
Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

Hackers Post 3K Intel Names, Emails

INSA had just published paper calling for greater online security

(Newser) - Hackers have grabbed and published the names and email addresses of thousands of high-ranking security officials, handing them over to an anti-secrecy website, reports NBC News . About 3,000 names belonging to the Intelligence and National Security Alliance, a nonprofit organization for members of the intelligence community, were posted to...

FBI Confirms Probe of Mass Celebrity Hacking

Alleged nude photos of Scarlett Johansson surface

(Newser) - The FBI said today it is indeed on the case of an alleged mass hacking of celebrity cell phones, reports the Los Angeles Times . The confirmation comes after TMZ reported that Scarlett Johansson enlisted the agency's help after nude photos said to be of her showed up on websites...

Site Goes Down After Running Mugshots of Anonymous

Talking Points Memo fending off DDOS attack

(Newser) - What an odd coincidence: After Talking Points Memo ran mugshots of 14 alleged members of Anonymous who face hacking charges, the site went down for about eight hours yesterday, the victim of a denial-of-service attack. It's back up now, but editor Josh Marshall writes that the attack is still...

Hackers Send Fake Terror Report on NBC Twitter Feed

FBI investigating prank by Script Kiddies

(Newser) - The Script Kiddies have struck again: Hackers with the group got into the NBC News Twitter account and sent a series of fake tweets about a terror attack in New York City, reports the Naked Security blog. The FBI is investigating. The first tweet went up yesterday evening: "Breaking...

Police Say They Nabbed LulzSec's Kayla

It turns out she's actually two men, not a teen girl

(Newser) - British police think they’ve taken down the senior LulzSec/Anonymous hacker known as “Kayla”—and if they’re right, she’s actually a pair of men in their 20s, not the 16-year-old girl she’s always claimed to be. Police arrested two men yesterday, aged 20 and 24...

Anonymous Leaks Lewd Pics of BART Spokesman

Saucy photos circulated online as BART directors meet

(Newser) - Hackers outraged by BART's decision to cut off cell phone service to foil a protest have gone below the belt. Anonymous claims it has obtained lewd photos of BART spokesman Linton Johnson, and it has circulated them online, reports SF Weekly . One picture allegedly features Johnson displaying his genitals....

Ex-WikiLeaks Rep Deletes 3,500 Files

Founder Julian Assange accuses him of 'sabotage'

(Newser) - In the latest chapter of WikiLeaks' apparent implosion, a former spokesman for the group says he has destroyed 3,500 of its unpublished files, der Spiegel reports. Daniel Domscheit-Berg says he took the files when he left WikiLeaks last year and "shredded" them "in order to ensure that...

Hackers Post Personal Data on BART Cops

Anonymous tweets links to addresses, email accounts of 102 cops

(Newser) - In the latest battle between BART and police brutality protesters, hackers have posted addresses and emails of cops working the San Francisco transit system. "Leaked personal data, emails and passwords for 102 BART police officers," crowed a tweet by Anonymous . The post linked to a website listing addresses...

BART Braces for Protests Tonight

Won't rule out cutting cell service again

(Newser) - On the heels of being hacked by Anonymous, California's Bay Area Rapid Transit is bracing for more protests called for this evening, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . BART took considerable flak after it cut cell phone service underground to stem anti-police protests Thursday, and it's not ruling out...

Anonymous Calls for BART Protest

Hackers angry over cell service disruption to prevent last week's protest

(Newser) - Tomorrow at 5pm in San Francisco's Civic Center Station. Wear red. That's the protest plan announced yesterday by hacker group Anonymous, in retaliation for the transit authority turning off cell phone service last Thursday to stop another protest, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . "In the Bay Area,...

Anonymous: We're Gonna 'Kill Facebook' on Nov. 5

Attack is in the name of privacy, says warning

(Newser) - Anonymous says it is planning to destroy Facebook, “the medium of communication you all so dearly adore." The hacktivist group has posted a warning on YouTube announcing its plan to "kill" the site on Nov. 5, Business Insider reports. (The video is in the gallery.) The...

Anonymous Hits Syrian Defense Ministry Site

Message urges soldiers to defect

(Newser) - Anonymous turned its rage on a worthy target last night, hacking the Syrian Ministry of Defense website. The site is currently down entirely, but the Atlantic reports that Anonymous originally replaced it with an image of the group's logo on a Syrian flag backdrop and a message urging soldiers...

Cyberscams Surface Over New Potter Site

Security firm warns of bogus membership accounts being sold

(Newser) - Potter fans beware: Cybercriminals are looking to hex users of JK Rowling’s new website, Pottermore, a security firm warns. The site, which offers ebooks and new material, is currently in beta, with limited accessibility—and some hackers are trying to sell early-access accounts for up to $100, the Telegraph...

McAfee Uncovers Largest-Ever Hacking Attack

Companies, governments, the UN impacted: McAfee

(Newser) - Anonymous and LulzSec are nothing compared to this: The biggest-ever series of cyber attacks, recently uncovered by security company McAfee, involved 72 networks over a period of five years. Victims include the UN, the International Olympic Committee, defense contractors, tech companies, and governments including the US, Taiwan, India, South Korea,...

Hackers Turn Sarkozy's Site Into 'Get Him Out' Game

Elysee Palace site hijacked

(Newser) - Inventive French hackers managed to turn their country's equivalent of the White House website into an anti-Nicolas Sarkozy game. For several hours, visitors to the Elysee Palace website were rerouted to a page—viewable here — featuring a cartoon image of the president being pushed out of the presidential...

Hackers Want PayPal Users to Close Accounts

Anonymous tries a boycott instead of a hack this time

(Newser) - The group Anonymous is going after PayPal again, but this time in the form of a legal boycott instead of an illegal hack, reports MSNBC . "We encourage anyone using PayPal to immediately close their accounts and consider an alternative," says a missive from Anonymous and LulzSec. The move...

UK Cops: We Caught LulzSec's 'Topiary'

19-year-old is reportedly a co-founder of the group

(Newser) - British police say they've arrested a key member of the notorious LulzSec and Anonymous hacking groups. "Topiary," a 19-year-old who allegedly serves as the groups' spokesperson, was arrested in his home and transported to a London police station, reports CNET . Cops also are searching the home of...

Hackers Take Aim at Small Businesses

Cyberthieves find them to be tempting targets: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - It’s not just Sony and Citigroup that face a hacking threat: Small businesses are becoming an increasingly popular target, reports the Wall Street Journal . Of 761 data breaches investigated in 2010, 63% were against firms with 100 or fewer workers. Some 95% of the credit card breaches Visa has...

Anonymous: We Hacked Into NATO

Claims it accessed 1 gigabyte of data

(Newser) - Anonymous would like us to know that it is taking the responsible route. Sort of. The group of computer hackers today announced that it was able to breach NATO security and access 1 gigabyte of restricted material, but it posted just one PDF file on its Twitter page showing what...

Feds Arrest 14 Alleged Hackers From Anonymous

They face charges related to last year's attack on PayPal

(Newser) - The hackers of Anonymous are apparently a far-flung group. The Justice Department today said it arrested 14 of them across nine states and the District of Columbia, reports the AP . They are accused of taking part in last year's attack on PayPal , which took place after the website suspended...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>