
Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev 

Knox Co-Defendent: 'I Wouldn't Harm a Fly'

Accused Kercher killer gives emotional self-defense

(Newser) - Amanda Knox’s ex-boyfriend, accused of a role in the killing of British student Meredith Kercher, made an emotional speech in his own defense in an Italian court today, saying he “wouldn’t harm a fly,” the Guardian reports. Raffaele Sollecito, 24, called his circumstances “unreal,"...

Geithner Sorry, Blames TurboTax


Geithner Sorry, Blames TurboTax

Treasury nominee, at confirmation hearings, apologizes for tax missteps

(Newser) - Timothy Geithner apologized for failing to pay $34,000 in taxes today in his Senate confirmation hearing. “I should have been more careful,” the would-be Treasury secretary said, calling them careless, avoidable mistakes. When asked how he prepared the taxes he replied, “I will answer that, but...

Bernanke Backs New Stimulus
 Bernanke Backs New Stimulus 

Bernanke Backs New Stimulus

But Fed chief says new measure must include access to credit

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke gave his blessing to a new economic stimulus package today, the New York Times reports, saying the slowdown warrants another boost but hedging his approval with conditions that would discourage the sort of package Democrats are pushing. “If the Congress proceeds with a fiscal package, it should...

Palin Aides to Testify on Troopergate

Judge denied attempt by staffers to void lawmakers' subpoenas

(Newser) - State employees who had argued that Alaska’s legislature lacked the power to call on them have agreed to testify in the so-called Troopergate probe investigating Sarah Palin’s motives in firing the state’s public-safety commissioner, the Anchorage Daily News reports. A state judge ruled last week against the...

Vegas Cop Thought OJ Heist 'Couldn't Be True'

'It didn't make sense' until he heard tape

(Newser) - The first Las Vegas detective to investigate OJ Simpson’s alleged involvement in an armed robbery last September said he was initially flabbergasted at the idea, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It didn't make sense,” Andy Caldwell testified yesterday at Simpson’s trial. Caldwell was soon swayed by...

Anti-Gay Rant Makes Hill Wish It Hadn't Asked
Anti-Gay Rant Makes Hill Wish It Hadn't Asked

Anti-Gay Rant Makes Hill Wish It Hadn't Asked

Outspoken activist succeeds in unifying lawmakers against her

(Newser) - Don’t ask Elaine Donnelly what she thinks of gays in the military—she’ll tell you. Congress made that mistake yesterday, and the anti-gay activist let out what Dana Milbank of the Washington Post calls an “extraordinary exhibition of rage.” Donnelly warned the panel of the “...

Police Question Dungeon Daughter
Police Question Dungeon Daughter

Police Question Dungeon Daughter

Interview conducted in secret location, videotaped for court

(Newser) - Elizabeth Fritzl won’t have to appear in court to give her account of her dungeon nightmare. Fritzl, who was imprisoned by her father for 24 years and forced to bear him seven children, was questioned in a secret location today, police announced, and will be interviewed again Monday. ...

Brinkley: 'I Thought We Were Happy'

Supermodel takes the stand in her celebrity divorce trial

(Newser) - Christie Brinkley took the stand today in her increasingly lurid divorce trial, weeping as she recalled how her porn-loving husband cheated on her with a teenager, the New York Daily News reports. When an opposing lawyer reminded all she was an actress during a largely unsuccessful cross-examination, the supermodel shot...

Cheney's Brain Smug, Evasive in Testimony
Cheney's Brain Smug, Evasive in Testimony

Cheney's Brain Smug, Evasive in Testimony

Administration's shadowy architect bridles under spotlight

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s chief of staff David Addington has long lurked in the shadows of the Bush administration, building its view of the imperial presidency, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post. But yesterday, “Cheney’s Cheney” was forced to step into the light and testify before Congress—and...

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove
House Panel Subpoenas
Karl Rove

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove

Lawmakers want to know if attorneys were fired over politics

(Newser) - A House panel slapped Karl Rove with a subpoena today to compel his testimony on the White House's role in the firing of federal attorneys and the prosecution of Democratic Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, the Chicago Tribune reports. Rove, due to appear July 10, refused requests to speak voluntarily to...

Petraeus: Iraq Has Stepped Up; Gains Still Fragile

The surge is working, but things are still rough in places

(Newser) - Iraq's security has greatly improved since September, Gen. David Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee today, thanks largely to Iraqis themselves. “Iraq has also conducted a surge,” Petraeus said, pointing to the improved Iraqi army and the contribution of Sunni Awakening groups. But he warned that those...

Bernanke Signals New Rate Cuts
Bernanke Signals New Rate Cuts

Bernanke Signals New Rate Cuts

Says central bank 'will act as needed' to further minimize economic risks

(Newser) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today said that the board stands ready to cut interest rates again to give the economy "adequate insurance against downside risks," reports the Wall Street Journal. The move, which follows 2.25% in cuts to the key rate since September, is widely expected...

White House Scrubbed CDC's Climate Speech

Critics say Bush team deleted portions on global warming

(Newser) - The White House halved prepared testimony the CDC director gave to a Senate committee this week, zapping sections about diseases that might result from global warming. A Bush spokeswoman said the speech was not “watered down,” the AP reports, but sentences such as “scientific evidence supports the...

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit
Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Question haunts congressional hearings

(Newser) - When David Petraeus led the 101st Airborne into Iraq in 2003, he made a rhetorical request: "Tell me how this ends." That question hung in the air during 2 days of testimony before Congress. McClatchy's Newspapers' Warren Strobel summarizes press sentiment when he concludes that the general failed...

Justice Faces Blank Slate in Gonzo Probe

Few precedents for special prosecutor to investigate dept. boss

(Newser) - Solicitor General Paul Clement has a tough decision to make: whether to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his boss Alberto Gonzales' testimony to Congress. Four Senate Democrats have written to Clement requesting a special counsel to determine if Gonzales concealed the truth in his testimony in the US Attorney...

FBI Chief's Testimony Contradicts Gonzales

Democrats demand perjury probe

(Newser) - Pressure mounted on Alberto Gonzales yesterday as FBI director Robert Mueller directly contradicted the attorney general in testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Mueller and Gonzales gave dramatically different accounts about  whether the Justice department's secret eavesdropping program was the subject of the now-legendary nighttime confrontation at the hospital bedside...

AG Refutes Account of Hospital Visit

Senators assail Gonzales in acrimonious oversight hearing

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales today refuted an ex-colleague's dramatic testimony about a 2004 visit to John Ashcroft's hospital bed, but the Senate Judiciary Committee wasn't buying it. Patrick Leahy and Arlen Specter were openly skeptical of the AG's account of the scene in John Ashcroft's room, and Specter raised the possibility of...

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