Arab Spring

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Arab League Observers Land in Syria

Team of 60 likely headed for Homs

(Newser) - Arab League monitors are officially on the ground in Syria, reports Reuters . The Arab League delegation includes some 50 monitors and 10 other officials, and will eventually number 150 people working to ensure that Bashar al-Assad is in fact backing off his nine-month-long crackdown on protesters. The monitors come not...

Gadhafi Son in 'Good Physical Condition'

But he has no access to lawyer, says Human Rights Watch

(Newser) - Saif al-Islam Gadhafi is imprisoned in isolation and has not been given access to a lawyer, but the son of Moammar Gadhafi is in “good physical condition,” according to Human Rights Watch. In a 30-minute meeting with the group, Gadhafi called his treatment “OK” and said he...

Syrian Army Guns Down Deserters

More than 70 reportedly gunned down in one province

(Newser) - Syria finally agreed to allow Arab League observers into the country yesterday, in a deal that is supposed to help usher in the end to the crackdown on anti-government protesters—but even as it did so, troops yesterday slaughtered army deserters who were attempting to leave their bases. More than...

Kazakhstan Police Kill 14 After Oil Workers Demand Better Pay
 14 Dead in Kazakhstan Protests 

14 Dead in Kazakhstan Protests

Police fire on oil workers demanding better pay

(Newser) - Hundreds of people today are protesting a brutal police crackdown in western Kazakhstan that left at least 13 dead and 86 wounded, the New York Times reports. The violence began Friday when police fired on oil workers who had been striking for 6 months for better pay. Officials ordered them...

Muslim Brotherhood: We Won 40% in Latest Vote

Egyptian party worries final tally won't be accurate

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood says it fared even better in the second round of Egyptian voting than the first. The Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, which bagged 37% in the first round , claimed today it secured about 40% of votes in the second. The party, shortened as FJP, also said...

Syrian Defectors Kill 27 Soldiers

Civil war fears grow amid anti-government attacks

(Newser) - Syrian army defectors killed at least 27 of their former comrades in Daraa province today, in one of the deadliest battles yet in what many fear is a budding Syrian civil war, activists tell the AP . The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says it has eye-witness reports of at least...

Egyptians Head to Polls for Election, Part 2

Historically conservative regions vote today

(Newser) - Egyptians headed to the polls for the second of their three-phase election today, with the likelihood that the Islamists would pull ahead even further. Islamist parties had a strong showing in Egypt's first round of polling, and the regions voting today—which include Giza, Luxor, Aswan, and Ismailia—historically...

Time's Person of the Year: the Protester

He is once again a 'maker of history'

(Newser) - In 2010, Time's Person of the Year was someone who united millions of people. This year, the magazine has chosen to honor ... those millions of people. Time today announced that "the protester" is its 2011 Person of the Year. Writing for the magazine, Kurt Andersen presents a world...

Mexico: We Busted Plot to Smuggle in Gadhafi Son

Al-Saadi planned to hit resort, now in Niger

(Newser) - Mexico says it has uncovered and dismantled an elaborate plot to smuggle al-Saadi Gadhafi into the country and set him up with a new name and identity. The evidently well-funded plotters, which included a Canadian, two Mexicans, and a Dane, flew private jets around Mexico setting up bank accounts and...

Syria Uprising: President Bashar al-Assad Tells Barbara Walters He Did Not Order Crackdown (VIDEO)

 Assad: I Didn't 
 Order Crackdown 
barbara walters interview

Assad: I Didn't Order Crackdown

He feels no guilt, says he tried to protect his people

(Newser) - A defiant Bashar al-Assad sat down with Barbara Walters and denied ordering a brutal crackdown against Syrian protesters, saying that he feels no guilt because "I did my best to protect the people." In fact, most of the dead are his own supporters and troops, Assad insisted, blaming...

Snipers Kill Protester in Yemen Clash

7 injured in Taiz following ceasefire pact

(Newser) - A ceasefire agreement this weekend wasn’t enough to prevent the latest clash between protesters and pro-government forces in Yemen. Snipers killed a 20-year-old woman after soldiers stopped a protest march in the city of Taiz this morning, demonstrators said; at least seven more were injured in the showdown. The...

2011, as Told in 18 Items
 2011, as Told in 18 Items 

2011, as Told in 18 Items

From Steve Jobs' turtleneck to Kate Middleton cash

(Newser) - If the BBC can summarize all of history in 100 objects, then Vanity Fair can do a year in 18. The magazine offers a collection of iconic objects—some real, some fictional—as a time capsule of sorts for 2011. Among the highlights:
  • The Hello Kitty cat holding a “

Islamists Surging Ahead in Egypt Vote
 Islamists Dominate Egypt Vote 

Islamists Dominate Egypt Vote

Muslim Brotherhood, conservatives have 65% of parliament so far

(Newser) - Ultra-conservative Muslim groups—Salafis—appear to be winning a surprisingly strong 25% of the vote in Egypt, as early results are announced from the first elections since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, reports the New York Times . Combined with the expected 40% going to the more mainstream Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist...

Arab League Sanctions Syria
 Arab League Sanctions Syria 

Arab League Sanctions Syria

Syria calls move a betrayal of Arab solidarity

(Newser) - The Arab League has approved sanctions against Syria to pressure the regime to end its deadly eight-month crackdown on dissent. Damascus slammed the move as a betrayal of Arab solidarity. At a press conference in Cairo, Qatar Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim said 19 of the League's 22 member...

Military Apologizes as Egypt Clashes Ease

Truce declared after dozens killed in Cairo

(Newser) - Egypt's military rulers apologized today for the deaths of dozens of pro-democracy protesters and vowed to prosecute those responsible in its latest attempt to appease the tens of thousands who have taken to the streets demanding that the generals immediately step down . Police and protesters also agreed to a...

Battle Rages in Streets of Cairo

Death toll higher than advertised, groups say

(Newser) - Protesters clashed violently with security forces for the fifth straight day today, angrily rejecting the military’s promise to bump up its handover to civilian authorities to next July. Protesters swarmed around the infamous Interior Ministry building, in what they said was an attempt to pin down the police and...

Yemen's Saleh Poised to Cede Power

Set to sign deal, but he's made such claims before

(Newser) - Yemen’s embattled president is headed to Saudi Arabia to sign a deal ceding power to the vice-president, allowing Ali Abdullah Saleh to keep his title until the country holds new elections in three months. But there’s no guarantee that Saleh, who has dropped out of such plans in...

Egypt Military Agrees to Hand Over Power Sooner

But protesters want rulers to step down now

(Newser) - Egypt's ruling military moved up the date for transferring power to a civilian government to July and made noises today about forming a new Cabinet. But the major concessions did little to assuage tens of thousands of protesters in Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square threatening a "second revolution....

Today in Egypt: Mass Protest Out of Tahrir Square
 Today in Egypt: Mass Protest 
day 4 of '2nd revolution'

Today in Egypt: Mass Protest

Huge demonstration planned for today, as thousands head to Tahrir Square

(Newser) - Things continue to intensify in Egypt, where tens of thousands of people are massed on Tahrir Square—and more are streaming in. Activists are today calling for a mass demonstration, which they hope will ratchet up the pressure on the military and accelerate the transition of power. The AP reports...

Libya Captures Gadhafi's Spy Chief

On heels of capture of Saif al-Islam Gadhafi

(Newser) - The noose continues to tighten around Moammar Gadhafi's inner circle: The Libyan strongman's spy chief has been captured alive today in the southern part of the country, according to Libya's information minister. The capture of Abdullah al-Senoussi comes on the heels of that of Gadhafi's onetime...

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