nuclear weapons

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

US, Russia Reach Deal on Cutting Nukes

Obama, Medvedev to sign treaty in 2 weeks in Prague

(Newser) - The US and Russia will drastically reduce their nuclear arsenals under a historic treaty to be signed next month. After long and trying negotiations, President Obama and Russian President Medvedev are to sign the treaty in two weeks in Prague, once final technical details are worked out. The accord is...

Publisher Drops 'Fake' Hiroshima History

Veterans irked as James Cameron stands by author

(Newser) - The publisher of Last Train to Hiroshima has stopped shipping the book after it emerged that at least one of the author's sources had invented his story. Joseph Fuoco, who died in 2008, claimed to have been a last-minute replacement on board the Enola Gay on its bombing mission but...

Nuclear Bunker for Sale on Ebay
 Nuclear Bunker for Sale on Ebay

Nuclear Bunker for Sale on Ebay

Survive the atomic holocaust in beautiful Derbyshire Dales

(Newser) - Craving a little security in an uncertain world? Head over to eBay, where a bunker designed to withstand a nuclear strike on England is for sale. The bunker features bunks, a chemical toilet, and a phone line—but be prepared to shell out. With a full 6 days left, bidding...

White House Overhauls Nuclear Strategy

New focus on arms control, nonproliferation

(Newser) - As the White House hammers out details of Obama's nuclear strategy, it's clear the president is making an about-face on many Bush policies, but not it's clear whether his approach will be dovish enough to please his base. The new strategy will commit the US to not developing any new...

France Ordered Troops Into Nuke Cloud

Troops used as guinea pigs during '60s nuclear tests

(Newser) - France used its own troops as guinea pigs during nuclear testing in the Sahara Desert in 1961, according to a newly declassified report. After one test, hundreds of conscripts were ordered to play war games within 700 yards of the spot where a nuclear bomb had just exploded to discover...

Al-Qaeda Preps Major WMD Attack on US: Report

Group said to be determined, methodical, and patient

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda's threat to attack the United Sates using weapons of mass destruction is not "empty rhetoric," a new study claims. The report, written by a former CIA official with extensive knowledge of classified files, says al-Qaeda is gathering the materials and expertise required to use chemical, biological, and...

'Doomsday Clock' Set Back 1 Minute
 'Doomsday Clock' 
 Set Back 1 Minute 
it's now 11:54

'Doomsday Clock' Set Back 1 Minute

Scientists see progress on nukes, climate change

(Newser) - The infamous Doomsday Clock, a symbolic representation of the threat of the world's "catastrophic destruction," was set back one minute today. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reset the clock from 5 to 6 minutes to midnight, reflecting small but encouraging progress on the twin threats the scientists see...

'Doomsday Clock' Changes Thursday
'Doomsday Clock' Changes Thursday

'Doomsday Clock' Changes Thursday

Which way unknown, but move will be streamed live online

(Newser) - The hands of the Doomsday Clock, which the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists maintains to represent the severity of nuclear catastrophe, will move this Thursday. In which direction, no one knows, but for the first time everyone can watch the change here during the announcement at 10am EST.

Iran's Nukes in Rabbit Warren of Tunnels, Bunkers

Hidden arsenal complicates nuclear standoff

(Newser) - Iran is using a network of tunnels and bunkers to shield its atomic complex, obscuring the size of its arsenal and complicating calls for military action against the rogue state. Military experts from the United States and Israel say a well-hidden nuclear program is especially hard to take down. "...

Military Stymies Obama Nuke Reduction Plan

Catches lurk everywhere, from stockpile to strategy

(Newser) - A truculent military and national security apparatus has bogged down President Obama’s push to reconsider the size and mission of the US nuclear arsenal, just as it did during the Clinton administration. Insiders tell the Los Angeles Times that there are multiple areas of concern, including how much of...

Iran Continues Secret Nuke Tests: Documents

In 2007, regime planned 4-year push to develop bomb trigger

(Newser) - Iran was testing a crucial component of a nuclear bomb as recently as 2007, leading many experts to believe the country is currently engaged in a weapons program despite its protestations to the contrary. Secret 2007 documents obtained by the Times of London describe a four-year plan to work with...

UN Criticism Prompted New Nuclear Plans: Iran

Blames UN agency for plan to build 10 enrichment plants

(Newser) - In a flamboyant rebuke to the international community, the Iranian nuclear chief said today it's the UN's fault that Tehran is planning to build 10 new uranium enrichment facilities. The decision was necessary, Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi told state radio, because the UN atomic watchdog demanded that Iran halt...

UN Nuclear Agency Blasts Iran Stonewalling

ElBaradei sees investigation at 'dead end'

(Newser) - The United Nations’ nuclear agency had unusually harsh words for Iran today, saying its investigation into Tehran’s nuclear program was at “a dead end” after more than a year of stonewalling. Ahead of a vote on a resolution criticizing Iran for failing to disclose a uranium enrichment plant,...

Feds to Seize Skyscraper, Mosques Linked to Iran

Biggest anti-terror seizures in US history

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors took steps today to seize four US mosques and a Fifth Avenue skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization long suspected of being secretly controlled by the Iranian government. In what could prove to be one of the biggest counterterrorism seizures in US history, prosecutors filed a civil...

Iran Tested Advanced Nuke Warhead Technology

Tehran said to have deployed design still classified in US, Britain

(Newser) - Iran has tested nuclear warhead technology so advanced that its very existence is an official secret in the US and Britain, according to a report from the UN’s nuclear watchdog group, the International Atomic Energy Agency. The dossier, obtained by the Guardian, says Iran has tested the high-explosive components...

Iran Wants to Change Uranium Deal
Iran Wants
to Change
Uranium Deal

Iran Wants to Change Uranium Deal

But Tehran proposal would make the agreement pointless

(Newser) - Iran continues to waffle on the details of the deal under consideration to ship its enriched uranium to Russia. Now it's saying that if it does agree to the deal—a formal response is due Friday—it won't send all of its uranium at once. Instead, it will send shipments...

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal
 Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal 

Iran Waffles on Nuke Deal

Talks begin today as state news hints out-of-country enrichment deal won't fly

(Newser) - State news reports coming out of Iran suggest that country is backpedaling on a possible deal to enrich partially processed uranium in Russia or France for use in nuclear power plants. State-run television reports that the government is in fact opposed to shipping partially enriched nuclear fuel outside of the...

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal
 Iran May Be 
 Ready for 
 Nuke Deal 

Iran May Be Ready for Nuke Deal

Nation may have reached its goal

(Newser) - Iran has likely taken its nuclear program as far as it wants to and the nation may be willing to make a deal with the US and its allies this month, analysts say. The country has developed the capability to create and deliver a nuclear weapon without actually making it,...

North Korea Tests 5 Missiles: Report

Short-range test comes despite seemingly warmer relations with South, US

(Newser) - North Korea fired five short-range missiles off its east coast today, news reports said, even as South Korea proposed working-level talks with its communist neighbor. South Korea's Yonhap news agency, citing an unidentified South Korean government official, said the North test-fired the surface-to-surface KN-02 rockets from mobile launch pads.

Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim
Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim

Iran Not Nearly as Crazy as Neocons Claim

Its leaders aren't stupid—and deterrence can work: Greenway

(Newser) - Iran has no nuclear bomb, but already the old Bush-Cheney chorus has returned to insist it's time for another war in the Middle East. It's true that sanctions may not stop Iran from ramping up its nuclear program, but that doesn't mean that deterrence and diplomacy can't help, writes Boston ...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>