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Rihanna to Face Brown in Court

(Newser) - Rihanna will testify in court against former boyfriend and alleged attacker Chris Brown next month, E! Online reports. “The judge advised me that there will be a subpoena for Rihanna as a witness at the preliminary hearing,” said her attorney. “She will definitely comply.” Brown also...

Producer Tells Poignant Tale of Fading Astor
 Producer Tells 
 Poignant Tale 
 of Fading Astor 
Anthony Marshall Trial

Producer Tells Poignant Tale of Fading Astor

Hollywood producer met Astor in '92; pair stayed close

(Newser) - Movie and Broadway producer John Hart took the stand in the trial of Brooke Astor's son yesterday, offering a first-hand look at her mental deterioration over more than a decade of friendship, the New York Daily News reports. Hart met Astor at a dinner party in 1992; the pair hit...

Bernanke Sees Economy Stabilizing

But not going to improve quickly

(Newser) - It looks like the economy is stabilizing, Ben Bernanke told the congressional Joint Economic Committee today, but recovery won’t be quick, and there are still “sizable job losses” on the horizon. “We continue to expect economic activity to bottom out, then to turn up later this year,...

Fading Radio, Recording Outfits Clash Over Royalties

(Newser) - The recording industry and radio-station owners are clashing in Washington over the issue of royalties, Bloomberg reports. Both sides have spent tens of millions on lobbying, and contributed to the campaigns of legislators of both parties. At present, radio stations pay royalties to songwriters and publishers, not artists. “This...

Former AIG Chief Greenberg to Testify Today

'I don't feel any responsibility,' 38-year CEO says of AIG

(Newser) - Former AIG chief Maurice “Hank” Greenberg will go before a House committee on Capitol Hill today, testifying about the world-wide conglomerate that is now the most infamous culprit of the financial crisis, despite efforts by both the GOP and current AIG management to undercut his credibility. Greenberg is expected...

Knox Pulled Knife on Him, Witness Says

Homeless man puts suspect, boyfriend near murder scene

(Newser) - A witness in the Amanda Knox murder trial testified that she waved a knife at him outside the house where Meredith Kercher was killed, the AP reports. The Albanian witness, at times mumbling and interrupted by the judge, said he “bumped into a big black trash bag” that turned...

Kercher Neighbors Heard Screams, Court Told

(Newser) - Witnesses in the Amanda Knox trial testified today that they heard screams and the sound of multiple people fleeing the scene the night of Meredith Kercher’s murder, ABC News reports. An elderly woman who lives near the crime scene said she heard a scream that “made my skin...

Geithner Asks Congress for Broad Takeover Powers

Defends actions during AIG bailout

(Newser) - Timothy Geithner today asked Congress for expanded power to take the helm of big, failing  institutions like AIG and wind them down in an orderly fashion, Reuters reports. “AIG highlights broad failures of our financial system," Geithner said in unusually spirited testimony before the House Financial Services Committee....

Shopkeeper Testimony Cuts Hole in Knox Alibi

(Newser) - An Italian shopkeeper has contradicted Amanda Knox's claim that she slept in the day after her roommate was murdered, ABC News reports. Marco Quintavalle testified in Italy yesterday that Knox, 21, dropped by his store early on the morning of Nov. 2, 2007—when Knox says she was at the...

Hill Grilled the Wrong AIG Guy
 Hill Grilled the Wrong AIG Guy 

Hill Grilled the Wrong AIG Guy

(Newser) - Edward Liddy’s much-ballyhooed testimony yesterday—Chris Matthews billed it as “Watergate Redux”—didn’t wind up accomplishing much, “aside from revealing congressional ignorance of all things financial,” Daniel Gross writes in Slate. Yes, Liddy currently runs the reviled AIG, but he wasn’t running it...

AIG Chief: I'm Angry About Bonuses, Too

Liddy blames 'cold realities of competition,' legal issues

(Newser) - Lawmakers read Edward Liddy the riot act today over AIG’s recent bonuses, CNNMoney reports, and the company’s CEO was expected to say he, too, found them “distasteful,” but felt he had to disperse them. “We have to continue managing our business as a business, taking...

Fritzl Daughter Gives Video Testimony

Will be held on camera; press faces jail for reporting

(Newser) - The judge in Josef Fritzl’s incest trial kicked press and the public out of the court today ahead of Elisabeth Fritzl’s video testimony in a move to protect her identity, the Guardian reports. Her recorded evidence is being played “in small portions,” a court official said,...

Fritzl Blames It All on 'Troubled Childhood'

Lawyer says dungeon dad's just a guy who wanted a big family

(Newser) - Apparently Josef Frizl’s mom made him do it. Austria’s most infamous incestuous rapist today told the court he’d committed his awful deeds because he had a “troubled childhood,” the Daily Telegraph reports. Fritzl regaled the court with the story of his early days, showing emotion...

TARP Manager: Let's Not Micromanage
TARP Manager: Let's Not Micromanage

TARP Manager: Let's Not Micromanage

Banks can't make bad loans for lending's sake, says Kashkari

(Newser) - Neel Kashkari, the man who manages the Troubled Asset Relief Program, doesn’t think the government ought to try to make decisions for the banks it helps, he told lawmakers today. “However well-intended, government officials are not positioned to make better commercial decisions than lenders,” he insisted. He...

Rihanna to Testify If Called: Lawyer

(Newser) - Rihanna's attorney says the singer would testify against Chris Brown if called as a witness in her boyfriend's assault case, the AP reports. Donald Etra, who is representing the 21-year-old Barbados native, said today that Rihanna would be required by law to testify if prosecutors subpoena her. Etra appeared in...

Britney's Dad Seeks Restraining Order

(Newser) - Britney Spears' dad yesterday asked an LA court for help in keeping the troubled pop star away from three men he fears are attempting to interfere with her recovery. Jamie Spears, who has legal control of his 27-year-old daughter's affairs, appeared weary as he offered a peek into daily life...

Bernanke: Recession Should End This Year

2010 will be 'year of recovery'

(Newser) - If the government’s plans work, the recession will be over by the end of this year, Ben Bernanke told senators today, making 2010 a “year of recovery.” But, the Wall Street Journal reports, the Federal Reserve chief pointed to continuing storm clouds, saying the US is undergoing...

Knox Speaks Up About Vibrator
 Knox Speaks Up About Vibrator 

Knox Speaks Up About Vibrator

Friend says she wasn't upset by Kercher's death

(Newser) - Amanda Knox spoke in court today for the first time since her trial began, both to declare her innocence and to set the record straight about her vibrator. A witness had said Kercher was chagrined that Knox kept the sex toy in a transparent bag in plain view. “It...

Bank Execs to Congress: We Are Lending

CEOs defend compensation, call for new regulation

(Newser) - “We’re lending,” bank executives told Congress this morning, as CEOs including Jamie Dimon, Ken Lewis, and Vikram Pandit testified before the House Financial Services Committee. They also defended the outrage-inducing (but, they stressed, much reduced) bonuses they handed out, according to their prepared testimony. “Our employees...

Knox, Kercher Feuded Over Boys, Chores: Housemate

Accused killer showered in bloody bathroom, she said

(Newser) - British student Meredith Kercher and her accused killer Amanda Knox got along well when they first moved into their shared house in Italy, but tensions grew over boys and housework, another housemate testified. She said Knox frequently brought men home, while Kercher never did, and Knox sometimes “missed her...

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