Arab Israeli conflict

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Netanyahu Warns of Possible &#39;Expansion&#39; in Gaza Assault
Obama: Israel Has Right
to Fire Back at Gaza

Obama: Israel Has Right to Fire Back at Gaza

As Netanyahu warns of possible 'expansion' in Gaza assault

(Newser) - President Obama, who started a three-day Asia tour today , took time at a news conference in Bangkok today to address the Israel-Gaza conflict, the AP reports. "No country on earth would tolerate missiles raining down" on its people, he said, and Israel does have the right to defend itself...

Hamas Makes Its Demands
 Hamas Makes  
 Its Demands 

Hamas Makes Its Demands

Leader Khaled Mashaal wants the Gaza blockade lifted

(Newser) - With air strikes still smoldering in the Gaza Strip, Hamas made its demands for peace: no more targeted killings and no more blockade on Gaza, Ynet News reports. A Palestinian delegation led by Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal gave the demands today to Egyptian officials in Cairo, according to an Islamic...

Hezbollah: That Was Our Drone Over Israel

Group's leader says parts came from Iran

(Newser) - Hezbollah confirmed today what many Mideast observers already guessed: It sent up the spy drone over Israel that was shot down last weekend, and it got help in doing so from Iran, reports the BBC . The unmanned craft may have been destroyed by Israeli jets, but Hezbollah's leader boasted...

US Activist's Death in Israel Ruled 'Accidental'

Rachel Corrie's mom calls it 'a bad day for human rights'

(Newser) - Craig and Cindy Corrie were in Israel today to hear the verdict in the death of their daughter, Rachel, and a civil court ruled that it was accidental. Cindy Corrie called it "a bad day for human rights, for humanity, for the rule of law, and also for the...

Israel Busts 3 Kids in Attack on Palestinian Taxi

Youths all aged 12, 13

(Newser) - Israeli authorities yesterday arrested three children, all just 12 to 13 years old, who are suspected of fire-bombing a Palestinian taxi on Aug. 16. A Palestinian family was inside, including two children, and the taxi burst into flames and then flipped. Six people were injured, two of them seriously, the...

Israelis a 'Tumor' That Must Be Wiped Out: Ahmadinejad

'The nations of the region will soon finish off the usurper Zionists'

(Newser) - If you've ever wondered why Israel gets twitchy at the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran, get a load of what Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a group of anti-Israel protesters today. "The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumor," the Iranian president said, according to the AFP...

Islamists Kill 15 Egyptians on Israeli Border

Israel strikes back with aerial assault

(Newser) - Islamists gunned down at least 15 Egyptian police officers and stole an army tank today in an attack on a Sinai police station close to the Israeli border, Reuters reports. Israeli aircraft responded by destroying a vehicle used by the attackers; another of their vehicles exploded at the North Sinai...

Ahmadinejad: Israel Just a 'Mosquito'

Iranian president swats down talk of rising hostilities with Israel

(Newser) - With talks on Iran's nuclear program hot on next week's agenda, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is swatting down talk of Israeli-Iranian war, comparing the threat posed by his regional rival to so much buzzing from a pest, reports CNN . "Israel is nothing more than a mosquito which cannot see...

Middle East Quartet Meets as Gaza Toll Hits 23

Iran condemns Israel's 'war crimes'

(Newser) - With 23 Palestinians now dead in the latest Gaza conflict , the Middle East Quartet is meeting for the first time in six months in New York. Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and EU diplomat Baroness Ashton will discuss the growing violence after Israeli air...

18 Palestinians Dead in Israeli Strikes

Israel keeps schools closed as citizens huddle in bomb shelters

(Newser) - Gaza and Israel continued to exchange rocket attacks for air strikes this weekend, leaving 18 Palestinians dead, four Israelis wounded, and world leaders weighing in on the latest round of Middle East violence, the Guardian reports. On the Israeli side, schools were kept closed and thousands of civilians spent hours...

Israel's Gaza Strike Sets Off New Violence

Palestinians retaliate with nearly 100 rockets

(Newser) - Israel's killing of a militant commander in the Gaza Strip yesterday has led to renewed violence along the border. Palestinians have fired nearly 100 rockets into Israel, wounding at least one civilian seriously, while Israeli airstrikes have killed 14 militants, reports AP . Palestinians said 20 civilians have been injured....

Israel Frees Another 550 Palestinians

Release follows clash at internment compound

(Newser) - Israel has set free another 550 Palestinian prisoners, completing the deal that secured the release of captured soldier Gilad Shalit . Thousands gathered at the former home of Yasser Arafat to celebrate alongside Palestinian officials. Most prisoners were directed to the West Bank; some 41 were sent to Gaza, and a...

Gilad Shalit Healing After Isolation: Dad

Noam Shalit 'understands price we are paying' for release

(Newser) - Israel soldier Gilad Shalit is home and “happy,” but he’s still recovering from five years’ imprisonment, his father says. “In isolation,” Gilad “had no connection with his people, with his own language,” Noam Shalit told members of the media, including the Jerusalem Post...

Israel to Free Bombers, Killers in Soldier Swap

Jerusalem releases names of first prisoners to be freed

(Newser) - The founders of Hamas' militant wing. The organizer of a Jerusalem bombing that killed 15. A woman who lured a lovelorn Israeli teen to a Palestinian city to be murdered. All will be released in Israel's planned swap of Palestinian political prisoners for a single kidnapped Israeli solder, the...

Israel, Hamas Strike Deal to Free Israeli Soldier

Gilad Shalit held more than 5 years

(Newser) - Israel and Hamas have reached an agreement that would see hundreds of Hamas prisoners released in exchange for an Israeli soldier's freedom. Benjamin Netanyahu went on national TV before a Cabinet vote to announce that Gilad Shalit, who was captured more than five years ago, would be free "...

Israel OKs 1,100 More Homes in East Jerusalem

Palestine condemns move

(Newser) - In a move sure to ratchet up Israeli-Palestinian tension even further, Israel gave the OK today to construct 1,100 new housing units in east Jerusalem. Israel’s Interior Ministry says construction can begin after 60 days, a period that is mandatory for comments from the public but largely a...

'All Hell' Breaks Out in Palestine's Statehood Bid

US lawmakers threaten to nix funding

(Newser) - "All hell has broken out" in Palestine's bid for statehood recognition at the UN, says Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The United States has threatened to veto it, Israel opposes it, and dozens of House Democrats have penned a letter saying the US "will reconsider its assistance program"...

Gaza Militants Agree to Cease-Fire With Israel: Hamas
 Gaza Militants 
 OK Israel Cease-Fire 

Gaza Militants OK Israel Cease-Fire

Egypt brokers deal to stop escalating violence

(Newser) - Gaza militants agreed to a cease-fire with Israel to stop spiking violence, a Hamas official said today, after a deadly attack across the Egyptian border on Israeli vehicles set off a three-day round of rapidly escalating Israeli airstrikes and rocket barrages from Gaza. The sudden flareup also threatened Israel-Egypt relations,...

Egypt Yanks Ambassador to Israel

Situation deteriorating rapidly after

(Newser) - Egypt today recalled its ambassador from Israel to protest the deaths of at least three Egyptian troops killed in a shootout between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants who had launched a deadly attack on Israel from Egyptian soil. The decision sharply escalated tensions between the neighboring countries, whose landmark 1979...

Gaza Fires Rockets as Israeli Airstrikes Continue

Situation continues to escalate after deadly attacks

(Newser) - The situation continues to get uglier in Gaza and southern Israel: Gaza militants launched rockets into Israel this morning in the latest move following yesterday's coordinated attacks against Israelis. Israel had initially retaliated against those attacks, which killed eight, with an airstrike yesterday that killed five. Israel continued those...

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