Arab Israeli conflict

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel Retaliates, Kills 6 in Gaza

... after 7 Israelis were killed in morning attacks

(Newser) - Israel retaliated over terror attacks earlier today by launching airstrikes into Gaza that claimed the lives of six people, CNN reports . Palestinian authorities say the strikes, just west of Rafah near Egypt's border, killed five members of Popular Resistance Committees and the son of one member. Israeli defense forces...

Israel to OK 4.3K More Homes in East Jerusalem

Palestine not happy with latest announcement

(Newser) - Israel's interior minister gave final authorization to build 1,600 apartments in disputed east Jerusalem and will approve 2,700 more in days, officials say, detailing a plan that could complicate diplomatic efforts to dissuade Palestinians from declaring statehood at the United Nations. The announcement drew immediate criticism from...

Israel, Stop Using God to Settle Real Estate Disputes

It's 'dangerous, unwise, and smacks of sacrilege': Walter Rodgers

(Newser) - In the US, Christians and conservatives are increasingly supportive of Israel and its claim to the "Holy Land." But "there’s too much at stake to use God as a real estate broker," writes former CNN Jerusalem bureau chief Walter Rodgers in the Christian Science Monitor...

Egypt Accuses American of Spying for Israel

Ilan Grapel reportedly immigrated to Israel from Queens, New York

(Newser) - Yesterday Egypt arrested an alleged Israeli spy—and today it emerged that Ilan Chaim Grapel is an American who immigrated to Israel, Reuters reports. Egyptian officials say Grapel was sent to Egypt to build a team “trying to gather information and data and to monitor the events of the...

4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash
 4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash 

4 Dead in Israeli Border Clash

Unrest marks anniversary of Arab defeat in 1967 war

(Newser) - Israeli troops opened fire across the Syrian frontier today to disperse hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters who stormed the border of the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, reportedly killing four people in unrest marking the anniversary of the Arab defeat in the 1967 Mideast war. The Israeli military accused Syria of instigating the...

Obama's Anti-Israel Policies Are Doomed

He laid the groundwork for war, not peace: Bret Stephens

(Newser) - President Obama knows how to butter up visiting dignitaries like a pro, which makes the timing of his comment about Israel's 1967 borders notable, writes Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal . It came just one day before Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House, which proves that...

Netanyahu Objects to Obama's Backing of 1967 Borders

Prime minister says the old lines are 'indefensible'

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has tweeted its response to President Obama’s Middle East speech —and the prime minister isn’t happy with Obama’s support for a peace plan based on Israel’s 1967 borders. “The viability of a Palestinian state ... cannot come at the expense of...

President Obama Mideast Speech: We Stand Behind Mideast Protesters
 We Stand 
 Behind Arab 


Obama: We Stand Behind Arab Protesters

Back Mideast peace deal based on 1967 borders

(Newser) - President Obama gave a wide-ranging speech on the Middle East today, speaking out forcefully in support of Arab protesters everywhere—even in US allies like Yemen and Bahrain. “After decades of accepting the world as it is in the region we have a chance to pursue the world as...

Egypt Forces Clash With Pro-Palestinian Protesters

353 injured outside Israeli embassy in Cairo

(Newser) - Egyptian police fired live ammo and tear gas at pro-Palestinian protesters today as violence continued following yesterday's clashes at Israel's borders. More than 350 protesters were injured, one critically, outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo, AP reports. At least 16 people were killed yesterday when Israeli troops opened...

16 Killed in Israel Border Clashes

Israeli troops clash with Arab protesters

(Newser) - Israeli troops clashed with Arab protesters today along three hostile borders, including the frontier with Syria, leaving 16 people dead and dozens more wounded in an unprecedented wave of demonstrations marking a Palestinian day of mourning for their defeat at Israel's hands in 1948. Along Israel's border with...

Egypt Bolsters Relations With Iran, Hamas

Government will end Gaza blockade

(Newser) - As Egypt regroups after Hosni Mubarak’s exit, it is realigning its diplomatic ties: Officials plan to end the Gaza border blockade and forge closer ties with Iran and Hamas. As elections approach, officials say they’re working toward policies that better fit public opinion; meanwhile, they hope to regain...

Netanyahu to Unveil Peace Plan in US Speech

Move designed to counter push for Palestinian state

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu will unveil Israel’s version of a Middle East peace plan in a speech before the US Congress next month, he and John Boehner each announced yesterday. The plan is seen as an attempt to push back against Palestine’s current campaign to be recognized as a state...

Israel, Hamas Reportedly Agree to Ceasefire

The deal comes after weeks of increasing violence

(Newser) - After weeks of increasing violence, the likes of which has not been since since the end of the Gaza war in 2009, Israel and Hamas have agreed to step back from a major confrontation. A weekend of attacks left 19 Palestinians dead, including six civilians, and 65 injured. In addition,...

Palin in Israel: Why Do You Apologize So Much?

Former VP candidate has dinner plans with Netanyahu

(Newser) - Arriving yesterday in Israel for a two-day visit, Sarah Palin had a question for her guides: “Why are you apologizing all the time?” she asked, after learning about the ban on open Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount and the Arab riots following a 1996 Netanyahu decision regarding the...

US Slaps Israel Settlement Plan

West Bank settlements 'illegitimate,' says embassy

(Newser) - The US Embassy is “deeply concerned” about Israel’s plans to expand its West Bank settlements, a decision the country made following an attack this weekend on a settler family, the AP reports. Benjamin Netanyahu yesterday said: “They murder, we build.” To wit, Israel has approved the...

'Leaked' Palestinian Peace Offer Sparks Uproar

Israel nixed offer that East Jerusalem settlers could stay: al-Jazeera

(Newser) - A surprising peace offer from Palestinian negotiators reportedly allowing Israel to keep disputed areas has been leaked to the public and is sparking an uproar. The documents suggest the Palestinians agreed to allow Israel to keep large parts of East Jerusalem—an offer Israel apparently rejected, reports the BBC . The...

Israel Apologizes for Reporter Strip Searches

'We didn't mean to offend,' said government press office

(Newser) - Israel has apologized to reporters subjected to strip searches before they were allowed into a tony cocktail party press event that they were invited to by ... Israeli officials. Pregnant Palestinian al-Jazeera reporter Najwan Simri Diab stripped off her shirt for a "15-minute groping" but then left in fury when...

Pregnant al-Jazeera Scribe Rips 'Humiliating' Strip Search

Refuses to remove bra after she strips down to slip

(Newser) - A furious pregnant Arab journalist invited to an Israeli foreign press conference is slamming aggressive security guards who made her strip down to her slip, then demanded she take off her bra. The Foreign Press Association is filing a complaint over the incident. "While we appreciate the need for...

Saudi Arabia Arrests Vulture ... as Israeli Spy

Because it was tagged by Israeli scientists

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia has captured a dangerous Mossad spy—and it has feathers. The cunning agent in question is a griffon vulture that alighted in Saudi territory with a transmitter strapped around its leg reading, “Tel Aviv University.” Its cover story: researchers at the school tagged it to study...

Israeli Troops Kill Unarmed Palestinian

Farm laborer was reportedly carrying a glass bottle

(Newser) - Tensions in the West Bank came to a head yesterday, when an unarmed Palestinian man was shot at an Israeli checkpoint. The Israeli military says Ahmad Maslamani, a 24-year-old farm laborer, was holding a glass bottle and ignored orders to stop, and that soldiers followed the rules of engagement when...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>