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Juror to Drag Perfomer: 'Sorry You Went Through This'

Eric Posey wins $1.1M in defamation suit against blogger who falsely claimed he exposed himself

(Newser) - A jury has awarded more than $1.1 million to an Idaho drag performer who accused a far-right blogger of defaming him when she falsely claimed that he exposed himself to a crowd during a Pride event in June 2022. The Kootenai County District Court jury unanimously found Friday that...

Assessing the Complicated Legacy of Heather Armstrong

The 'original influencer' died this week at 47

(Newser) - When the death of Heather Armstrong was announced this week, many headlines used the term "queen of the mommy bloggers." The term came from the headline of a 2011 profile of Armstrong by Lisa Belkin in the New York Times, and Armstrong herself embraced it. (See her keynote...

Florida Looks to Crack Down on Political Bloggers

Bill would force them to register like lobbyists

(Newser) - Any blogger mentioning Florida's governor or a state legislator would be required to register with the state under newly proposed legislation experts say would surely violate the First Amendment. Senate Bill 1316 states any person who writes "an article, a story, or a series of stories" about "...

She Cooked and Ate a Great White. Now, an Apology

Chinese food blogger was fined $18.5K after noshing on protected species, showing it online

(Newser) - Chinese food blogger Tizi is apologizing after one of her viral social media videos showed her eating what turned out to be a protected great white shark. She insists the online seafood seller from whom she procured the shark, and with whom she had worked before, assured her it was...

Killers of Popular Blogger Escape in Police Ambush

2 men who murdered Avijit Roy were on their way to court in Bangladesh

(Newser) - Two of the men who murdered a popular Bangladeshi American blogger are on the lam after a police ambush in broad daylight. The fugitives, already convicted in the 2015 murder of Avijit Roy, were being taken to court for a hearing on Sunday when multiple motorcycles disrupted their police escort...

Airline Contest: Hole Up in Iceland, Travel, Get Paid

You'll have to win Wow Air's contest, though, and do quite a bit of content creation

(Newser) - If you have a BFF and no big summer plans, an Icelandic airline is making a tempting offer. Per Business Insider , Wow Air will set up one lucky duo in a fully furnished apartment in downtown Reykjavik, which will serve as home base from June 1 to Aug. 15, with...

Another Blogger Is Hacked to Death in Bangladesh

Niloy Chowdhury's murder was the fourth such killing since February

(Newser) - Assailants believed to be Islamist militants entered an apartment building posing as potential tenants and killed a secular blogger in Bangladesh's capital today, in the fourth such deadly attack this year, police said. Police official Mustafizur Rahman said 40-year-old Niloy Chowdhury was hacked to death in his apartment. The...

Obama Wrote a Blog Post— and It Sucks

The president is suffering from a case of blogger envy, writes Jonathan Chait

(Newser) - Last month, President Obama urged Congress to ignore bloggers (along with radio pundits, lobbyists, and professional activists) because they create "manufactured crises" (you can relive that stirring speech at Mediaite ). It wasn't clear at the time what, exactly, Obama had against bloggers, writes Jonathan Chait in New ...

Obama's Diagnosis: Romney Has 'Romnesia'

But bloggers slam president for the dig

(Newser) - Maybe President Obama is still feeling funny from last night : Stumping today in Fairfax, Virginia, he criticized Mitt Romney for "side-stepping" on women's issues like abortion and contraception—and of suffering from acute "Romnesia," CBS News reports. "Now that we are 18 days out ... Mr....

No More Pro-Anorexia Blogs on Tumblr

Blogging site to enforce new content policy

(Newser) - Tumblr is taking a stand against blogs that promote self-harm. When a new content policy goes into effect, likely next week, pro-anorexia blogs or others that urge readers to self-injure will no longer be allowed on the blogging site, according to a staff post today. The Awl and New York'...

Obama Staffer Slams Krugman, Liberal Bloggers

NM campaign director blasts 'Firebaggers'

(Newser) - President Obama's campaign director in New Mexico has gone on the offensive—against liberals. Ray Sandoval sent supporters an email containing a blog post describing the debt ceiling deal as an "out-and-out win for the president," and blasting Nobel Prize-winning New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and...

Lefty Bloggers: Obama 'Just Not That Into Us'

Netroots Nation convention bemoans dashed progressive hopes

(Newser) - One emotion running high at this year’s annual meeting of liberal bloggers: disappointment in the president. One popular panel at the Netroots Nation Convention was even titled, “What to Do When the President’s Just Not That Into You," and featured an editor at Daily Kos noting,...

Huffington Post Lawsuit Is Bunk
 HuffPo Lawsuit Is ... Bunk 

HuffPo Lawsuit Is ... Bunk

Says Jeff Bercovici . And Jack Shafer. And Glynnis MacNicol.

(Newser) - Jeff Bercovici calculated that if the $105 million class action suit against the Huffington Post ends in a burst of glory for the site's 9,000 unpaid bloggers, they'll each get a check for $11,666. But, writing for Forbes , he has a warning: "Don’t go spending your...

Unpaid Bloggers File Suit Against Huffington Post

Freelancer Jonathan Tasini brings suit, claims 'implied' compensation

(Newser) - Freelance writer Jonathan Tasini has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Huffington Post/AOL, seeking $105 million in damages for the hundreds of unpaid bloggers toiling for the site. Tasini tells the Washington Post that there was an “implied promise” of compensation for those writers. “Some people were given...

Biden Aide to Journo: Sorry We Put You in the Closet

Blogosphere erupts over reporter's hour-long wait

(Newser) - A rep for Joe Biden has apologized to a reporter for his lengthy stay in a storage closet on Wednesday, where he waited to cover a fundraiser, reports Fox News . “This was the unfortunate mistake of an inexperienced staffer and the vice president's office has made sure it will...

Sorry, HuffPo Bloggers, You're Not Worth Anything

Stats guru Nate Silver does the math on HuffPo's bloggers

(Newser) - Huffington Post bloggers should stop whining about their lack of pay , even after the online site was bought by AOL for $315 million—they're just not worth it, writes stats king Nate Silver at the New York Times . Silver crunched the numbers and estimates that the median blog post is...

Beck to Fans: Don't Defend Me Online

Tells followers to cut vitriolic comments, pray for haters

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is shocked—shocked—at the vitriol he found in comments posted about him, and wants his more ardent supporters to turn the other cheek. The Fox host, digressing from a discussion on the Bronx gay torture case , said he'd been horrified to read blogs that viciously attacked him...

AOL in Talks to Buy TechCrunch

Internet giant rumored to be on verge of buying tech blog

(Newser) - AOL is on the verge of announcing a deal to buy high-profile technology blog TechCrunch, insiders say. AOL—which snapped up TechCrunch rival Engadget in 2005—tried and failed to buy the blog a few years ago, a source tells the Wall Street Journal . An announcement is expected to be...

Left to White House: Stop 'Hippie Punching'

Adviser seeking support of liberal bloggers gets an earful

(Newser) - The White House hasn't been shy about criticizing the left so maybe top Obama adviser David Axelrod should have expected an earful when he organized a conference call to ask liberal bloggers for help ahead of the midterm elections. "You want us to help you, the first thing I...

Whiny Law Prof Quits Blogging After Lament for Rich People

'Super rich' Todd Henderson complained about taxes

(Newser) - Todd Henderson has quit blogging—just a bit too late to avoid a stint as an internet punching bag. "I was a fool," he writes for Truth on the Market . "I wish I had just stuck to blogging about corporate law and such, but I couldn’t...

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