mobile devices

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Petition Gets Obama to Back Unlocking Cell Phones

FCC backs legal unlocking, too

(Newser) - It now takes 100,000 signatures to get an official White House response to a We the People petition—and angry cell phone users got more than 114,000 after it became illegal to unlock your cell phone on Jan. 26. That's the day the Librarian of Congress ruled...

Tomorrow: National Day of Unplugging

Time to turn off the smartphones—and everything else

(Newser) - Feeling the stress of being plugged in and available 24 hours a day, every day? Tomorrow is an opportunity to take a break from all that. Starting at sundown today—in accordance with the Jewish Sabbath—thousands of Americans are set to shut down their gadgets (yes, all of them)...

Public Gets Look at 'Google Glass'

And its first chance to be part of a limited beta test

(Newser) - Google gave the public its first taste of how it would feel to strap on its much-anticipated digital glasses , releasing photos and a video showing off the system's capabilities and user interface. Users are shown taking video and photos, performing searches, and overlaying directions, weather, and flight info over...

Google Is Building a Private Wireless Network at HQ

Which makes some wonder what it's up to

(Newser) - Google is creating its own, experimental wireless network for its headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., leaving tech watchers wondering what it's up to. Last week Google asked the FCC for permission to set up an "experimental radio service" within a two-mile radius of its headquarters, using frequencies incompatible...

Intel Working on Power Chip for Phones

48-core processor could make them main computers

(Newser) - Imagine if your smartphone could run multiple power-intensive apps without draining the battery or slowing everything down. Expect it in coming years if Intel is able to develop its 48-core processor chip for smartphones and tablets, reports Computer World . The chip would allow multiple cores (think of them like powerhouses)...

Yes, Cellphone Addiction Is a Real Thing

And should be taken as seriously as other addictions: Dr. Keith Ablow

(Newser) - If you heard that someone was being treated for nomophobia—basically, the fear of being without their mobile device—you might be tempted to laugh. But you shouldn't, writes Dr. Keith Ablow on Fox News . A cellphone addiction is just like an addiction to drugs or alcohol and should...

Toys 'R' Us Launching Tablet for Kids

Tabeo on sale Oct. 21

(Newser) - Toys 'R' Us is struggling, and in a bid to remain competitive, the toy giant is introducing its own proprietary tablet for kids this fall. The $149.99 Tabeo runs on Android and includes 50 pre-loaded apps such as Angry Birds, the Wall Street Journal reports. The tablet, which...

Restaurant Will Pay Patrons Who Ditch Phones at Door

Customers get 5% discount for not using cell phones

(Newser) - A Los Angeles restaurant owner is sick of seeing customers spend more time with their cell phones than their dinner companions … so he's offering a cheaper meal to anyone willing to put the phone down. Patrons who check their phones at the door of Eva Restaurant get a...

Kucinich Wants Warning Labels on Cell Phones

Congressman introduces law regarding radiation dangers

(Newser) - If Dennis Kucinich has his way, your next cell phone could come with a warning label informing you that it may expose you to radiation. The congressman introduced a federal law yesterday called the Cell Phone Right to Know Act, which would require the warning labels, create a research program...

Now Silicon Valley Warns of Device Addiction

Take a break from iPhones, iPads, tech leaders warn

(Newser) - You'd think those who work in Silicon Valley, of all places, would want you to be utterly dependent upon your smartphones and tablets—but increasingly, those in the tech industry are actually worried about users' growing addiction to their devices. People "need to notice the effect that time...

Galaxy Phones Ring in $5.9B Profit for Samsung

Profits expected to keep climbing, but company hedges on Europe

(Newser) - Thanks to the Galaxy S III smartphone's very warm reception, Samsung's profits last quarter climbed 14.5% to a record $5.9 billion, reports Reuters . But because of worry over the euro, which has fallen 5% versus the South Korean won since April, the company remains guarded, working...

BlackBerry&#39;s Last Hope: Windows

 Last Hope: 
Farhad Manjoo

BlackBerry's Last Hope: Windows

Farhad Manjoo thinks an alliance is RIM's only chance

(Newser) - Research in Motion's latest earnings report was such a train wreck that just looking felt wrong. "If you're betting that RIM's toast, you're probably right," writes Farhad Manjoo of Slate . Its grasps for the consumer market have failed utterly, "and it's obvious...

80% of Workers Tied to Job&mdash;at Home
 80% of Workers 
 Tied to Job—at Home 

80% of Workers Tied to Job—at Home

Extra time adds up to nearly an extra work day per week

(Newser) - Mobile devices are keeping huge numbers of workers chained to the office in their downtime, according to a study by Good Technology . Some 80% of workers polled by the company said they kept working after leaving the office mainly by answering calls and emails, and half of those said they...

Suck It, Siri: 'Google Now' Puts You to Shame

Steve Kovach says Android voice assistant better at 'pretty much everything'

(Newser) - Disappointed with Siri? Well, maybe you should ditch your fancy iPhone, because the upcoming Google Now "is a lot more impressive," writes Steve Kovach of Business Insider . After using Google Now for a few days, he's concluded that it "fills in all the gaps left by...

Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone
 Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone 

Happy 5th Birthday, iPhone

There was a time (2007) when the ubiquitous device did not exist

(Newser) - On June 29, 2007, the first iPhones were sold. This week marks the five-year anniversary of the iconic Apple device, and the tributes are pouring in:
  • In Business Insider , Henry Blodget "gawk[s] in awe at how it has changed the world." Let's see, not only has it

Being a &#39;Screen Slave&#39; Will Mess Up Your Back
Being a 'Screen Slave'
Will Mess Up Your Back
study says

Being a 'Screen Slave' Will Mess Up Your Back

And your neck, too, warns physiotherapists' group

(Newser) - Perhaps you heaved a huge sigh of relief when you heard that your cellphone probably isn't giving you cancer , but we have bad news for you: Spending all day staring at a smartphone, tablet, or laptop is still harmful to your health. A new study by the Chartered Society...

Verizon&#39;s New Plans? &#39;Crummy&#39; for Consumers

 Verizon's New Plans? 
 'Crummy' for Consumers 
reaction roundup

Verizon's New Plans? 'Crummy' for Consumers

Critics agree: You won't like these new family plans

(Newser) - Verizon yesterday unveiled its new "Share Everything" plans, in which families will share one data allowance on a family plan rather than each member having his or her own data allowance on separate plans. Despite the fact that Verizon is touting this as a money-saving opportunity for families, critics...

BlackBerry Maker In Freefall

RIM warns that it's going to lose money again this quarter

(Newser) - Research in Motion shares plummeted almost 8% in pre-market trading today, after the BlackBerry maker warned that it would lose money for the second straight quarter thanks to ever-dwindling sales. Analysts had been slashing their estimates on BlackBerry, but all assumed it would at least be profitable, the Wall Street ...

Hey Kids: This Summer, Ditch the Gadgets

Yale professor warns against becoming a 'click-vegetable'

(Newser) - The Internet and iPads and smartphones are great for adults—but we need to take a hard look at what they're doing to our kids, warns a computer science professor at Yale. It may be tempting to let them sit down with an iPad come June, but such technology...

Facebook, Google Could Fall Apart
 Facebook, Google 
 Could Fall Apart 

Facebook, Google Could Fall Apart

Eric Jackson says the web's top companies never seem to last

(Newser) - Right now, Google and Facebook seem invincible, but in five to eight years they could well be gone, argues Eric Jackson in Forbes . "Not bankrupt gone, but MySpace gone." After all, it's happened to loads of web giants before them. The more you look at the Internet,...

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