisan bill

(Newser) - Lawmakers had three chances to protect Dreamers from deportation in the form of three separate bills voted on by the Senate on Thursday. None passed , and President Trump laid the blame on Democrats on Friday, the Hill reports. "Cannot believe how BADLY DACA recipients have been treated by the...

Trump Tweets About Memo: 'This Is an American Disgrace!'

President claims memo 'totally vindicates' him in Russia probe

(Newser) - President Trump on Saturday claimed complete vindication from a congressional memo that alleges the FBI abused its surveillance powers during the investigation into his campaign's possible Russia ties, the AP reports. "This memo totally vindicates 'Trump' in probe," the president tweeted from Florida. "But the...

Trump's Newest Twitter Target: 'Sneaky' Dianne Feinstein

President blasts senator for releasing transcript of interview with Fusion GPS co-founder

(Newser) - President Trump lashed out at Sen. Dianne Feinstein for releasing the transcript of an interview with the co-founder of a political opposition firm that commissioned a dossier of allegations about Trump's presidential campaign and Russia. Trump called the California Democrat "Sneaky Dianne Feinstein" on Twitter Wednesday, the AP...

Trump Rolls Out New Nickname for Steve Bannon

He's now 'Sloppy Steve'

(Newser) - Steve Bannon's fall from grace is now complete: President Trump has given the former White House strategist a disparaging nickname, much as he did with "Crooked" Hillary Clinton and "Crazy" Bernie Sanders. In an angry tweet late Thursday, Trump blasted both "Sloppy" Steve Bannon and author...

Trump Announces 'Corrupt' Media Awards

President says 'most dishonest' outlets will be named Monday

(Newser) - The Golden Globes are Sunday, but President Trump has another awards ceremony he's promoting, one scheduled for the very next day. Trump took to Twitter Tuesday to announce, in all caps, the "most dishonest & corrupt media awards of the year," set for 5pm ET Monday. "...

Trump on Palestinian Authority: US Gets 'No Respect'

President threatens to cut off aid

(Newser) - Acknowledging his push to broker peace in the Middle East has stalled, President Trump appeared to threaten to cut off US aid money to the Palestinian Authority Tuesday, asking why the US should make "any of these massive future payments" when the Palestinians are "no longer willing to...

Trump&#39;s Take on Alabama: I Knew It
Trump's Take
on Alabama:
I Knew It

Trump's Take on Alabama: I Knew It

Tweets that he knew Roy Moore couldn't win

(Newser) - President Trump ended his night by congratulating Doug Jones, and began his morning by tweeting that he essentially knew Jones would be the victor. "The reason I originally endorsed Luther Strange (and his numbers went up mightily), is that I said Roy Moore will not be able to win...

Trump Tweets About Female Accusers
Trump Tweets
About Female

Trump Tweets About Female Accusers

'Fabricated stories of women who I don't know and/or have never met'

(Newser) - President Trump said nothing on the subject Monday as four out of at least a dozen women who've accused him of sexual misconduct reiterated their allegations and called on Congress to investigate their claims. That changed Tuesday, and followed Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's call on the president to resign,...

Trump Watches 4 Hours of TV a Day? 'Wrong!'

President disputes 'NYT' report

(Newser) - The New York Times over the weekend detailed President Trump's daily routine , and the paper painted television as a major part of it. Not so, declared Trump in a Monday morning tweet. The article characterized him as watching four to eight hours a day, though it noted the sound...

Trump Shares Far-Right Group's Anti-Muslim Videos

They came from Jayda Fransen, ultranationalist figure in Britain

(Newser) - President Trump had a busy morning on Twitter Wednesday, and his decision to retweet three anti-Muslim videos is making headlines not only in the US but in the UK. That's because the videos originated with an ultranationalist political figure in Britain named Jayda Fransen. The videos, here , here , and...

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