Arab Spring

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Yemen's Saleh En Route to US: Report

Hands over power, will seek medical treatment in Washington

(Newser) - Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh said Sunday he will travel to Washington for medical treatment and he asked Yemenis for forgiveness, saying it is time to hand over power in a farewell speech, state media reported. The mercurial president told Yemeni TV networks that he had formally handed power to...

Arab League Extends Syria Mission 1 Month

Will boost number, training of observers

(Newser) - Arab League officials say the 22-member organization's observers mission in Syria, which ran out Thursday, has been extended for an extra month. Today's decision has been made by Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to...

5 Unemployed Moroccans Set Themselves Ablaze

Security forces had prevented them from bringing food to friends

(Newser) - Five Moroccan protesters set themselves on fire today, after security forces prevented them from bringing food and water to fellow demonstrators. The men were part of the "unemployed graduates" movement that's swept Morocco, where unemployment is only 9.1% overall, but around 16% for college graduates, the AP...

Iran Helping Syria Skirt Sanctions

And Russia is shipping in weapons

(Newser) - Iran is quietly helping Syria evade US and European Union sanctions by selling its oil on the international market, US officials have discovered. Transit records show that one shipment last month saw more than 91000 metric tons of crude sent to Iran, the Wall Street Journal reports. An Iranian spokesman...

Tourism Spikes Worldwide
 Tourism Spikes Worldwide 

Tourism Spikes Worldwide

Europe sees boost as Middle East, North Africa lose travelers

(Newser) - The economic crisis, Japanese disasters, and the Arab Spring couldn't stop tourists from globetrotting last year, AFP reports. European tourism surged the most—6% higher than in 2010—helping to fuel an international rise of 4.4% that clocked 980 million travelers, according to a UN report. But tourists...

Al-Qaeda Takes Yemen Town of Radda
 Al-Qaeda Storms Yemen Town 

Al-Qaeda Storms Yemen Town

Opposition accuses Saleh of giving Qaeda a green light

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda militants have taken control of another town in Yemen, in yet another power grab in a country rocked by protests. With President Ali Abdullah Saleh due to hand over power this month (though he may not leave Yemen ), opposition figures are accusing him of letting the group seize...

UN Chief to Syria's Assad: Stop Killing Your People

Ban Ki-moon says 'old order is crumbling'

(Newser) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon demanded today that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stop the slaughter of his own people, and said the "old order" of one-man rule and family dynasties is over in the Middle East. In a keynote address at a conference on democracy in the Arab world, Ban...

Syria Monitor Quits, Calls Mission a 'Farce'

And a second says he's on the verge of doing the same

(Newser) - An Arab League monitor has bailed on the Syria mission, and another says he's on the verge of doing so, amid frustrations about how ineffectual the mission has been. On Tuesday, Algerian observer Anwar Malek told al-Jazeera he was resigning because the mission was a "farce" and unable...

Syria's Assad Makes Rare Public Appearance

Bashar al-Assad tells supporters he wants to 'draw strength' from them

(Newser) - President Bashar al-Assad hasn't exactly been a man of the people since the Syrian uprising began, but today he joined thousands of supporters at a Damascus rally, the AP reports. "I wanted to be with you so I can draw strength from you in the face of everything...

Assad Vows to Meet 'Terrorists' With 'Iron Fist'

He condemns Arab League as hypocrites for pushing democracy

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad gave a rare speech on state-run TV today, in which he lashed out at the Arab League and vowed to deal harshly with violent unrest. The Syrian president asked what right the Arab League, which includes absolute monarchies, had to preach about democracy and reform. "Their situation...

Muslim Brotherhood Backs Egypt's Military—for Now

Islamist group won't call for immediate handover: interview

(Newser) - Instead of moving to quash Egypt's temporary military leadership, the Muslim Brotherhood is getting behind it, the head of the Islamist group's political party tells the New York Times . The military aims to maintain its appointed prime minister and Cabinet until the presidential election in June, but the...

Activists: Syria Is Tricking Monitors

Even as Syria releases another 500 prisoners

(Newser) - Arab League observers in Syria have been claiming as their chief triumph the regime's evacuation of its troops from protest-prone cities. But activists say that hasn’t actually happened—the regime is just using some cheap tricks to make it look like it has, Reuters reports. Activists say the...

Prosecutor: Mubarak Must Hang
 Prosecutor: Mubarak Must Hang

Prosecutor: Mubarak Must Hang

Opening arguments conclude after three days

(Newser) - The team prosecuting Hosni Mubarak says he and all the other defendants in his case must die. Mustafa Khater, one of the prosecutors, concluded the team's three-day opening statement in Mubarak's trial today with a call for the death penalty, according to Reuters and the AP . "The...

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh Won't Go to US
 Saleh Staying Put in Yemen 

Saleh Staying Put in Yemen

President's party claims the country needs him

(Newser) - Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh has backed out of a plan to travel to the US for medical treatment . The official line is that Saleh was persuaded to stay by his party, which told him that his strife-torn country needed him, the New York Times reports. Saleh, after months...

Syrian Rebel Leader Vows 'Surprise' for Regime

Colonel Riad al-Asaad says he's frustrated with Arab League's lack of results

(Newser) - The head of the Free Syrian Army is fed up with the ineffectual Arab League observer mission, and if it doesn’t show some progress soon, he’s going to “take a decision which will surprise the regime and the whole world,” he told Reuters in an interview...

Arab League Calls Emergency Meeting on Syria

It may pull observers out of the country amidst bloodshed

(Newser) - The Arab League is considering yanking its observers out of Syria, as the regime there continues to kill protesters despite its presence, the AP reports. The League today announced an emergency meeting, to be held Saturday in Cairo, to discuss the matter. That meeting won't result in a final...

Arab League: Syria 'Killings Continue'

But chief praises progress, says tanks have been pulled from cities

(Newser) - Syria's government has withdrawn heavy weapons from inside cities and freed about 3,500 prisoners, but security forces continue to kill protesters even with foreign monitors in the country, the Arab League chief said today. Nabil Elaraby said pro-regime snipers also continue to operate in Syria. But despite the...

Syria's 'Eye of Truth' Records Own Death

Fearless cameraman dies recording government crackdown in Homs

(Newser) - A Syrian citizen journalist who repeatedly risked his life to document the country's crackdown on protests died with his camera in his hand after being shot by a sniper. Basil al Sayid, 24, was killed while trying to film security forces firing randomly civilian areas in Homs, the city...

As More Die, Syria Frees 755 Prisoners

6 killed in Hama, which Arab League observers are to visit tomorrow

(Newser) - At least six people are dead after Syrian troops fired into a crowd of thousands of protesters gathered in Hama, say activists. Arab League observers are scheduled to arrive in that city tomorrow, and the protesters were apparently working their way toward the main square to participate in a sit-in...

Syrian Army Leaving Homs
 Syrian Army Leaving Homs 

Syrian Army Leaving Homs

Arrival of Arab League observers leads to withdrawal

(Newser) - Soldiers and tanks began pulling out of Homs this morning, in response to the arrival of Arab League observers in Syria yesterday. Prior to the army’s retreat, fighting in Homs had been on the rise , with 34 civilians reportedly killed there yesterday. “The government’s goals haven’t...

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