mobile devices

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Have an AT&T Unlimited Plan? Not Anymore

Grandfathered in, you say? Well you're now capped at 3GB

(Newser) - Amid growing controversy over data "throttling" —in which smartphone users on so-called unlimited data plans risked seeing their speeds slowed dramatically—AT&T is taking a simple step: It's effectively ending unlimited data. The company is setting a cap of three gigabytes' usage, beyond which "unlimited"...

Google Glasses Will Push Info to Your Eyes

Forget reaching for your smartphone

(Newser) - By the end of this year, you won't have to pull out your smartphone for directions while walking down the street: The information will be displayed directly in front of your very eyes, if you buy a pair of the glasses Google is developing. The Android-based glasses, which will...

AT&T Customers Stunned by 'Unlimited Data' Limit

Top data users find smartphones 'throttled'

(Newser) - AT&T stopped offering unlimited data plans in 2010, but some of the customers who already had the plans are finding "unlimited" doesn't necessarily mean what they thought it meant. AT&T has started "throttling" the top 5% of data users, cutting their download speeds by up...

Nokia Posts $1.4B Loss in 4th Quarter

But sales of Windows smartphones are meeting expectations

(Newser) - Mobile phone maker Nokia Corp. today posted a fourth-quarter net loss of $1.4 billion as sales slumped 21% even as the company's first Windows smartphones hit markets in Europe and Asia. The loss compares with a profit of $981 million in the same period a year earlier. Nokia...

Top 1% of Mobile Addicts Use Half the Bandwidth

And the gap is growing, new report finds

(Newser) - The most voracious mobile users are hogging the majority of the world's mobile broadband traffic—and the gap between them and non-power users is growing, according to a new report. Arieso, an English company that advises mobile operators, believes that the top 10% of mobile users generate 90% of...

Scary New Problem: Distracted Doctoring

'NYT' reports on terrifying trend

(Newser) - It’s one thing to be distracted by your smartphone at the dinner table; it’s another thing entirely when you’re performing surgery. The New York Times reports on a disturbing trend it calls "distracted doctoring," explaining that thanks to the increased use of devices including smartphones...

You Don&#39;t Want to Know What&#39;s on Your Cellphone
You Don't Want to Know What's on Your Cellphone
in case you missed it

You Don't Want to Know What's on Your Cellphone

There's a good chance it's fecal matter: study

(Newser) - If you’re reading this on your smartphone, you might want to go wash your hands now: A new study out of London finds that one out of six cellphones has fecal matter on it. UK researchers swabbed 390 mobile phones and the British hands that used them, and found...

Wireless Devices Officially Outnumber People in US

Why? Because many of us need a phone and a tablet

(Newser) - For every person, a mobile device … or two. In the United States, wireless devices now outnumber people, according to a new survey by trade group CTIA. That’s possible because so many people own more than one such device, for example a smartphone and a tablet. There are now...

Devices Spy on You 24 Hours a Day

Personal data sells for billions of dollars

(Newser) - Companies are observing nearly every move you make and selling your personal data for billions of dollars—and Washington appears helpless to stop them, the Los Angeles Times reports. Whether it's your smart phone, cable box, Facebook page, or video game, devices are amassing reams of data on your...

Amazon CEO's Latest Idea: Cellphone Airbags

Jeff Bezos files patent application for phone protection system

(Newser) - Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' next big idea is one for the klutzes of the world: cellphone airbags. According to a patent application obtained by Geekwire, the bags would deploy if the phone sensed, using radar, that it was falling (say, out of your pocket, where you really shouldn't keep...

iPad and Android: Mobile Workers Toil 30 More Days a Year

 Mobile Workers Toil 
 30 More Days a Year 
study says

Mobile Workers Toil 30 More Days a Year

Are tablet PCs to blame?

(Newser) - If you work on the go, you’re doing an extra 30 days’ work a year, a study finds. That may be thanks to tablet computers: Some 41% of mobile workers own a tablet PC, and another 34% have plans to get one within 6 months, finds another study. That’...

Introducing the PaperPhone
 Introducing the PaperPhone 

Introducing the PaperPhone

New phone is just millimeters thick

(Newser) - Just when you thought it didn't get any cooler than an iPhone, here comes the PaperPhone. Researchers from the E-Ink Corporation teamed with two universities to create the flexible phone made from electronic paper, the Daily Telegraph reports. Users control the phone by bending it, writing on it, or...

Google App Would ID Faces, Dish Out Personal Info

Search giant being 'extra careful' amid privacy concerns

(Newser) - Imagine this: You're sitting in a cafe. Someone snaps a photo of you on their cell. An app matches your face with your name. Said photographer suddenly knows who you are ... and maybe even your phone number and email. Google is reportedly developing just such a a facial-recognition mobile app,...

Smartphone Market Squashes PC Market

It's official: In Q4, 101M smartphones, 92M computers shipped

(Newser) - They’ve only been around for a few years, but smartphones have officially demoted personal computers to No. 2. More smartphones than PCs were shipped in Q4 of 2010—a total of 101 million smartphones, to be exact, up 87% from a year earlier, according to the market researcher. Meanwhile,...

Booming iPad Stunts PC Shipments
Booming iPad
Stunts PC Shipments

Booming iPad Stunts PC Shipments

Personal computer shipments not growing as anticipated

(Newser) - Is the era of personal computers really ending ? New figures seem to support the idea: Shipments of PCs slowed last quarter, thanks mostly to, yes, the iPad. Total worldwide shipments increased 2.7%, says one report released yesterday; another puts the growth at 3.1%. Both numbers are slower...

Mount Everest Gets 3G Coverage

It's the highest mobile network base station

(Newser) - Can you hear me now? Ambitious climbers can now theoretically check their email from the top of the world, because new 3G mobile network service station was installed at the base of Mount Everest yesterday, CNN reports. At an altitude of 17,000 feet, it’s the highest such base...

Your Smartphone Is Full of Germs

More germs than a toilet handle, in fact

(Newser) - Your smartphone is dirtier than the toilet flush handle in a men’s restroom—18 times dirtier, to be exact. A new study shows that “personal touch-screen devices” are one of the best places to pick up germs, joining other fomites (frequently handled objects) that often spread illness, like...

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones
 Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones 

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones

We use them for texting, not calling

(Newser) - The age of texting is upon us—and it’s not just for teens anymore. Sure, the average 13- to 17-year-old sends and receives an insane 3,339 texts per month, but 45- to 54-year-olds are catching up with an average of 323 per month—a 75% increase from just...

Top Countries, Pages, and Other Surprising Facebook Stats
 Top Countries, Pages, 
 and Other Surprising  
 Facebook Stats 


Top Countries, Pages, and Other Surprising Facebook Stats

Average users has 130 friends, spends 55 minutes a day

(Newser) - Facebook's runaway growth is well documented, but some details still wow, and some are quite odd. Website Monitoring takes a look at the salient facts.
  • Popularity: The US has the most active users, but 70% of Facebookers are international. Sure, the UK comes in at No. 2, but No. 3

AT&T Offers $150 Fix for Patchy Coverage

3G MicroCell is like a mini cell tower

(Newser) - AT&T knows its cellular and 3G service isn’t quite up to par, and it’s going to help you fix it—for $150. Enter the 3G MicroCell, a sort of miniature cell tower. The so-called “femtocell” uses your home or business broadband connection to beam out a...

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