
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

US, Iran May Meet One-on-One on Nukes

Meeting tomorrow could be most direct engagement since the revolution

(Newser) - US diplomats will try to meet one-on-one with their Iranian counterparts during tomorrow’s multi-nation negotiations on Tehran’s nuclear program. It would be the most significant direct engagement between the two countries since the Iranian revolution. An anonymous official tells the Washington Post that the one-on-one talks would "...

'Homophobic Attack' Kills Diplomat in Jamaica

'This is what will happen to all Gays,' warns note with body

(Newser) - A British diplomat was found severely beaten and strangled in his Jamaica home in what police believe was a homophobic attack, reports the Telegraph. A note was found with John Terry's body referring to the 65-year-old married father as gay, using a Jamaican slur. “This is what will happen...

US Rep Headed to North Korea for Nuke Talks

Bilateral negotiations would be first directly between nations

(Newser) - The US diplomat in charge of North Korea policy will visit Pyongyang next month for the first bilateral nuclear negotiations between the countries, South Korea’s JoongAng Ilbo reports today. Amid signs from reclusive Kim Jong Il of a thaw in relations, Stephen Bosworth will lead a delegation that will...

Nanny: Diplomat Made Me a Slave
Nanny: Diplomat Made Me a Slave

Nanny: Diplomat Made Me a Slave

Sexually assaulted and beaten, she reveals horrors facing UK's migrant workers

(Newser) - A migrant worker in Britain took what looked like a plush job as a diplomat’s nanny—only to be treated as a sex slave with little recourse to the law, the Independent reports, uncovering a predicament faced by other workers. “I was trapped. I was paid nothing, never...

Bloated Baghdad Embassy Needs 'Rightsizing': State

(Newser) - An internal State Department assessment has deemed the recently completed US embassy in Baghdad grievously overstaffed, McClatchy Newspapers report. “There is a clear consensus from the top to the bottom of the embassy,” State’s inspector general writes. “The time has come for a significant rightsizing.”...

Brit Envoy Quits Russia After Hooker Video

Officials accuse Russia of set up

(Newser) - A senior British diplomat was forced to resign his post in Russia after a video of him canoodling with two prostitutes was posted on the Internet, reports the Daily Mail. British officials were livid about the scandal, but also angrily accused Russian officials of a sting. The 4-minute video, called...

US Sending Ambassador to Syria After 4-Year Absence

Obama aims to boost US presence after 4-year absence

(Newser) - An American ambassador will soon be on the road to Damascus for the first time since early 2005, the Washington Post reports. The Obama administration plans to send an envoy to Syria as part of efforts to reengage with the influential Arab country. The move, which follows recent high-level diplomatic...

UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats
 UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats 

UK Kicks Out Iranian Diplomats

(Newser) - The UK will expel two Iranian diplomats, in retaliation for Tehran’s own banishment of two British diplomats yesterday, the BBC reports. Gordon Brown said that he was “disappointed that Iran has placed us in this position.” He defended the UK diplomats, saying the accusation that they were...

Junta Again Boots Media, Diplomats From Suu Kyi Trial

After 1-day reprieve, observers ejected

(Newser) - The Burmese military regime abruptly reversed a decision yesterday to allow diplomats to visit Aung San Suu Kyi, and once again ejected journalists from the democracy leader's trial. A British envoy allowed into the courtroom yesterday told CNN that Suu Kyi was in good spirits and "extremely in charge...

'Civilian Surge' Part of New Afghan Plan

Hundreds of diplomats may be sent along with troops

(Newser) - President Obama’s new Afghanistan policy may include stationing more diplomats and civilians there, officials tell the Washington Post. Obama’s national security advisers are expected to present a plan next week that would send hundreds of government officials from departments like Agriculture and Justice, along with temps yet to...

Crisis Hits New Zimbabwean Government

Mugabe has incoming minister charged with treason

(Newser) - Just 3 days old, Zimbabwe’s unity government is already in crisis, the Times of London reports. Robert Mugabe’s agents arrested a top deputy to new Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and charged him with treason, unleashing fierce protests and more Western skepticism about the government’s prospects. Hours earlier,...

N. Korea Talks Stumble Over Rules for Probing Nukes

Pyongyang balks at demands over verification

(Newser) - Talks to curb North Korea’s nuclear-weapons activities have stalled over rules for investigating its programs, Reuters reports. Five other countries have been negotiating with Pyongyang over verifying such activities after North Korea agreed to partially shut down a nuclear complex. “It’s been a very difficult day, indeed...

Diplomats See Risk in Handing Posts to Obama Pals

Friends, big donors often get cushy ambassadorships, to chagrin of lifers

(Newser) - Could Barack Obama make Oprah Winfrey an ambassador? It’s an all-too-plausible scenario, the Chicago Tribune reports, assuming Winfrey was willing to leave her TV career. Presidents typically give out roughly a third of the 200 ambassadorships to friends and political allies, and, in a first, the American Academy of...

Brits Want Diplomats' Kids Out of Volatile Pakistan

Spouses offered return to UK, too, after hotel bombing

(Newser) - Children of British diplomats stationed in Pakistan are returning home amid security concerns following the Marriott Hotel terrorist bombing in Islamabad last month. Britain will also allow spouses and other dependents to join the 60 kids as instability grows in the volatile nation, the Daily Telegraph reports. The departures are...

US Slaps Sanctions on Chavez Aides
US Slaps Sanctions on Chavez Aides

US Slaps Sanctions on Chavez Aides

3 charged with backing FARC drug runners, as tensions mount

(Newser) - Escalating the diplomatic crisis with Venezuela, the US has frozen the assets of three members of Hugo Chavez's inner circle it accuses of having links with drug-running Colombian rebels, the Wall Street Journal reports. The sanctions follow the expulsion by Venezuela and Bolivia of their US ambassadors—a move the...

Obama to Take Diplomatic Ace to Israel
Obama to Take Diplomatic
Ace to Israel

Obama to Take Diplomatic Ace to Israel

Choice signals Democrat would take active role in Mideast

(Newser) - In a move that should put voters at ease who are skeptical of his stance on Israel and Iran, Barack Obama has added Dennis Ross to his Middle East entourage, Massimo Calabresi writes in Time. The well-known diplomat was lead Israeli-Palestinian negotiator under Clinton and the first Bush, and his...

Iran Considering Nuclear Talks: Foreign Minister

New incentives could bring Tehran to table, enrichment freeze

(Newser) - Iran’s foreign minister turned heads yesterday with optimistic talk about nuclear negotiations with the international community, the Wall Street Journal reports. Tehran is “carefully examining” an offer of economic incentives, Manouchehr Mottaki said, and won’t rule out halting enrichment work during negotiations. “We see the potential...

Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats
Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats

Zimbabwe Detains, then Frees Diplomats

Police held US, UK embassy staff for 6 hours, beat driver

(Newser) - Zimbabwe has freed 12 US and UK diplomats detained earlier today while attempting to investigate political violence, MSNBC reports. The US demanded Zimbabwe “explain its actions,” after police tried to run a car full of diplomats off the road, eventually slashing its tires and beating the driver. “...

Afghan Prez Escapes Assassination Attempt

Taliban boasts attack proves group's power

(Newser) - One person was killed and 11 wounded in a Taliban attack this morning in Kabul aimed at assassinating Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The president escaped the rockets and gunfire unhurt. The attack occurred as Karzai, government ministers, foreign diplomats, and military top brass gathered for the 16th anniversary of the...

Diplomat Corps May Be Forced Into Iraq Service

Yanks face orders to fill understaffed Bagdad embassy

(Newser) - American diplomats may be forced to serve in Iraq if enough qualified candidates don't come forward voluntarily, reports CNN. The US embassy in Baghdad is chronically short-staffed, and the State Department has threatened that no other diplomatic jobs will be filled until the Baghdad bureau is up to speed. A...

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