Arab Israeli conflict

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Netanyahu to Abbas: Let's Do Nonstop Talks

Israeli PM apparently trying to jumpstart peace talks

(Newser) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to head back to the negotiating table with Mahmoud Abbas—and stay there until a deal is struck, reports the AP. Seeking to jumpstart Mideast peace talks that stalled in September, Netanyahu said today that he's "ready to immediately sit down for continuous,...

Helen Thomas: Zionists 'Own' Congress, White House

Not to mention Hollywood and Wall Street, she says

(Newser) - Not only does Helen Thomas stand by the controversial comments about Israel that cost her a front-row White House briefing room seat —she's going even further. During a speech at a Michigan workshop on anti-Arab bias, she said, "Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned...

Obama, Mideast's Onetime Savior, Now More a Pariah

Transcendence runs right into hard reality of stalemate

(Newser) - When Barack Obama entered office, he was seen as the fresh new hope for peace in the Middle East—but now, he’s seen as a part of the problem, Politico interviews with Israelis and Palestinians suggest. After Obama finally got Israel to temporarily freeze West Bank settlement-building, there’s...

Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'
Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'
Christopher HItchens

Obama's Offer to Israel a 'National Humiliation'

PM appeasing government's extreme right, writes Christopher Hitchens

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu is a hostage to the extreme right of Israel’s government, and the Obama administration is trying to appease him—a decision the US “will come to regret.” The US offer of “ security incentives and fighter jets ” following a proposed temporary freeze in settlement-building...

Netanyahu Will Push for Settlement Freeze

Official gives details of proposed deal

(Newser) - Despite the angry-sounding words recently exchanged between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over planned Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem, Netanyahu has reportedly agreed to push for a new settlement freeze. Under the proposed deal, Netanyahu will ask his cabinet to freeze construction for just 90 more days...

Israel Plans New Settlements
Israel Plans New Settlements

Israel Plans New Settlements

Controversial announcement for 1,000 homes made as Netanyahu visits DC

(Newser) - Plans for 1,000 new homes to be built in East Jerusalem were published in Israeli newspapers just as Benjamin Netanyahu participated in negotiations in Washington, DC, the New York Times reports. The announcements fly in the face of American and Palestinian requests for a settlement freeze in the interest...

Israel Slams Catholic Call to End Occupation of Palestine

Calls archbishop's comments 'libel'

(Newser) - Israel blasted a statement by Catholic bishops made during a conference in Rome that called for “an end to the occupation” of Palestinian territories. “We express our disappointment that this important synod has become a forum for political attacks on Israel in the best history of Arab propaganda,...

Arabs Outraged Over Israel's Loyalty Oath

Bill would force non-Jews to pledge loyalty to Jewish state

(Newser) - Israel’s Arab minority is decrying a new law that would force new citizens who are not Jewish to pledge a loyalty oath to the “Jewish and democratic” state. Critics say the bill is yet another move intended to stifle dissent and marginalize the country’s Arabs, who already...

Gazans Blame Hamas for Economic Woes

Party shares blame with Israel for sky-high unemployment

(Newser) - As joblessness mounts in the beleaguered Gaza Strip, more and more residents are blaming the ruling Hamas party for their woes, GlobalPost reports. Although Gaza has one of the fastest population growth rates on earth, 45% of people have no job and 85% depend on aid to get by. And...

Israelis on Peace Talks: Yawn
 Israelis on Peace Talks: Yawn 

Israelis on Peace Talks: Yawn

Culture has become cynical, apolitical

(Newser) - When the latest round of Mideast peace talks was announced, Roger Cohen of the New York Times watched the people of Tel Aviv shrug, yawn, and change the channel. “Peace talks! The sequel! It’s like Rocky! And I’m supposed to pay attention?” quipped one food writer. Israeli...

Case of Yank Crushed by Israeli Bulldozer Heats Up

US activist Rachel Corrie tried to protect Palestinian homes

(Newser) - The parents of a US activist who was crushed by an Israeli military bulldozer may soon meet the operators of the machine that killed their daughter. Rachel Corrie, 23, of Washington state was crushed as she attempted to block a bulldozer razing Palestinian homes in Gaza. Her parents have filed...

Hamas Promises New, More Deadly Attacks

Dismisses peace effort, joins with 12 other groups

(Newser) - Hamas angrily decried the renewed Middle East peace talks yesterday, promising a new wave of “more effective attacks” against Israel. Hamas said it would coordinate with 12 other armed groups, including Islamic Jihad, to carry out this new wave of violence, al Jazeera reports. “We reject completely …...

Obama Hopeful as Mideast Talks Begin

Israeli PM calls Abbas his 'partner in peace'

(Newser) - President Obama told reporters he was "cautiously hopeful" as Mideast peace talks began in Washington yesterday. The president—flanked by the leaders of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, and Jordan—urged the leaders to seize the opportunity to make a breakthrough, and vowed to do everything in his power...

Israelis, Palestinians to Resume Peace Talks: Clinton

A victory for Obama, Clinton—but peace a long way off

(Newser) - It's official: After a 20-month hiatus, Israeli and Palestinian leaders will resume direct peace talks. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced today that talks will begin Sept. 2 in Washington, with the goal of reaching a settlement within one year, the AP reports . "There have been difficulties in the...

Tel Aviv Embassy Standoff Ends

Palestinian shot and wounded, ending 7-hour siege

(Newser) - Security guards shot and wounded a Palestinian man holding hostages inside the Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv last night, ending a tense 7-hour standoff. The man, Nadim Injaz of Ramallah, was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. Injaz said he wanted asylum in Turkey and protection from...

Israeli Soldier's Facebook Snaps Spark Outrage

Eden Aberjil's posing with blindfolded prisoners 'shameful'

(Newser) - Nobody's rushing to hit the "like" button on a former Israeli soldier's Facebook album about her tour of duty. Waxing poetic in the album "The army: the best days of my life," former soldier Eden Aberjil posted a snap of herself smiling for the camera next to...

Lebanon-Israel Border Clash Kills 4 Soldiers

Exchange of fire at border may have been over tree removal

(Newser) - Three Lebanese soldiers, one Israeli soldier, and a Lebanese journalist were killed as Israeli and Lebanese troops fired on each other near the border today in their most serious confrontation since the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war. The clash began when Israeli troops tried to remove a tree near or across the...

Israeli PM: US Easy to Manipulate
 Israeli PM: US Easy 
 to Manipulate 
Caught on tape

Israeli PM: US Easy to Manipulate

Netanyahu talks about undermining Oslo accords in old video

(Newser) - A tape has surfaced in which Benjamin Netanyahu, current prime minister of Israel, brags about how easy the US is to manipulate. In the video, which was shot in 2001, the then-out-of-office Netanyahu speaks bluntly with a group of West Bank settlers about how he had undermined the Palestinian peace...

Israel Releases Full Audio of Warning to Flotilla

IDF was criticized for earlier edited version

(Newser) - Israel today released a 6-minute audio clip of one of its Navy warships trying to establish communication with the Mavi Marmara before the deadly raid. The navy had released a much shorter version earlier, but critics accused it of a slanted selection of clips and even of outright doctoring. (A...

Israel Is Just Doing What John F. Kennedy Did
Israel Is Just Doing What John F. Kennedy Did
Charles Krauthammer

Israel Is Just Doing What John F. Kennedy Did

It's protecting itself with a naval blockade; sound familiar?

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer comes to a rousing defense of Israel's flotilla raid, suggesting that the world wants to rid itself of Jews by depriving them of "any legitimate form of self-defense." Anyone remember the Cuban missile crisis? "Israel is accused of international criminality for doing precisely what John...

Stories 101 - 120 | << Prev   Next >>