
Stories 21 - 28 | << Prev 

The Truth About Philly's 'Blog Tax'
The Truth
About Philly's 'Blog Tax'

The Truth About Philly's 'Blog Tax'

...Is that it doesn't exist. Here's why you should still be annoyed

(Newser) - Lately, the blogosphere has been chattering about a supposed “blogging tax” in Philadelphia. The story goes that Philly is strapped for cash, so it’s forcing bloggers who sell ads to buy a $300 “business privilege license.” But that’s not actually true, writes Philly-based Wired blogger...

Partisan Bloggers Often Get Paid for Posts

It's becoming common for parties to pay for coverage

(Newser) - The Daily Caller smells a rat in the political blogosphere: The site says many supposedly independent bloggers are taking money on the side from political campaigns to push a particular candidate or agenda. It's a "form of partisan payola that erases the line between journalism and paid endorsement,"...

Our Biggest Conservative: Perez Hilton

Gossip blogger may not look the part, but he's America's 'morals cop'

(Newser) - Somehow, Perez Hilton—a flamboyantly gay gossipmonger whose “favorite hobby is drawing dribbles of semen on pictures of celebrities”—has become “our leading morals cop.” He’s quick to deem Miley Cyrus “trampy” and Sienna Miller “slutty,” and this week—after posting a...

Founder Kills Journalist Email Group That Burned Blogger

Ezra Klein deleting Journolist after someone leaked comments

(Newser) - Writing in the Washington Post , Journolist founder Ezra Klein reports his intention to shut down the e-mail list for good in the wake of the David Weigel scandal . Intended as a private email discussion forum for like-minded journalists, the list serv restricted membership to journalists of "nonpartisan to liberal,...

NYT Reporter Ridicules Pajamas-Clad Bloggers

He defends article on Afghan mineral deposits

(Newser) - New York Times reporter James Risen is not a big fan of bloggers. Yahoo News blogger John Cook, formerly of Gawker, learned this when he called Risen to ask about criticism of his recent story on Afghan mineral deposits. (Original story here ; sample of criticism here .) "Do you...

My Baby's Too Boring to Blog About
 My Baby's 
 Too Boring 
 to Blog About 

My Baby's Too Boring to Blog About

Really, what do they do all day? Not much.

(Newser) - When John R. Barry’s sister started a blog for her baby, friends and family looked at him accusingly. “My son has been alive for about 9 months, and I never started a blog in his honor. It never occurred to me,” he writes on Salon . It made...

New Media Unite, Ignite Anti-Obama Message

Beltway insiders work together with tea party populists

(Newser) - The bloggers, radio hosts, tea-partiers and Beltway veterans of the new conservative movement are not only getting their message out through Twitter and Facebook—they're also getting their act together. Thanks to new media, conservatives are increasingly energized and coordinated, with Washington "insiders" and populist "outsiders" working together....

Pope to Priests: Get Blogging!

Benedict says the church must go digital to reach young Catholics

(Newser) - What Would Jesus Do? Why, blog, of course. Pope Benedict today urged Catholic priests to take advantage of the "rich menu of options" offered by modern technology to reach young people. "Priests are thus challenged to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest generation of audiovisual resources—images,...

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