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UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed
UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

US, other countries kick out Syrian diplomats, envoys

(Newser) - If you thought the details coming out of Houla couldn't get any worse, brace yourself: The UN today reported that more than 80% of the 108 dead were executed. Less than 20 were killed by artillery fire, according to a rep for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,...

Israel Blames Iran for Dual Car Bombs

2 injured in New Delhi blast near Israeli embassy

(Newser) - An Israeli diplomat's car was battered by an explosion in New Delhi today, wounding the driver and the wife of a diplomat, the AP reports. Meanwhile, in Georgia, a driver for Israel's embassy found a package attached to his car ; police in Tbilisi discovered a grenade inside and...

Cat Fight Erupts at US Embassy in Kabul

Diplomats split over fate of semi-feral felines

(Newser) - At the Duck and Cover bar at America's embassy in Kabul, cats are a contentious topic, the Washington Post finds. Some 30 semi-feral cats roam the embassy grounds and some staffers are fiercely resisting plans to exterminate them to prevent rabies. The embassy "cat committee" has been told...

US Bars Audit of Vast Mercenary Army in Iraq

State Department will have 5,000 private contractors

(Newser) - The US is laying the groundwork for what amounts to a mercenary army in Iraq of unprecedented size—but the State Department is withholding information about it from a top watchdog, Wired reports. “Our audit of the program is making no progress,” says Stuart Bowen, the special inspector...

North Korea to Release American

News of Eddie Jun comes as Pyongyang seeks new food aid

(Newser) - North Korea is set to release an American held since last November, state media reported after a US diplomat visited Pyongyang. The American envoy for human rights in North Korea, Robert King, headed to the country to examine its request that the US resume food aid, which Pyongyang halted in...

Diplomat's Daughter Suing NYC for Wrongful Arrest

18-year-old Krittika Biswas was taken from her class in handcuffs

(Newser) - The daughter of an Indian diplomat is suing New York City $1.5 million for arresting her after someone else sent nasty emails to her high school teacher. Krittika Biswas, 18, was removed from her Queens high school in handcuffs in February and held for more than 24 hours, she...

Gunmen Kill Saudi Diplomat in Pakistan

Karachi shooting tied to recent grenade attack on consulate

(Newser) - Gunmen on a motorbike shot and killed a Saudi diplomat as he was driving in Pakistan's largest city today, just days after two hand grenades were tossed at the Saudi consulate, police in Karachi said. The diplomat, who was a member of the security staff at the consulate, was...

Bahrain: Foreign Plot Has Failed

Manama, Tehran trade diplomatic expulsions

(Newser) - Following an aggressive crackdown on protesters last week, Bahrain’s king has announced the “failure” of a foreign plot against his country, and thanked Sunni allies for sending troops into Bahrain. “An external plot has been fomented for 20 to 30 years until the ground was ripe for...

US Ambassador to Mexico Quits Over Cables Flap

Carlos Pascual called Mexico's police inefficient and risk-averse

(Newser) - WikiLeaks has toppled its highest-ranking US official yet—the US ambassador to Mexico, Carlos Pascual. In diplomatic cables, Pascual called Mexico's police and armed forces corrupt, risk averse, inefficient, and "reliant on the United States for leads and operations," which really didn't sit well with Mexico's conservative, nationalist...

Ex-Secretary of State Warren Christopher Dies

Former top diplomat was 85

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, the man Jimmy Carter proclaimed "the best public servant I ever knew," has died of complications of bladder and kidney cancer at age 85. Christopher headed the State Department during Bill Clinton's first term, and was instrumental in peace efforts in the...

Pakistan: We're Holding US Diplomat 2 More Weeks

US threatens to cut aid to country over Raymond Davis controversy

(Newser) - A Pakistani court has ruled that an American diplomat who allegedly shot and killed two men he says tried to rob him must remain in custody for 14 more days, CNN reports. Raymond Davis’ lawyer quickly filed a petition for his release, holding that he has diplomatic immunity. Davis has...

Clinton Calls for Historic Meeting of US Envoys

Nearly all 260 ambassadors will come together today

(Newser) - What with the crisis in Egypt and the fallout from the leaked diplomatic cables , the last few months haven’t exactly been calm for Hillary Clinton—and now the secretary of state is calling for an unprecedented meeting of US ambassadors. The top envoys from almost all of America’s...

Vietnam Police Rough Up US Envoy
Vietnam Police
Rough Up US Envoy

Vietnam Police Rough Up US Envoy

Diplomat attempted to visit pro-democracy dissident

(Newser) - The US has lodged a strong protest against Vietnam's treatment of an American diplomat who attempted to visit a prominent pro-democracy dissident. US officials say embassy political officer Christian Marchant was roughed up and had a car door repeatedly slammed on his legs when he tried to visit Thadeus Nguyen...

Wikileaks: Canadian TV Irked US Diplomats

'Onslaught' of US bad guys part of 'insidious' anti-Americanism

(Newser) - American diplomats stationed in Ottawa weren't happy with what they saw on TV, according to cables released by WikiLeaks. Shows featuring "nefarious" American officials plotting evil deeds against their northern neighbor show "the kind of insidious negative popular stereotyping we are increasingly up against in Canada," one...

Leaks Bare What Envoys Really Think of Leaders

Painful insults abound in leaked cables

(Newser) - The fallout from the WikiLeaks release of US embassy cables is only just beginning, but one thing is clear: there are going to be some seriously embarrassed diplomats. Some insults to world leaders, as collected by the Telegraph:
  • Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president is an "emperor with no clothes,

UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET
 UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET 

UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET

(Newser) - ET, phone the General Assembly. United Nations scientific advisory committees are about to debate whether to place the organization's Office for Outer Space Affairs in charge of coordinating humankind's response if and when extraterrestrials make contact. The unit's boss is Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman, called "absolutely the nearest thing...

Diplomat's Throat Slashed in NY
Diplomat's Throat
Slashed in NY

Diplomat's Throat Slashed in NY

Nicaraguan consul found in Bronx home

(Newser) - Nicaragua's chief diplomat in New York was found dead with his throat slashed in his Bronx home yesterday. The body of Cesar Mercado, 34, was discovered when his driver arrived to pick him up for a meeting with Nicaraguan officials attending the United Nations General Assembly, CNN reports. No suspects...

'Hillary Effect' Credited for Rise of Female Diplomats

There are more woman diplos in Washington than ever

(Newser) - The number of women diplomats in Washington has jumped five-fold since the 1990s, thanks, in part, to Hillary Clinton. Washington-watchers and female diplomats say the rise of female politicians like Clinton has opened doors for a new cadre of women. "Hillary is so visible," Mozambique ambassador Amelia Matos...

Aung San Suu Kyi Meets US, Other Diplomats

Surprise permission may signal shift in Burmese junta

(Newser) - Burma's military rulers allowed Aung San Suu Kyi to meet with diplomats from the US, Britain and Australia today, an unexpected development that may reflect shifts in Western approaches to the regime. The hourlong meeting took place at a government guest house, after which she was returned to the home...

Jamaican Busted in Murder of UK Diplomat

Cops suspect slaying motivated by gay hatred

(Newser) - A 23-year-old Jamaican man has been arrested in the suspected gay-hate murder of a British diplomat. Consul John Terry, 62, was found last month bludgeoned and strangled in his long-time Montego Bay home with a handwritten note on his body containing a derogatory term for gays, reports the Telegraph. Police...

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