
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Beware of E.T.: Stephen Hawking

Famed physicist believes in aliens, but not that they come in peace

(Newser) - Life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe, and humans on Earth should be doing everything in their power to keep away from the alien beings, Stephen Hawking says. "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want...

Use Your Computer to Find ET

SETI retooling Web site, publishing search program

(Newser) - The massive Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project headquartered in California is reconfiguring its Web site and revealing its detection program to make it far easier for amateur seekers everywhere to join the quest for alien life in the cosmos. "Soon it will be time for you to get involved,...

UFOs Are Attacking Our Sheep: Brits

'Laser lights' responsible for wounds, says group

(Newser) - A group of British extraterrestrial hunters are claiming that the bizarre wounds suffered by English sheep over the last 10 years are the result of UFO laser probes. Sheep have lost eyes, organs and flesh to the light blasts , they report. The UFOs roam a 50-mile corridor in the west...

Celebrity Body Parts and Other Wacky Insurance Policies

 Celebrity Body Parts and Other 
 Wacky Insurance Policies 
Klum's Legs, J-Lo's Butt

Celebrity Body Parts and Other Wacky Insurance Policies

Dolly Parton's boobs are insured for a cool $600K

(Newser) - Health insurance may be the topic of the day, but it's so boring. The Business Insider takes a look at the wacky side of the industry, which mainly includes celebs insuring their body parts for millions of dollars. And some extraterrestrial stuff. Here goes:
  1. Heidi Klum's legs: The model's right

Why Na'vi Have Breasts
 Why Na'vi Have Breasts 

Why Na'vi Have Breasts

Because director James Cameron milks audience lust

(Newser) - OK, they're small, but Na'vi women definitely have them: Breasts. But why? They're extraterrestrials, not mammals, who don't need them to nurse their babies. So why are they there? Simple. "Because this is a movie for human people," director James Cameron explained in an Inside the Actors Studio...

New Brit UFO Files: Strange Lights, Triangles

Reports on hovering Toblerone, 'silky white substance'

(Newser) - The British government's biggest-ever release of UFO files today let the public in on more than 6,000 pages from the 1990s documenting sightings of hovering triangles and strange lights. In one 1997 sighting, a man found dogs barking at a blue triangular craft hovering over his backyard; when it...

As Analog Dies, Earth Falls Silent
 As Analog Dies, 
 Earth Falls Silent 

As Analog Dies, Earth Falls Silent

Our digital chatter makes us invisible to alien life forms, scientist says

(Newser) - Mankind's odds of being discovered by aliens are plummeting as digital chatter makes Earth all but invisible from space. Whereas old-fashioned analog signals spread millions of miles into space, digital signals stay put. As we move toward the latter, says space expert Frank Drake, Earth becomes harder to find.

Top Scientists Set Sights on Aliens

London conference sussing out ETs

(Newser) - ET, phone London. That's where top scientists are meeting this week to discuss the existence of alien life, possibly even on our own planet. The search for aliens should focus not on outer space, but on earth, Arizona State University physicist Paul Davies will argue in a presentation to his...

Denver Man Gets Alien Greeting Panel on Ballot
 Denver Man Gets Alien 
 Greeting Panel on Ballot 

Denver Man Gets Alien Greeting Panel on Ballot

Goal is to lay groundwork for successful 'diplomatic contact'

(Newser) - Every major US city should have a plan to greet extraterrestrial visitors, and Denver might just get its own come 2010. A local man has scared up enough signatures to have a proposition creating an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission included on the ballot next year. Given that Jeff Peckman assumes the...

Bulgarian Scientists: Aliens Have Landed!

Researchers claim they deciphered crop circles

(Newser) - Aliens are here and they've chosen to make contact with the Bulgarians first, according to researchers at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The deputy director of the academy's Space Research Institute says researchers are analyzing crop circles for the answers to 50 questions they posed to the extra-terrestrials, the Telegraph...

ET, Phone Rome: Vatican Holds Alien Conference

Astrobiology experts ponder big picture

(Newser) - Does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the universe and if so, is it Christian? Those and other weighty questions are up for discussion this week at a Vatican conference on astrobiology. Religious leaders and a range of scientists—including some non-Catholics—have been called in to discuss the possibility of...

V 's Great, If You Like Aliens, Politics
 V's Great, If You 
 Like Aliens, Politics 
TV Review

V's Great, If You Like Aliens, Politics

Obama parallels and standard plot bother some critics

(Newser) - Most critics agree that ABC’s much-hyped alien drama V is a well-made show with good acting. But does this remake of the 1983 miniseries feel original? Is it a conservative screed? Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Who cares if V is believable (it’s not)? All Heather Havrilesky

Google Doodles Latest Wells Tribute

Crop circles, UFOs, invaders on logo honor British science fiction pioneer

(Newser) - Google has confirmed what many had guessed—that its mysterious UFO-themed logos this month were a tribute to British science fiction writer HG Wells, the Telegraph reports. The latest logo, which features the Martian fighting machines from War of the Worlds, takes Googlers to a list of search results for...

Google's New UFO Mystery Solved

Somebody's obsessed with HG Wells

(Newser) - Google has apparently been abducted by aliens. The search engine sent Twitterers on an extraterrestrial mystery hunt this week after Tweeting map coordinates and posting "Google" written in crop circles as its ever-changing Internet logo. The coordinates led to the English town of Woking, which was the landing site...

District 9 Is 'Magnificent Trash'
 District 9 Is 'Magnificent Trash'

District 9 Is 'Magnificent Trash'

(Newser) - The aliens are despised outsiders stranded in post-apartheid South Africa in District 9, a film whose mix of social commentary and blood-spattered B-movie standards makes it the sci-fi movie of the year, say critics.
  • Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times: The movie is "a scathing social satire hidden inside a

It's Alive! Obama 'Birther' Conspiracy Spawns Nut Nest

(Newser) - The conspiracy theory that the first black president is an alien and not an American citizen is bizarrely growing a full head of steam and spitting out a wacky cast of characters, notes Eric Etheridge in the New York Times. The fact that Barack Obama has a Hawaiian birth certificate...

Aliens May Be Watching Our Soaps: Expert
Aliens May Be Watching
Our Soaps: Expert 


Aliens May Be Watching Our Soaps: Expert

Life 'definitely' out there, expert says, but very hard to find

(Newser) - Aliens are out there, and they may be watching Survivor, says a premier scientist searching for extraterrestrial life. “We are definitely not alone,” SETI project founder Frank Drake tells Der Spiegel. He worries about TV radio transmitters shooting human entertainment into space, greeting aliens with soap operas or...

UFO Saved Earth in Suicide Mission: Russian Scientist

He points to mysterious crystals as proof

(Newser) - Alien spacecraft crashed into a giant meteor 100 years ago to stop it from hitting Earth, according to a Russian scientist. Most scientists say an exploding meteorite caused 1908’s Tunguska event, which flattened 80 million trees across 100 miles. But researcher Yuri Labvin says crystals found in sparsely populated...

UFO Watchers Abuzz Over Mars 'Skull'

(Newser) - UFO watchers are speculating online that a NASA image of a Martian landscape may show an alien skull, reports the Telegraph. "There appears to be a narrow pointed small mouth, so this creature most likely is a carnivore," noted one. An image that looked surprisingly like a skull...

Immigrant Busted Clinging to 186 mph Eurostar

Cops aren't saying how he did it

(Newser) - An illegal immigrant was nabbed in England clinging to the outside of a Eurostar rail car, reports the Independent. The trains reach speeds of 186 mph. The train originated in Brussels and traveled through France. Police provided no details on how the man survived the risky journey. Immigrants sneaking into...

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