Angela Merkel

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Blair's Path to EU Helm Grows Clearer
Blair's Path
to EU Helm
Grows Clearer

Blair's Path to EU Helm Grows Clearer

If Irish approve Lisbon treaty, ex-PM in line for newly created position

(Newser) - If Ireland votes yes on the Lisbon treaty, officially creating the role of EU president, Tony Blair is looking more and more like the man for the job. Not that the former UK prime minister has publicly expressed any interest—he's remained tactfully silent—but he has pockets of support...

Merkel in Her Undies Drives Berliners Wild

Berliners fascinated by provocative billboard

(Newser) - A striking new ad featuring a drawing of Angela Merkel wearing only underwear has attracted the fascination of Berlin residents, the Local reports. Placed prominently in a busy shopping district, the billboard depicts Merkel with other figures from German politics—also in their skivvies—looking on. "The chancellor's office...

G20 Leaders Close to Deal
 G20 Leaders Close to Deal 

G20 Leaders Close to Deal

French, German demands for regulation are final sticking point

(Newser) - G20 leaders have nearly completed an agreement to confront the global financial crisis, reports the Times of London. Gordon Brown opened the summit by saying that the draft communique already prepared reflected "a high degree of consensus between us." The British PM said that the leaders needed to...

Merkel Emerges as Obama's Main Rival

German chancellor emphasizes friendship, but opposes stimulus

(Newser) - Angela Merkel stresses that she is a friend of the United States and wants Washington to play "a strong role in the world"—but ahead of the G20 summit this week, the German chancellor has emerged as the strongest and most unwavering opponent of Barack Obama's call for...

Obama: G20 Will Prepare World for Recovery

Upbeat prez dismisses rift with Europe over need for stimulus

(Newser) - Barack Obama voiced optimism for a global deal at this week's G20 summit in London and downplayed talk of a split between the US and Europe, in his first interview with a foreign publication, the Financial Times. Saying that "we need stimulus and we need regulation," the president...

Safety Nets Help Europe Resist Stimulus
Safety Nets
Help Europe
Resist Stimulus

Safety Nets Help Europe Resist Stimulus

Protections for workers put in place long ago may lessen the need

(Newser) - Ahead of next week's G20 summit, the US and Europe are engaged in a major dispute over the best way to end the global recession: Washington wants more stimulus, while Germany and other EU nations say they've done enough. One overlooked factor in the debate, writes Nicholas Kulish in...

Leaders Warn of Economic 'Iron Curtain'

Eastern Europe melts down, but Western leaders refuse bailout

(Newser) - EU leaders meeting in Brussels yesterday rejected a Hungarian-led effort to bail out the faltering economies of Eastern Europe, leading to apocalyptic warnings of an economic "Iron Curtain," with millions of unemployed workers heading west. Countries from the Baltic states to Poland and Romania have seen their once-booming...

Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out
Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out

Pope's Bro to Merkel: Chill Out

Ratzinger says German leader's call for pontiff to clarify Holocaust stance is 'irrational'

(Newser) - The pope’s brother today criticized Angela Merkel for demanding that Benedict XVI restate his views on the Holocaust amid the controversy over a reinstated priest, the Times of London reports. “I always saw her as a rational woman,” Georg Ratzinger—himself a Catholic priest—said of the...

Vatican Demands Holocaust Denier Recant

(Newser) - The Vatican has demanded that Bishop Richard Williamson, a Holocaust denier who was recently un-excommunicated, recant his views in order to serve in the Catholic Church, the BBC reports. Williamson was excommunicated 20 years ago for a separate transgression. The Church said the pope was unaware of his contrarian stance...

Merkel's Party Wins Big in German Election

Left decimated as chancellor gets a boost ahead of national vote

(Newser) - The right-wing party of Angela Merkel came out on top in a closely watched German state election last night, giving the chancellor a major boost ahead of a federal election later this year. In Hesse, home to the financial powerhouse Frankfurt, right-wing premier Roland Koch won a new mandate, while...

French-German Relations Cool Ahead of EU Summit

France, Germany, UK clash over handling recession

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy began his six-month European Union presidency by quibbling with Germany, and he appears to be ending his term the same way, Bloomberg reports. Half a year after clashing with German Chancellor Angela Merkel over a Mediterranean alliance, Sarkozy shrugged off the traditional France-Germany pre-summit chat and...

Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs
Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs

Crisis Separates the Champs From the Boobs

Brown and Sarkozy shine while Bush stalls, says columnist

(Newser) - The financial crisis hasn't just transformed the business world, writes Financial Times columnist Gideon Rachman; it's transformed world politics as well. Who are the winners and losers of the market upheaval?
  • Gordon Brown seems more and more the "improbable savior" of the financial system. The British bailout has been

Euro Nations Agree to Snap Up Bank Shares

(Newser) - European leaders emerged from a summit in Paris today and echoed the latest from Washington and London: It's time to buy up the banks, the New York Times reports. None of the 15 nations named an official price, but Germany and France will roll out plans tomorrow to buy equity...

Germany Ups Afghan Force, Debates Talking to Taliban

Negotiation with radicals seems necessary, but Karzai's not the man for the job

(Newser) - Germany’s government decided today to send 1,000 more troops to Afghanistan and to keep its forces there for 14 more months, Der Spiegel reports. But as Angela Merkel’s government recommits to the fight, the German press argues over whether a radical change in strategy—including diplomatic engagement...

Euros Eat Their Words as Own Bailouts Loom

A week after ripping US for crisis, dismissing need for own plan, Brown et al. retool

(Newser) - European leaders are eating their words a week after criticizing the US for allowing its banks to run dry and engineering a system-wide bailout for financial firms, Bloomberg reports. Governments across Europe, including Germany, the UK, Belgium and France bailed out banks across the continent and pledged support for others...

German Opposition Leader Quits
German Opposition Leader Quits

German Opposition Leader Quits

Party had tapped rival foreign minister to challenge Merkel

(Newser) - The leader of Germany's Social Democrats has resigned after the party leaked that it had chosen another leader to face Angela Merkel in next year's general election, reports Der Spiegel. The party's candidate will be Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the current foreign minister in Merkel's grand coalition government. Kurt Beck, who has...

West to Put Screws to Russia
 West to Put Screws to Russia

West to Put Screws to Russia

New fury at Russia's formal recognition of breakaway states

(Newser) - The West is preparing to crank up diplomatic pressure on Russia after its challenging move formally recognizing breakaway Ossetia and Abkhazia in the wake of its invasion of Georgia. The US, Europe and NATO have condemned the action, but Russia remains defiant. "We are not afraid of anything, including...

Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks
 Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks

Germany Is Crux of Russia Talks

Merkel could be valuable go-between

(Newser) - A fretful Eastern Europe is hoping Germany can play a key diplomatic role in its stare-down with Russia, the New York Times reports. Until recently, relations between Moscow and Berlin were too cozy for the Caucasus’ tastes, but East German-born Angela Merkel has distanced herself from Russia just enough to...

Rice Arrives in Georgia
 Rice Arrives in Georgia

Rice Arrives in Georgia

American, European diplomats push to get Russian troops out

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice arrived in Tbilisi today, where she said her immediate goal was to get Russian troops out of Georgia. The secretary of state stopped over in France to meet with Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president who brokered a ceasefire that Moscow has flouted. Rice's trip follows an American airlift...

Obama in Berlin Ahead of Speech

Candidate meets Angela Merkel before public address

(Newser) - Barack Obama arrived in Berlin this morning, where he met Angela Merkel at the German chancellery ahead of a major speech this evening. The Europe leg of the candidate's tour followed an early-morning stop at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Obama will speak to the chancellor and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, her...

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