nuclear weapons

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Clinton: Iran's Nuke Program 'Futile'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took square aim at Iran's nuclear ambitions today, bluntly warning Tehran that "Your pursuit is futile." Clinton’s statements mark a step back from her musings earlier this week about creating a “defense umbrella” to protect other Middle Eastern countries from a...

Clinton Voices Concern Over Burma-N. Korea Arms Links

Secretary of state will push ASEAN for tough enforcement of N.Korea sanctions

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is concerned about possible military cooperation between Myanmar and North Korea, the New York Times reports. In Thailand on the eve of the ASEAN conference, the secretary of state told her hosts that their country would be particularly vulnerable to a pernicious relationship between the two dictatorships. Clinton...

Kim Jong Il's 3 Sons: Are Any Fit for Power?

Experts question grit of trio, fans of Van Damme and Eric Clapton

(Newser) - Kim Jong Il has presided over North Korea’s closed, crooked government with an iron fist for decades. But as the Dear Leader’s health fades, anxious observers are analyzing his three heirs apparent—none of whom seem fit for the job, Evan Thomas and Suzanne Smalley write in Newsweek....

Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima
Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima

Fashion's Issey Miyake Haunted by Hiroshima

Obama's disarmament talk inspires A-bomb survivor to speak up

(Newser) - Issey Miyake’s clothes are famous for color and exuberance, but the Japanese designer has a tragic past: He survived the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Miyake has declined to talk about the blast, “preferring to think of things that can be created, not destroyed,” he writes in...

G8 Leaders Stumble on Climate Change
 G8 Leaders Stumble 
 on Climate Change
G8 Roundup

G8 Leaders Stumble on Climate Change

Obama urges a tougher stance on Iran, N. Korea nuclear programs

(Newser) - World leaders gathered in L’Aquila, Italy, today for the G8 summit. Highlights from the day's meetings:
  • A forum organized by President Obama for the world’s 17 biggest polluters failed to approve a proposal to cut global emissions by 50% by 2050, the New York Times reports. The group

Nuclear N. Korea a 'Grave Threat': Obama

S. Korean, US leaders say UN resolution must be enforced

(Newser) - A nuclear-armed North Korea poses a "grave threat" to the world and cannot achieve its own security by building illegal weapons, President Obama said today. With South Korea’s president at his side in the Rose Garden, Obama said they agreed that a new UN resolution seeking to halt...

N. Korea Nuke Test Showed Progress

(Newser) - North Korea appeared to make progress with its nuclear test last month, detonating a device that was significantly more powerful than its first test in 2006, CNN reports. US officials believe the May 26 explosion was in the 3 to 4 kiloton range, a considerable step up from the first...

US Steps Up Navy Challenges Against N. Korea

Obama orders military to stop rogue state's ships for inspection

(Newser) - The Obama administration will instruct the Navy to attempt to inspect North Korean ships suspected of carrying arms or nuclear technology—but it will stop short of boarding them by force. The new effort to track North Korean ships is a component of America's "vigorous enforcement" of a UN ...

North Korea Will 'Weaponize' All Plutonium Stocks

(Newser) - North Korea has for the first time openly confirmed that it is seeking to enrich uranium for the development of nuclear weapons, the BBC reports. The state news agency today announced that the nation plans to “weaponize” its plutonium stocks, and will consider any “blockade” attempts by the...

Obama Pushes Global Uranium Fuel Bank

Shared supply would undercut Iran's claims of 'peaceful' enrichment

(Newser) - President Obama has proposed the creation of a global supply of uranium that would allow nations to obtain fuel for civilian nuclear power but would curtail rogue states' ability to build weapons. An international bank could hamper Iran's efforts to justify its covert enrichment program, the Boston Globe reports. "...

Journos May Be N. Korea's 'Trump Card' in Nuke Talks

(Newser) - North Korea’s sentencing of two US journalists to hard labor further complicates relations between the nations, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The White House seeks tougher UN sanctions against North Korea after it tested a nuclear bomb last month, and experts say the sentences’ timing is no coincidence. “...

Gates: US Won't Tolerate a Nuclear North Korea

Gates warns N Korea as satellites spot missile being moved

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates has warned that the US will not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea, Reuters reports. Gates said any transfer of nuclear material from North Korea to another country or group would be considered "a grave threat." "We will not stand idly by as North...

North Korea's Real Aim May Be to Peddle Nukes to Others

Sale of weapons, info is true threat from secretive regime

(Newser) - North Korea's nuclear test yesterday makes it no likelier that the rogue state will actually launch a weapon of mass destruction, argues AP analyst Robert Burns. What it does suggest is something perhaps even scarier: that the regime may facilitate the nuclear ambitions of other state actors or even...

North Korea Conducts Nuke Test

First test since 2006 draws international condemnation

(Newser) - North Korea announced today it had successfully conducted its first nuclear test since 2006, catching the South and the US off guard and drawing a swift denunciation from Barack Obama. The underground test produced a 4.7-magnitude earthquake, but as with the previous test, it remains unclear whether the North...

Powell to Rush: I'm Not Leaving GOP
 Powell to Rush: 
 I'm Not Leaving GOP 

Powell to Rush: I'm Not Leaving GOP

Rove blasts Obama; Joint Chiefs head backs gays in military

(Newser) - Sorry, Rush Limbaugh: Colin Powell isn’t leaving the Republican Party. Striking back at critics, the general burnished his GOP credentials on Face the Nation today. “Rush will not get his wish, and Mr Cheney was misinformed” about Powell’s supposed exit from the party. Powell added that if...

Iran Claims to Launch Long-Range Missile

Ahmadinejad reports new test of arms that could reach Israel

(Newser) - Iran test-fired a new advanced missile today with a range of about 1,200 miles, far enough to strike Israel and southeastern Europe, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims. The reported launch comes two days after Barack Obama said he would seek deeper international sanctions against Iran if it shunned US attempts to...

Missile Shield Useless Against Iran's Arsenal: Study

System wouldn't protect Europe; Iran far from nuclear missiles

(Newser) - The US missile shield planned for eastern Europe wouldn’t protect the continent from threats posed by Iranian missiles, a team of American and Russian scientists found. Further, the Washington Post notes, it will be more than 5 years before Iran can build nuclear warheads and missiles to launch them,...

New Reactors Could Boost Pakistan's Nuclear Arsenal

US hasn't fought massive project amid national turmoil

(Newser) - Pakistan is building two of the largest plutonium-producing reactors in the developing world—facilities that experts say could bolster the nuclear arsenal of a country fraught with turmoil. The US hasn’t publicly condemned the project, MSNBC reports, even though it makes Pakistan “the only country rapidly building up...

Cheney: I'm Speaking Out to Keep US Safe
 Cheney: I'm 
 Speaking Out 
 to Keep US Safe 

Cheney: I'm Speaking Out to Keep US Safe

Petraeus says US routing al-Qaeda; Gingrich likens torture talk to McCarthyism

(Newser) - Dick Cheney says he’s been outspoken because the Obama administration has “moved to take down a lot of those policies we put in place to keep the nation safe for 8 years.” On CBS’ Face the Nation, Cheney denied the Bush administration was in the “torture...

Iran 6 Months From Nuke-Ready: Report

Senate report warns uranium stockpile could cause regional arms race

(Newser) - Experts believe Iran could be only 6 months away from having enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb, CNN reports. While there's no indication Iran is preparing to build a bomb, the status of the country's nuclear program remains largely unknown, and its uranium stockpile has the potential to destabilize...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>