mobile devices

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1 in 3 Fear Being 'One of Those iPhone People'

But though some find it 'dangerously alluring,' most 'love' gadget

(Newser) - It's “dangerously alluring,” but the iPhone makes most Stanford students so giddy that they don’t really care. About a third of respondents in a recent study said they worried about becoming addicted to the gadget. But the torrid affair is far from over—roughly three-quarters said that...

Smartphones Block Out Real World

Fathers, lovers, etc. lost in omnipresent gratification of data

(Newser) - Once upon a time, a professor says, we “put up” with the piecemeal flow of information “because we had to,” but now that the world is at our fingertips, it’s hard to resist. Just ask the dad who let a bathtub holding his daughter overflow because...

Apple Pulls Sexy iPhone Apps

 Apple Pulls Sexy iPhone Apps 

Apple Pulls Sexy iPhone Apps

Evidence of systemwide effort to rid App Store of explicit material

(Newser) - Apple appears to be cracking down on sexually explicit applications for sale in its App Store as one and then another racy app becomes unavailable. TechCrunch has what a developer says is an email describing the decision to pull his program. “We have decided to remove any overtly sexual...

New for BlackBerry: Kindle App
 New for BlackBerry: Kindle App 

New for BlackBerry: Kindle App

App works similarly to popular iPhone version, but no annotations

(Newser) - BlackBerry users no longer have to look longingly at others reading e-books on their Kindles or iPhones, as Amazon today released an e-reader app for their device. After the iPhone app launched last year, an exec tells CNET , “customers have been asking us to bring a similar experience to...

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations
 Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations 
haiti earthquake

Red Cross Pulls in $8M In Text Message Donations

Relief agency says it can handle more cash for earthquake aid

(Newser) - Text messaging has proven to be a wildly popular method of donating to the relief effort in Haiti. As of 8:25 this morning, the Red Cross had pulled in more than $8 million through text messages, Fox News reports. That’s the most mobile donations “that we have...

Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer
Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer
Farhad Manjoo

Why Google Phone Won't Be a Game Changer

Platform-exclusive features just aren't in the company's DNA

(Newser) - The Google phone, Nexus One, “is a real looker” and probably runs a great version of Android, Farhad Manjoo writes, but all the breathless predictions about its revolutionary impact on the market ignore the core principles of the company that makes it. First off, “Google doesn’t care...

Smartphones Become Essential Tools for Shoppers

Retailers scramble to establish presence in mobile marketplace

(Newser) - Today's Black Friday finds about 1 in 5 shoppers—double that for the 18-to-29 age set— using a smartphone to track bargains and compare prices. While the number of those who actually buy using a mobile device is relatively small—at $750 million, such transactions account for only .5% of...

First Tweet-Only Device Debuts
 First Tweet-Only Device Debuts 

First Tweet-Only Device Debuts

Interesting idea, but bloggers are skeptical it will catch on

(Newser) - The concept is simple: a device dedicated solely to sending and receiving tweets. TwitterPeek—made by mobile email/text gadget maker Peek—launches today at a cost of $199 with free lifetime service or $99 with a monthly charge of $7.95. Neat, writes Don Reisinger on CNET, but this idea...

Hackers Are After Your Smartphone
Hackers Are After Your Smartphone

Hackers Are After Your Smartphone

Mobile devices, stuffed with personal data, become juicy targets

(Newser) - Cyber criminals are beginning to devise ways to break into smartphones, an increasingly juicy source of personal information. Until recently, phones weren’t seen as worth hacking because they contained so little data, but as more and more people carry pocket-size PCs like the iPhone, the likelihood increases that hackers...

Can BlackBerry Addicts Switch to iPhone?

(Newser) - For BlackBerry users, the lure of the iPhone can be hard to resist, despite the Apple device's lack of a keyboard and AT&T-only service policy. The Wall Street Journal followed five BlackBerry users who switched to the iPhone and charted the highs and lows: All of them said they...

Nokia Challenges Apple With 3G Netbook

(Newser) - Nokia is charging into the mobile computing market with its first netbook, PC World reports. The phone company’s Booklet 3G features 3G connectivity for Internet access and packs a healthy 12 hours of battery life. The tiny laptop—10 inches—runs Windows and has Nokia’s Ovi mobile apps...

As Telecoms Hype 4G, Recall How Long 3G Was in Coming

(Newser) - 3G landed in the US in 2003. But it wasn’t until the iPhone came around five years later that “consumers finally had a device that showed them the power of mobile broadband networks,” Stephanie N. Mehta writes in Fortune. In fact, "a few executives at US...

Introducing Web 3.0
 Introducing Web 3.0 

Introducing Web 3.0

Mossberg and Swisher: it's an iPhone revolution

(Newser) - Web 2.0’s a thing of the past, write Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher for All Things D. "Something major is happening at the intersection of tech and media, and we think it deserves its own new hyped-up name,” they announce. Web 3.0 is the era...

Apple Plans Cheap(ish) Wireless Tablet

(Newser) - Apple is preparing a foray into the “netbook” market, AppleInsider reports. The computer company has put out feelers to parts suppliers in a bid to create a web-connected, 7- to- 10-inch tablet one analyst thinks will retail for $500-$700. “It is increasingly clear that Apple is investing more...

Verizon May Get iPhone in 2010

Deal could come through when AT&T's exclusive rights expire next year

(Newser) - Apple is in talks about developing an iPhone for Verizon’s wireless network—with possible deployment next year, USA Today reports. Currently, the iPhone is only available on AT&T’s GSM network, which is incompatible with Verizon’s CDMA operation. AT&T has exclusive US rights to the iPhone...

$250 Google Netbook Debuts This Summer

(Newser) - The first netbook running the Google-backed Android mobile operating system could be available within 3 months for $250, ComputerWorld reports. The petite, no-frills Alpha 680 with a 7-inch wide screen will be the smallest netbook yet, weighing a dainty 1.5 pounds and meansuring 8.5 by 6 inches. It's...

iPhone Users Love Apps—Then Forget Them

(Newser) - Apple has a lot of nifty apps for its iPhone, but apparently the novelty wears off in a hurry. A new analysis shows that many people download them, then promptly forget about them, Apple Insider reports. Just 20% of people use free apps the day after download; at the end...

Obama's Nightly Fix: BlackBerry Games

President plays BlackBerry game 'to unwind'

(Newser) - The president  uses his super-secure BlackBerry to keep in touch with pals back in Chicago. But he's also a closet gamer, Star reports. It seems Obama is a big fan of the game BrickBreaker. "He plays to unwind," an insider says. "Every night before bed, he gives...

Microsoft Muscles Into Cell Market With New OS

Firm will offer Windows Mobile on 50 smartphones

(Newser) - Microsoft is pushing deeper into the cellphone market with a deal to put a new operating system on 50 LG smartphones, the New York Times reports. The company unveiled a more user-friendly OS—"We were dinged for not having a friendly consumer interface," an exec says—and...

Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books
 Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books 

Kindle Leads Boom in E-Books

(Newser) - Amazon is widely rumored to be releasing a new version of its Kindle e-reader next week, and the e-book industry appears to be growing, Fortune reports. Sony is pushing its own device, Google has opened up access to millions of books online and for download to mobile devices like the...

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