
Stories 101 - 118 | << Prev 

Scientists Seek 'Shadow' Life Forms on Earth

(Newser) - "If aliens exist, they may be living right next door..." No, it's not a writer pitching a television pilot, but the premise of a scientific theory called the "shadow biosphere," New Scientist reports. Some astrobiologists say that life forms may have originated on Earth after...

Alien Life 'Inevitable': Astronomer

Countless Earth-like planets likely in universe

(Newser) - Scientists now believe there could be as many habitable planets in the cosmos as there are stars, and that makes life’s existence elsewhere “inevitable” over billions of years, says one. “It is sort of like running an experiment in your refrigerator—turn it off and something will...

Love the Paranormal? That's Just Anxiety

Stressed out people may turn toward the supernatural

(Newser) - Not everyone believes in alien abductions, but plenty of people say they have seen ghosts or heard voices from the beyond. Poll results show that 90% of Americans have had a paranormal experience—a statistic that scientists increasingly blame on our tricky brains. Anxiety over modern society or any perceived...

'Black Mailbox' a Mecca for UFO Believers

For many, the search for extra-terrestrial life centers on a farming couple's mailbox

(Newser) - A faded, handmade mailbox on a lonely stretch of Nevada highway has become an unlikely tourist attraction, the Los Angeles Times reports. The "Black Mailbox," belonging to a nearby ranching couple, has become a magnet for UFO believers who suspect it is a postbox for extraterrestrials. Some spend...

Astronaut Reports Alien Visits
 Astronaut Reports Alien Visits

Astronaut Reports Alien Visits

Apollo Moon walker Mitchell says US covered up close encounters

(Newser) - Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who walked on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission, says aliens have visited Earth but the information has been covered up by the government. The 77-year-old astronaut told a radio interviewer he was "privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited,...

Discoveries Boost Hope for Alien Life

New forms of extreme bacteria fuel hope for extraterrestrial life

(Newser) - Humans have always wondered about the possibility of alien life somewhere out there. And while scientists seem to agree that the discovery of extraterrestrials will not happen soon, growing numbers are convinced it will happen. The search is being fueled in part by recent discoveries of strange new life forms...

Earth Hits Cosmic Pitch
 Earth Hits Cosmic Pitch 

Earth Hits Cosmic Pitch

Cacophonous radiation beamed from planet could easily be intercepted by aliens

(Newser) - Earth’s atmosphere produces a natural sound and beams it off into the universe, reports. The sound—a painful series of chirps and whistles—is made by the collision of charged particles from the solar wind with Earth’s magnetic field.

New Telescope Joins Alien Hunt
 New Telescope Joins Alien Hunt 

New Telescope Joins Alien Hunt

Low-frequency array checks for nearby ETs

(Newser) - If ET is within a hop, skip, and a solar system, a shiny new European telescope might just turn him up, reports. Made up of up to 25,000 antennae scattered throughout Europe, the LOFAR, or Low Frequency Array, will be able to scan light signals overlooked by...

Best Small-Screen Frightfests Ever

EW lists its top 16, from Twilight Zone to X-Files

(Newser) - Who says the small screen can't scare up big fear? NBC’s new horror anthology, Fear Itself, has sparked Entertainment Weekly to list its top TV scare-fests of all time:
  1. The Twilight Zone: The geography may be fuzzy (fifth dimension? parallel universe?) but fright fans have memorized every episode.

Spacey Colorado Man Captures 'Alien' On Video

Film of 'less wrinkly ET' to be aired today

(Newser) - A Denver man claims to have film of an alien peering through a window, and plans to show it to the media today, the Denver Post reports. The closely encountered alien is said to be 4 feet tall and appears "innocent, benevolent, youthful" and less "wrinkly" than ET...

Vatican: OK to Believe in Aliens
 Vatican: OK to Believe in Aliens 

Vatican: OK to Believe in Aliens

If God wants to create aliens, 'we can't limit his freedom,' says astronomer

(Newser) - Believing in God doesn’t mean you can’t believe in aliens, the Vatican’s chief astronomer told L’Osservatore Romano. God may well have created other creatures, including intelligent ones. “We cannot place limits on God’s creative freedom,” he noted.

Sky's the Limit in Powerful New Searches for Alien Life

Pioneering technology rachets up ET hunt

(Newser) - Powerful new instruments will help scientists in their search for extra-terrestrial life, the Christian Science Monitor writes. New telescopes will make it possible for the SETI Institute to scan millions of star systems for alien radio signals. Only a thousand have been analyzed in detail so far, but the institute...

OMG! Bigfoot on Mars! Run!
OMG! Bigfoot on Mars! Run!

OMG! Bigfoot on Mars! Run!

This just might be what jump-starts interest in space exploration again

(Newser) - After nearly four years of important discoveries, it has taken a tiny rock outcropping that looks like Bigfoot to make people passionate about the Mars rovers, the Telegraph reports. Conspiracy theorists are sure a photo snapped in 2004 reveals an alien, or perhaps a creature like Sasquatch. "I couldn’...

Area 51 Gets 'Homey' Makeover
Area 51 Gets 'Homey' Makeover

Area 51 Gets 'Homey' Makeover

Top-secret Nevada site gets new name ... maybe

(Newser) - It’s been called Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, the Box and, of course, Area 51. Now the US Air Force’s Groom Lake, Nev., test site—possibly the least-secret top-secret base of all time—has a new name: “Homey Airport.” The facility now pops up on aviation software and...

Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib
Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib

Video Game Troopers Talk Abu Ghraib

Anti-Bush Blacksite game 'genuinely subversive,' says Wired

(Newser) - Blacksite boasts the usual nasties, but this first-person shooter has them US-trained and -armed—making it “one of the few genuinely subversive games,” says Wired’s Clive Thompson. Most shoot-'em-ups make you "a warrior for the American dream," but Blacksite’s “corrupt authority” is clearly...

He's Not Alone: Kucinich Ain't First Pol to Spot UFO

NM governor Richardson says government should "come clean"

(Newser) - Dennis Kucinich is already treated as a bit of an alien by the other presidential contenders; it only got worse at this week's forum when interrogator Tim Russert pushed him about Shirley MacLaine’s claim that he saw a UFO at her home. A trapped Kucinich offered tersely, “I...

25 Films Worth Screaming About
25 Films Worth Screaming About

25 Films Worth Screaming About

The best horror films are clever, sometimes funny, and occasionally very, very scary

(Newser) - You're never too old to go trick or treating. Well, yes you are. So instead of fighting the little ones for the next sugar high, you can check out Time's top 25 scary movies:
  1. Shaun of the Dead, 2004
  2. Red Dragon, 2002
  3. Audition, 1999

Planet with Water Discovered
Planet with Water Discovered

Planet with Water Discovered

HD 189733b holds superheated water vapor but is too hot for aliens

(Newser) - Astronomers located the first planet beyond our solar system that hosts water—a giant gas ball bigger than Jupiter and named HD 189733b. Its sizzling climate, which can reach upwards of 3,600 degrees, renders it uninhabitable to any extraterrestrials, but the discovery shows that water is more common in...

Stories 101 - 118 | << Prev