nuclear weapons

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran, Western Powers Schedule More Nuclear Talks

Inspector may visit Qom site within weeks

(Newser) - Talks in Geneva today over Iran’s nuclear program ended with a firmer commitment from Tehran to allow international inspectors into the newly disclosed enrichment site at Qom and an agreement to continue negotiations by the end of the month. The EU’s foreign policy representative said inspectors may be...

Iranian Nuclear Talks Begin

 Iranian Nuclear Talks Begin 

Iranian Nuclear Talks Begin

Officials gather in Geneva villa for critical negotiations

(Newser) - Representatives from Iran arrived in a secluded villa in the countryside near Geneva to begin a critical round of nuclear negotiations with the Western powers today. In attendance were reps from the five UN Security Council states, Germany, and the EU. The US is looking for “practical steps and...

US, Iran May Meet One-on-One on Nukes

Meeting tomorrow could be most direct engagement since the revolution

(Newser) - US diplomats will try to meet one-on-one with their Iranian counterparts during tomorrow’s multi-nation negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear program. It would be the most significant direct engagement between the two countries since the Iranian revolution. An anonymous official tells the Washington Post that the one-on-one talks would "...

Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency
Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency

Erratic Obama Cheapens the Presidency

Time for leader of free world to stop acting like a candidate: Cohen

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been in office for nearly a year, but for Richard Cohen, he's still "the candidate-in-full," unaware that he is already president. Watching Obama alongside Gordon Brown and Nicolas Sarkozy last week, the Washington Post columnist perceived "a faux Cuban missile crisis"—and a...

Iran Test Launches Its Longest-Range Missiles

Weapon with 1,200-mile range could strike Israel, US military bases

(Newser) - Iran claimed to have test-fired the longest-range missiles in its arsenal today—weapons capable of carrying a warhead and striking Israel or US military bases in the Middle East. It was the third round of missile tests in two days of drills by the power Revolutionary Guard, which controls Iran's...

Iran Confirms Secret 2nd Nuclear Lab
 Iran Confirms Secret 
 2nd Nuclear Lab 

Iran Confirms Secret 2nd Nuclear Lab

Tehran preempts Obama accusation, admits to underground enrichment site

(Newser) - Iran confirmed today that it has built a second uranium enrichment site in an underground facility hidden from weapons inspectors—a revelation coming just hours before Barack Obama and other Western leaders were prepared to disclose it. The US has been tracking the secret project for years, officials say, but...

Obama-Led Security Council OKs Nuke Resolution

US-drafted measure strengthened by Obama appearance at meeting

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today adopted a US-drafted resolution that outlines much of President Obama’s plan to rid the world of nuclear weapons. The president’s attendance at the meeting of heads of state—just the fifth in UN history—underscores the centrality of the issue for his administration....

Brown Eyes Nuke Bank, Will Cut Sub Fleet

British PM seeks reductions, but rejects complete nuclear disarmament

(Newser) - Gordon Brown takes the stage at the United Nations today with an eye toward nuclear disarmament, reports the BBC, and he'll begin by offering to cut Britain's fleet of Trident nuclear submarines from four to three. While the British PM maintains full nuclear disarmament isn't an option, in an op-ed...

Obama to Pentagon: Scale Back Nuke Arsenal

President rejects Defense review, plans international deal

(Newser) - Barack Obama rejected the first draft of a Pentagon report on the US nuclear arsenal and is demanding a radical review ahead of deep cuts, according to the Guardian. The president, whose stated goal is the complete abolition of nuclear weapons, wants to see a range of options: cutting the...

US Still Wrong About Nukes: Iran's Leader

Khamenei reacts to Obama scrapping missile defense

(Newser) - Iran's supreme leader said today that US officials know they are wrongly accusing Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons. In Iran's first official reaction to the US decision to scrap a European missile intercept system to defend against threats from Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed President Barack Obama's administration...

Russia Silent on Iran Concessions

Critics charge that Obama may have scrapped missile shield for nothing

(Newser) - While Russia's leaders praised President Obama's decision to drop plans for a missile shield in Eastern Europe yesterday, they were conspicuously silent on whether they would, in return, join the West in pressuring Iran to halt its nuclear program, the New York Times reports. If Russia doesn't start taking a...

Obama's Forcing Israel to Attack Iran
 Obama's Forcing 
 Israel to Attack Iran 

Obama's Forcing Israel to Attack Iran

President accused of 'outsourcing' action against Iran's nuclear program

(Newser) - An Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities now looks inevitable and President Obama appears to be doing his best to speed the process along, Bret Stephens writes in the Wall Street Journal. The president has accepted Iran's offer for talks—despite Iran making it clear that its nuclear program won't...

Iran Nuclear Talks Stall; Sanctions Loom

Stalemate seen as Ahmadinejad refuses more negotiations

(Newser) - Iran looks set to face another round of international sanctions as nuclear talks have reached an impasse and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refuses to discuss a compromise, reports the Guardian. Mohamed ElBaradei, who heads the UN nuclear watchdog, said today Iran has not suspended enrichment activities and continues to be uncooperative with...

North Korea Pokes World Again on Nukes

Pyongyang reports progress on uranium for weapons program

(Newser) - North Korea’s official news agencies say the country “is in the concluding stage” of uranium enrichment key to a nuclear-weapons program, the BBC reports—the latest instance of the outlaw regime thumbing its nose at a disapproving international community. “Reprocessing of spent fuel rods is at its...

Iran Reopens Nuke Negotiations

Tehran will present 'updated' package to US, others in Germany today

(Newser) - Iran will present an "updated nuclear package" at talks with five UN Security Council nations and Germany today, according to state-run Iranian television. The Islamic Republic's chief nuclear negotiator promised to "cooperate in order to alleviate mutual preoccupations"—days after Angela Merkel threatened stiffer sanctions if Iran...

US Rep Headed to North Korea for Nuke Talks

Bilateral negotiations would be first directly between nations

(Newser) - The US diplomat in charge of North Korea policy will visit Pyongyang next month for the first bilateral nuclear negotiations between the countries, South Korea’s JoongAng Ilbo reports today. Amid signs from reclusive Kim Jong Il of a thaw in relations, Stephen Bosworth will lead a delegation that will...

Time to Get Tough With N. Korea
 Time to Get Tough 
 With N. Korea 

Time to Get Tough With N. Korea

(Newser) - Getting Laura Ling and Euna Lee out of North Korea was a cakewalk compared to the real diplomatic struggles between the Obama administration and the rogue nation, writes Nicolas Kristof. The New York Times columnist, who has visited North Korea five times, used to favor engagement with Kim Jong-Il's regime....

Iran Poised to Create Nuke Next Year

Country mastered warhead deployment in 2003: Times of London

(Newser) - Iran has the capability to build a nuclear weapon within a year, and has either started to do so or is waiting for the go-ahead from Ayatollah Khamenei, sources tell the Times of London. The 2007 US National Intelligence Estimate that reported that Iran had halted nuclear research in 2003...

Spanish Village Hopes to Profit From H-Bomb Infamy

(Newser) - Being the site of one of the world's worst nuclear accidents is an unlikely thing to build a tourist trade on, but the people of Palomares plan to give it a shot, the Wall Street Journal reports. Four hydrogen bombs fell on the tiny Spanish village after a US bomber...

Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December
Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December

Bolton: Israel May Strike Iran by December

Jerusalem gets what Obama doesn't, writes ex-UN ambassador

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates was in Jerusalem recently to dissuade Israel from attacking Iran, but according to John Bolton, "relations between the US and Israel are more strained now than at any time since the 1956 Suez Canal crisis." Israel understands what the Obama administration does not—...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>