Angela Merkel

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Bush Warms to Global Warming
Bush Warms to Global Warming

Bush Warms to Global Warming

The president looks to lead on climate change, in his own way

(Newser) - Aiming to polish his legacy, President Bush is mulling new climate policy that may include mandatory emissions caps, the Washington Post reports. The Post tracks his evolution from climate skeptic to advocate of higher fuel efficiency and a $37 billion investment in alternative fuels—although critics remain dubious of a...

Defiant African Leaders Reject EU Trade Deal

Relations between continents sour over human rights, Mugabe

(Newser) - European-African trade talks at a tense Lisbon summit collapsed in their final session yesterday. If a new agreement isn’t reached by year’s end, the European Union may levy higher tariffs on African exports, further exacerbating tensions between the continents. A new, controversial set of agreements would have dropped...

Germany Rips African Ruler at Trade Talks

Calls human rights in Zimbabwe 'damaging' to Africa's image

(Newser) - Germany blasted Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe today as the EU began a historic trade summit with Africa, Reuters reports. Mugabe listened as German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared Zimbabwe’s human rights crisis “damaging the image of the new Africa.” Such issues loom on the first day of the...

Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran
Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran

Merkel, Sarko Keep Heat on Iran

Partners insist sanctions are still possible despite new intelligence

(Newser) - Angela Merkel joined Nicolas Sarkozy yesterday in reaffirming their hard line on Iran's nuclear program despite the new American intelligence assessment that weapons development was halted in 2003. "I don't see why we should renounce sanctions," said the French president at a joint press conference in Paris, with...

Merkel's Grand Coalition Hits a Rocky Patch

Her No. 2 gone, can chancellor hold government together?

(Newser) - On the second anniversary of her taking office, the German media reports on new troubles for Angela Merkel's increasingly fractious grand coalition, which has two years to go but seems unlikely to push through the difficult reforms the chancellor promised. With last week's resignation of Franz Müntefering, the government's...

Strikes Hit German Commuters
Strikes Hit German Commuters

Strikes Hit German Commuters

Train worker walk out in third day; negotiations at a standstill

(Newser) - France isn't the only country suffering a railway strike this week. In Germany, millions of commuters are stranded as a dispute over pay hikes enters its third day. The strike, which began on freight services, has now expanded to commuter trains, reports the Telegraph. It's the most serious strike in...

Bush, Merkel Meet in the Middle
Bush, Merkel Meet in the Middle

Bush, Merkel Meet in the Middle

US supports Iran diplomacy; Germany agrees on sanctions

(Newser) - Bush vowed to play nice with Iran today and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed to mull more sanctions despite resistance to the notion in Germany, the BBC reports. Facing reporters on Bush's Texas ranch, the president backed diplomacy as a way to thwart Iran's nuke program. "We will continue...

Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages
Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages

Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages

Latest welcome for Tibetan exile new blow to China

(Newser) - Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper rolled out the red carpet for the Dalai Lama yesterday, provoking the wrath of the Chinese government. The two men exchanged traditional white Tibetan silk scarves, with Harper's gift to his guest embroidered with the Canadian maple leaf. The Chinese are furious over the attention...

Dalai Visits Germany; China Irked
Dalai Visits Germany; China Irked

Dalai Visits Germany; China Irked

Beijing responds: calls off German trade talks

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet today with the Dalai Lama, even as China responded by canceling meetings in Munich. The Chinese government, which governs Tibet, derided the meeting as part of the Dalai Lama's agenda to promote Tibetan independence. BBC reports the Germans were unmoved: "The meeting will...

US Agencies Aided German Terror Probe

Capture of suspects in bomb plot a joint effort with the CIA

(Newser) - The CIA and NSA played a marquee role in last week’s capture of three men suspected of planning major terror attacks in Germany. For several months, Angela Merkel’s chief of staff held a weekly meeting about the plotters, Der Spiegel reports, and the cooperation was so significant that...

Sarkozy-Merkel, Les Meilleurs Ennemis
Sarkozy-Merkel, Les Meilleurs Ennemis

Sarkozy-Merkel, Les Meilleurs Ennemis

Europe's No. 1 couple smile for the cameras, but tension mounts

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy traveled to Berlin yesterday, but Der Spiegel reports that the famed Franco-German alliance at the heart of Europe is under strain. Sarkozy has annoyed Angela Merkel with everything from the EU Reform Treaty to his wife's Libyan exploits. But Merkel is hardly an amie: from energy to finance,...

Europe Yawns Over US Election
Europe Yawns Over US Election

Europe Yawns Over US Election

Not convinced trans-Atlantic ties will improve

(Newser) - The next occupant of the Oval Office will not improve damaged US-European relationships, said almost half of Europeans in a recent poll. In an opinion not reflected by leaders like Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, only 35% said relations would improve, while 46% said they would not. A study sponsor...

Chinese Military Hackers Hit London, Too

A day after Pentagon denial, evidence of cyberattacks in Europe

(Newser) - A day after Beijing denied that Chinese hackers had infiltrated the Pentagon's computer network, the Guardian leads with a story that "cyberwarriors" have targeted British defense and diplomatic ministries. The hackers, believed to be working for the People's Liberation Army, have also directed attacks at American and German government...

A Woman's Place Is in ... Charge
A Woman's Place Is
in ... Charge

A Woman's Place Is in ... Charge

Forbes ' most powerful rise to the top of politics, industry

(Newser) - Forbes names the 100 most powerful women in the world, putting Oprah one spot south of Ruth Bader Ginsburg—and placing Meredith Vieira ahead of Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer. The top 10:
  1. German chancellor Angela Merkel
  2. Chinese vice premier Wu Yi
  3. Temasek Holdings chief executive Ho Ching
  4. Condoleezza Rice

Germany Furious Over Chinese Spy Hackers

Berlin government computers infected with espionage programs

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel kicked off her Chinese summit today amid highly charged reports in der Spiegel that the Chinese have been spying on the German government by hacking into computers in several German ministries. Scores of official computers are said to have been infected with spyware concealed in PowerPoint...

After Two Years, Merkel's Still Honeymooning

German chancellor's mid-term approval rating is record 76%

(Newser) - Better than halfway through her first term as Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel is more popular than ever, Der Spiegel reports, with an impressive 76% approval rating. Her hardworking image has gotten boosts from solid diplomacy and good domestic luck, with reforms put in place by the previous government now paying...

Sarkozy and Merkel Face Off
Sarkozy and Merkel Face Off

Sarkozy and Merkel Face Off

Two ambitious heads of state struggle for European dominance

(Newser) - French president Nicolas Sarkozy is stepping up to challenge German chancellor Angela Merkel for the leadership of Europe, Der Spiegel reports, and the result  will be first-rate political spectacle. The two alpha heads of state, who met today in Toulouse, have very different styles: Merkel is restrained and accute; Sarkozy...

Germany Weighs Civil Liberties Against Security

New world order prompts government, society to reevaluate

(Newser) - Sensing a growing threat from Islamic terrorists, Germany's top security official is pushing for new measures to monitor suspects and deal with attacks, the Times reports. But the interior minister's moves have ignited a firestorm of controversy in a country overly familiar with authoritarian rule. Chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed...

Portugal May Break Ban, Invite Mugabe

New head of EU wants Africans at upcoming summit

(Newser) - Portugal has provoked a firestorm by proposing to invite Robert Mugabe to an upcoming summit of European and African nations, despite an EU ban prohibiting the Zimbabwean dictator from traveling on the Continent. The African Union insists all its members be treated equally, and EU refusal to invite Mugabe at...

EU Leaders OK New Treaty
EU Leaders OK New Treaty

EU Leaders OK New Treaty

Brussels summit ends with hard-won deal to replace failed constitution

(Newser) - EU negotiators pulled an all-nighter and the German chancellor played a risky game of chicken with Poland en route to reaching an agreement on a treaty that will govern the 27-nation body. The deal resurrects much of the ill-fated 2005 constitution while streamlining bureaucracy and introducing a top foreign-policy position...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>