
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Citibank Reveals Massive Data Breach

Info on hundreds of thousands of customers breached

(Newser) - Hackers breached Citibank's systems early last month and may have made off with the personal data of hundreds of thousands of customers, the bank has revealed. The data breach—which Citi admitted after being questioned by the Financial Times —exposed customers' names, account numbers, and contact information. But...

Judge: Not Bank's Fault Hackers Stole $300K From Bank Account
Not Bank's Fault Hackers Stole $300K From Account
says judge

Not Bank's Fault Hackers Stole $300K From Account

Customer should have done more to protect itself, judge rules

(Newser) - Hackers were able to steal more than $300,000 from a client’s Ocean Bank account, but according to a Maine judge’s ruling, the bank is not responsible. Though the judge acknowledged the bank didn’t follow “best” security practices, he ultimately ruled the customer should have done...

Hackers Lulz Security or LulzSec Hit Sony Again
 Hackers Hit Sony Again 

Hackers Hit Sony Again

LulzSec claims new cyberattack

(Newser) - According to hacker group Lulz Security or LulzSec, the current score is "hackers 16, Sony 0." That's what the group posted yesterday after claiming to have staged the 16th recent cyberattack on the electronics company. LulzSec posted a file containing Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network source code,...

Hackers Attack Nintendo; Lulzsec Claims Responsibility
 Hackers Hit Nintendo 

Hackers Hit Nintendo

But no customer data breached, company says

(Newser) - First the hackers came for Sony’s PlayStation Network , and now they’ve breached Nintendo. The Japanese company announced today that one of its US website servers was hacked, but no company or customer information was compromised and nothing was damaged. Though the incident is minor compared to the PlayStation...

'Anonymous' Hackers Hit Iran Government

They get 10K emails, plans bigger attack on June 12

(Newser) - Iran is trying to ban open Internet , and a group of particularly adept hackers probably has Tehran hoping it can speed things along. The notorious Anonymous group infiltrated government servers and got its hands on more than 10,000 email messages from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Next...

Hackers: We've Stolen 1M Sony Passwords

LulzSec claims to have raided Sony Pictures servers

(Newser) - Sony appears to have been hit by the second massive data breach in the space of a few months. A hacker group calling itself "Lulz Security" claims to have broken into servers that run SonyPictures.com and stolen the passwords, email addresses, and other personal data of a million...

Gmail Hackers Went After White House

Officials' personal accounts may have been compromised

(Newser) - Those alleged Gmail hackers from China weren't messing around: They went after the White House, reports the Wall Street Journal . It remains unclear exactly who was targeted or whether any sensitive information was compromised, but the hackers were apparently hoping that high-ranking officials were conducting government business on their...

Google: Gmail Accounts 'Hijacked' From China

US officials among those infiltrated

(Newser) - The already strained relationship between Google and China became more complex today as the search giant revealed a recent attack on prominent users of Gmail that originated in Jinan, China. Google says hundreds of specifically targeted victims including US government officials and Chinese activists were tricked into sharing their email...

Hackers Breach Security of US Defense Contractors
Hackers Hit US
Defense Contractors

Hackers Hit US Defense Contractors

It's not clear what they got

(Newser) - This can't be good: Hackers breached the security networks of top US defense contractors, reports Reuters . The story has no details on what, if anything, the hackers got, and points out that any highly classified work would likely be out of reach on a closed government network. But it'...

UN Nuclear Experts: Iran Hacked Us
UN Nuclear Experts:
Iran Hacked Us

UN Nuclear Experts: Iran Hacked Us

IAEA investigating suspicions of tampering

(Newser) - Some of the International Atomic Energy Agency's top experts think Iranians hacked their cell phones and laptops, diplomats tell the AP. The incident is believed to have occurred earlier this year, when the diplomats left the equipment unattended during an inspection tour in Iran. The watchdog group became suspicious...

Hackers Plan to Attack Sony This Weekend

Sony CEO apologizes; firm to offer free ID-theft monitoring

(Newser) - Sony’s CEO has finally broken his silence on the PlayStation network break-ins—but his comments come just as hackers, angry at Sony’s handling of the situation, announced plans to attack the company this weekend, in what would be the third such attack against Sony. These hackers say they...

Sony Online Entertainment Hacked
 Sony Gets Hacked Again 

Sony Gets Hacked Again

Breach of Sony Online Entertainment affects 24M users

(Newser) - Sony’s got another security breach on its hands. This time, hackers may have made off with the information of about 24 million users of Sony Online Entertainment products, which include games like Everquest and DC Universe Online. Sony doesn’t think credit card information was stolen, but hackers also...

Sony: Hackers Could Have 10M Credit Cards

But company says there is no evidence card data was compromised

(Newser) - Sony executives apologized today for the PlayStation Network security breach , and acknowledged the hackers could have credit card information from as many as 10 million customers. Today’s press conference was the first time Sony, whose executives bowed deeply to express regret, has said how many credit cards could be...

PlayStation Hacker May Have Users’ Credit Card Info

Sony's security breach just got a lot worse

(Newser) - A hacker who got into the PlayStation Network may have gotten players' credit card information—including expiration dates and security codes, reports USA Today . "We cannot rule out the possibility," says a Sony executive on a company blog . The hacker, or hackers, did get personal information such as...

Vatican Praises 'Hackers' for 'Theological' Values

'Good hackers" are creative and communitarian, says article

(Newser) - The Vatican is known more for illuminated manuscripts and orthodoxy than LED screens and Web wizardry, but now a Vatican-approved publication is expressing support for computer hackers. The Vatican's definition of a hacker, however, is an old-school one that distinguishes hackers from "crackers," who use computers to wreak...

Selena Gomez, Scarlett Johansson Hacked by Ring Targeting Celebs
 Hacking Ring Hits 50 Celebs 

Hacking Ring Hits 50 Celebs

Miley Cyrus, Scarlett Johansson among hackers' 50 victims

(Newser) - The FBI is closing in on a ring of hackers that targeted celebrities and, in some cases, stole compromising pictures and videos, reports TMZ , which lists Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, and Christina Aguilera among the 50 victims. Johansson had a nude photo stolen from...

'Spectacular' Cyberattack Hit French Government

Chinese Internet addresses cited in attack seeking G20 docs

(Newser) - Hackers have broken into French finance ministry computers in a “spectacular” attack, prompting the government to take 10,000 machines offline, AFP reports. The attackers reportedly sought information "related to the French presidency of the G20 and to international economic affairs," says a security official. The cyberattack...

Anonymous Backs Wis. Protests, Targets Koch Bros
 Anonymous Targets Koch Bros 

Anonymous Targets Koch Bros

Website linked to Tea Party-backing brothers attacked

(Newser) - Anonymous—fresh from taking down the Westboro Baptist Church —is now targeting the Koch brothers in its support of Wisconsin protesters. The hackers have taken down the website of a free-market advocacy group funded by the billionaire brothers, Gawker reports. Anonymous says "Operation Wisconsin" is payback for the...

Anonymous Hackers Take Down Westboro

Just leave us alone, hackers tell Kansas church

(Newser) - The Westboro Baptist Church told Anonymous to "bring it" and the hackers—apparently somewhat reluctantly—have duly brought it. The hackers, who said an earlier threat to hack the Kansas church was a hoax, hacked Westboro's website and posted an open letter to the church while an Anonymous member...

Chinese Hackers Attack Canada
 Chinese Hackers Attack Canada 

Chinese Hackers Attack Canada

Key government departments penetrated

(Newser) - Hackers traced to China launched a major cyber attack on two key Canadian government ministries last month, officials have revealed. Bureaucrats in the country's Treasury Board and Department of Finance have been left with little to no Internet access since the beginning of the year because of compromised computers, reports...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>
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