Angela Merkel

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Germany Bickers Over Obama Speech at Landmark

Dem wants backdrop of Brandenburg Gate

(Newser) - Barack Obama will be in Berlin in 2 weeks, and his campaign wants to stage a major speech at the Brandenburg Gate, the most famous symbol of German reunification. Berlin's mayor is keen on the idea, reports Der Spiegel, saying yesterday that he'd love Obama to address the public there....

Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix
 Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix 

Fashion, Politics Unlikely Mix

Carla Bruni's outfits something of an obsession, though there's a flip side

(Newser) - Move over, Hollywood—these days, fashion designers are dying to get their wares on a new kind of celebrity: politicians. The last time Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy visited London, Dior issued no fewer than five press releases on their outfits, and Louis Vuitton has even hired Mikhail Gorbachev as...

Oh Napoleon: Tiny Leaders Rule G8

Five don't pass the 5'6'' mark

(Newser) - The leaders at this week's G8 summit are all political big shots, but they're pretty diminutive face-to-face—five don't even make it past 5'6''. Russia's Dmitry Medvedev brings up the short end of the stick at 5'2'', and Canada's Stephen Harper is the only one to pass the 6' mark....

Bush Will Attend Beijing Opener

President dashes rights groups' hopes of an Olympic opening boycott

(Newser) - The White House has confirmed that President Bush will attend the opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics—and he's likely to have plenty of seats to choose from in the VIP box, reports the New York Times. Brit Prime Minister Gordon Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will not be...

Germany Pledges Billions for Rainforest Protection

Funds tripled by 2012, add $785M a year after

(Newser) - Germany will spend billions of euros protecting tropical rainforests in an effort to halt global warming. Chancellor Angela Merkel said today at the United Nations' biodiversity conference that Germany will increase its funding for the conservation of rainforests from $330 million to $1.1 billion in the next three years...

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left
West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

Conservatives taking a more moderate tack in face of unfriendly world

(Newser) - There’s a distinct leftward tilt rippling across the western world, Gabor Steingart observes in Der Spiegel. From John McCain to England’s David Cameron to Germany’s Angela Merkel, conservative leaders are softening up and drifting toward the middle. To see why, one needs only look at three of...

Chavez Ties Merkel to Hitler
 Chavez Ties Merkel to Hitler 

Chavez Ties Merkel to Hitler

Venezuelan fires back after German chancellor advises neighbors to keep distance

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez fired back at Angela Merkel after the German leader suggested Latin American countries should be wary of ties to Venezuela. "She is from the German right," he said yesterday, "the same that supported Hitler, that supported fascism, that's the Chancellor of Germany."

Slow Down! Autobahn Hits a Limit

Germany rolls out first 75mph speed limit

(Newser) - The German autobahn is one of the world's last stretches of open road where a driver can learn how it feels to coax a Porsche to 200 mph and beyond—legally. But those days are numbered. the German state of Bremen has imposed a 75 mph speed limit and others...

Merkel Will Skip Olympics
Merkel Will
Skip Olympics

Merkel Will Skip Olympics

German chancellor says she's not protesting, but Czech and Polish leaders are

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other top German officials won't be going to the Beijing Olympics, the Guardian reports, joining Polish and Czech leaders who have pledged to stay away. But while Polish PM Donald Tusk and Czech President Vaclav Klaus said they'll be boycotting the opening ceremony to protest...

German Press Criticizes Merkel's Palestinian Snub

Papers praise leader's Holocaust treatment, but level accusations of bias

(Newser) - The German press is praising Chancellor Angela Merkel’s historic visit to Israel and her diplomatic handling of the two countries' shared history, Der Spiegel reports. But Merkel has also been chastised by commentators who feel her focus on German-Israeli unity in remarks yesterday to Israel's parliament gives the impression...

Merkel Addresses Knesset
Merkel Addresses Knesset

Merkel Addresses Knesset

German chancellor speaks to lawmakers of Holocaust 'shame'

(Newser) - Angela Merkel addressed the Knesset today, speaking to Israel's parliament about Germany's shame over the Holocaust. "I bow to the victims. I bow to all those who helped the survivors," said the chancellor. Five MPs boycotted to protest the speaking of German in the legislative chamber, but Merkel...

Merkel Holds Cabinet Meeting in Jerusalem

German celebrates Israeli statehood with 3-day trip

(Newser) - When Angela Merkel holds her weekly cabinet meeting today, it will meet not in Berlin but in Jerusalem—a special gesture to mark the 60th anniversary of Israeli statehood. Only a few decades ago Israelis marched in protest when the country welcomed its first German ambassador, but now the chancellor...

Merkel Crushes Sarkozy's Plans for 'Club Med'

German opposition forces reversal on Mediterranean Union

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy has been forced to abandon his proposal for what detractors have called a French-led Club Med—a Mediterranean Union of southern European, Middle Eastern, and North African states—under fierce opposition from Germany. Angela Merkel has been a consistent opponent of the scheme, and she threatened a boycott...

Paris-Berlin Relations Turn Sour
Paris-Berlin Relations Turn Sour

Paris-Berlin Relations Turn Sour

Tempers fraying in Merkel's camp after 2 high-level cancellations

(Newser) - Only a week after Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel called off a scheduled meeting, France and Germany's finance ministers canceled their own summit yesterday, reports AFP. While nobody wants to say that the leaders of Europe's two largest countries are getting testy with each other, disagreements over economic policy and...

Foes Mobilize to Block Blair as First Euro Prez

Iron support for US still rankles

(Newser) - Stiff opposition is mounting against the possibility of former British prime minister Tony Blair being named the first president of Europe. A "Stop Blair" website has been launched, and a cross-party caucus in the European parliament is forming to campaign against him. A new treaty about to be ratified...

Blair Eyes Role as Europe's First President

Ex-British PM wants post to have strong say on defense, trade

(Newser) - Tony Blair is angling to become Europe’s first president, the Guardian reports, but the former British PM wants to be assured the EU’s new top job will come with real authority on defense and trade. Blair, currently the Mideast envoy for the US, EU, UN, and Russia, has...

Germany Balks at US Request for Troop Help

Call for reinforcements in southern Afghanistan outside 'point of focus'

(Newser) - Germany has rejected a request from US defense secretary Robert Gates for more troops to fight the Taliban insurgency in southern Afghanistan, Der Spiegel reports. German defense minister Franz Josef Jung prefers his troops remain in the country's north, in accordance with Germany's Afghanistan mandate—which says troops will only...

Both Parties Claim Victory in Key German Election

Merkel gains as premier takes drubbing

(Newser) - Two days after an ugly campaign in the German state of Hesse ended with voting for a new premier, both sides are claiming victory in the bellwether contest. Roland Koch, the hard-right incumbent and the CDU's de facto No. 2, obtained only a 0.1% majority—a dismal performance for...

Immigrants Fire Back at Xenophobic Campaign*

*In Germany

(Newser) - Germany’s immigrants are fed up with Roland Koch, whose bid for reelection as governor of the state of Hesse is exacerbating racial tensions, Der Spiegel reports. Koch seized upon a December subway beating to blast "criminal young foreigners," and the rhetoric quickly escalated to anti-immigrant rant, portraying...

Merkel Trades Compromise For Hard Line

Chancellor backs right-wing colleague in strategy shift

(Newser) - Ahead of a regional election later this month, Angela Merkel has left behind the conciliatory tone of her first 2 years and come out swinging. The German chancellor gave her strongest backing to the minister-president of Hesse, who is running for reelection on a harsh anti-immigrant platform. In an interview...

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