
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Hackers LulzSec, Anonymous Hit Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks
 Guess Who Got Hacked Now? 

Guess Who Got Hacked Now?

Anonymous, AntiSec target Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks in latest hacks

(Newser) - So it turns out that the News of the World isn't the only gig in town that can hack: Notorious prankster-hackers LulzSec and Anonymous are wreaking havoc with Rupert Murdoch and his empire, reports Gizmodo . Lulzsec fired the first volley, publishing a cheeky account of Murdoch's death—via...

Hacker Group Hints at 'Explosive' Releases

Claims Anonymous will release biggest info dump in four years

(Newser) - Hacker collective Anonymous claims that it will release "literally explosive" information this week, most likely obtained from intelligence contractors. The claim was made on a Twitter account reportedly run by an Anonymous leader who helped found the recently disbanded LulzSec group, Raw Story reports.

Secret Service Probing Fox 'Obama Dead' Tweets

'Script Kiddies' claim responsibility for Fox hack

(Newser) - The Secret Service is investigating yesterday's President Obama assassination hoax by hackers on Fox News' political Twitter account, reports the Los Angeles Times . The agency plans to look into the postings that claimed the president had been shot at a restaurant in Iowa, and "conduct the appropriate follow-up....

Hacked Fox News Account Tweets: Obama Assassinated

Which, of course, is not true

(Newser) - You can go back to your watermelon and fireworks: Barack Obama has not been assassinated, contrary to what you might read on @foxnewspolitics . The Twitter account was hacked early today, and a series of six tweets were posted. The tale they told: Obama was "shot twice at Ross' restaurant...

Hackers Hit Top al-Qaeda Website

Cyberexperts unsure whether attack was government sponsored

(Newser) - Hackers have taken down a key al-Qaeda online forum and propaganda site, al-Shamukh, hitting not just the website but also the host server, reports the AP . Given the sophistication of the attack, security experts think the incident might have been government-sponsored, something that has happened several times in the past...

Hackers Shut Down MasterCard Site—Again

'Anonymous' team protests moves against WikiLeaks

(Newser) - LulzSec may have disbanded, but hackers are still angry over WikiLeaks’ banking troubles. They’ve once again taken down the website of MasterCard—one of several financial firms that have “blockaded” Julian Assange’s group. Tweeted one hacker: “MasterCard.com DOWN!!!, thats what you get when you mess...

LulzSec: We&#39;re Disbanding
 LulzSec: We're Disbanding 

LulzSec: We're Disbanding

Online experts say legal heat was too much for hacker group

(Newser) - Just as it looked like LulzSec was gearing up for an extended reign of cyber leaks and hijinks, the notorious hacker squad decided to hang up its modem—but not without one last hurrah, reports Reuters . "Our planned 50 day cruise has expired, and we must now sail into...

LulzSec Leaks Arizona Docs to Protest Immigration Law

Also: 'Most-wanted' hacker says he doesn't fear arrest

(Newser) - Fuming at Arizona’s anti-immigration law, LulzSec hackers are taking revenge: They’ve released “hundreds” of Arizona law enforcement documents. These include “intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords,” the group said in a statement. They’ve chosen their target “...

AT&T, iPad Hacker Pleads Guilty

He admits role in breach that exposed 120,000 users

(Newser) - A hacker who broke into AT&T's servers last year and helped steal information on iPad users got some legal comeuppance today, reports PC World . Daniel Spitler, 26, pleaded guilty to identify theft and conspiracy to gain unauthorized access to computers—felonies that could bring up to 10 years...

LulzSec Takes Down British Police Site

Attack is part of campaign on government, security sites

(Newser) - If Britain's Serious Organized Crime Agency wasn't already taking an interest in Lulz Security, it is now. The group of hackers has knocked the agency's website offline. The agency took its website offline after a denial of service attack, reports the BBC . Sensitive information was never at...

Hackers Grab Data of 1.3M Sega Players

Company bares breach to users ... in Japanese

(Newser) - Hackers have swiped personal data of nearly 1.3 million Sega video game players, the Japanese company has revealed. The information included names, birth dates, email addresses and encrypted passwords, reports AP . Service was "illegally accessed from outside and personal information of all" customers of the online Sega Pass,...

Hackers Grabbed Data on 360K Citibank Customers

Citi originally said 1% of 21M customers were affected

(Newser) - Citibank has finally 'fessed up that hackers managed to grab account data on a whopping 360,083 US credit card customers. That's nearly double what the company initially revealed when it said 1% were affected, which equals about 210,000 customers based on its 2010 annual report, reports...

LulzSec Hackers Take Down CIA Website

High-profile group strikes again, tweets 'tango down'

(Newser) - The hackers known as Lulz Security have struck again, this time taking down the CIA website, reports the All Things D blog . "Tango down," the group tweeted before 6pm EST when CIA.gov went down. LulzSec also recently hit the US Senate , among other high-profile targets . Today's...

Hackers Had Little Trouble in Citigroup Breach

And things are probably only going to get worse

(Newser) - News that hackers busted through Citigroup's online defenses and stole information on 200,000 customers is bad enough. The New York Times makes it worse with two additional points: The hack itself was relatively easy, and we should expect a lot more similar attacks in the near future. “...

LulzSec: We Hacked Senate Site

Intrusion merely 'inconvenient,' says security chief

(Newser) - Hackers from the group Lulz Security have claimed responsibility for what they say was a "small, just-for-kicks" hack of the Senate website. The Senate sergeant at arms confirmed that hackers gained access to the server that supports the Senate’s public website, but said damage was minimal because the...

'Anonymous' Hackers' Next Target: Ben Bernanke

Group wants Federal Reserve chairman to step down

(Newser) - Anonymous' next target: Ben Bernanke. The hacker collective uploaded a YouTube message over the weekend calling for the Federal Reserve chairman to resign—again. Anonymous first called for Bernanke’s resignation on March 12, Business Insider notes, but he clearly did not heed that request. So Anonymous is launching "...

IMF Cyberattack Was by Foreign Government: Source

Hacker collective Anonymous not responsible, says security expert

(Newser) - The cyberattack on IMF was carried out by hackers thought to be connected to a foreign government, not hacker collective Anonymous, according to a security expert familiar with the incident. The hackers removed a “large quantity” of data that included emails and other documents, the source says. Bloomberg obtained...

IMF Hit by Cyberattack in 'Major Breach'

Nations' sensitive financial data compromised

(Newser) - The IMF has another problem to worry about: Hackers pulled off what the New York Times calls a "large and sophisticated attack" that compromises sensitive financial data from around the world. "This was a very major breach," says an anonymous official. It's not clear what the...

Suspects in PlayStation Attack Arrested in Spain

Alleged members of Anonymous accused of hitting Sony

(Newser) - It's game over for three alleged Spanish hackers. Police in Spain arrested three men suspected in the online attacks against Sony, including one that shut down the PlayStation Network for a month. The men—all in their early 30s—are alleged leaders of a local branch of the international...

Big Citi Hack Reveals Ugly Truth About Banks

Firms not investing enough on protecting customers, analysts say

(Newser) - The massive data breach at Citigroup has alarmed customers, angered lawmakers, and sparked debate on whether big banks are spending enough money on protecting their customers' information, the New York Times finds. Credit card companies have devoted their resources to preventing fraud from occurring when data is stolen and not...

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