2012 Presidential Candidates

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Bachmann's Campaign Manager Steps Down

Ed Rollins said Bachmann was losing momentum before stepping down

(Newser) - Trouble in political paradise? Senior Republican strategist Ed Rollins, who helped Michele Bachmann win the Iowa straw poll last month, is stepping down as Bachmann's campaign manager, citing health issues, reports Politico . "I wish I was 40 years old, but I'm not," he said. "I'...

Romney Boasts His Health-Care Law Is 'Big Asset'

Romney seeks middle as other GOP candidates vie for right

(Newser) - With the GOP presidential candidates vying to be the rightest-of-the-right at yesterday's Freedom Forum in South Carolina, Mitt Romney kept focused on the general election, where wooing moderates is key, reports Politico . For example, he defended the need for federal regulations. “Regulation is necessary to make a free...

WSJ: Huntsman Tax Plan Shows the Way

His proposal is best of any GOP candidate, says editorial

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman may be languishing in the polls, but his newly released plan to overhaul the tax code and shrink the government is winning high praise from an influential voice—the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal . His "proposal is as impressive as any to date in the...

Election 2012: Has Michele Bachmann Given Up on New Hampshire?
 Bachmann Gives Up on NH 

Bachmann Gives Up on NH

Campaign confirms she's focusing on Iowa, South Carolina

(Newser) - Where’s Michele Bachmann? Well, she’s certainly not in New Hampshire. She hasn’t visited the state since two months ago, and she canceled her last planned visit, after the Ames straw poll. In fact, every single 2012 GOP candidate other than Bachmann has been to New Hampshire since...

George Bush&#39;s Failure Paved Way for Rick Perry
George Bush's Failure
Paved Way for Rick Perry

George Bush's Failure Paved Way for Rick Perry

GOP wants a pure conservative, not a 'compassionate' one: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - Rick Perry is sitting at or near the top of the GOP field mainly because of George W. Bush, writes Steve Kornacki in Salon . But it's not just because of the obvious— that Perry became governor of Texas when Bush defeated Al Gore. "It has to do with...

Sarah Palin Heads Straight to New Hampshire After Iowa Stop Sept. 3

 After Iowa Stop, 
 Palin Heads 
 to NH 

WILL SHE or won't she?

After Iowa Stop, Palin Heads Straight to NH

Probably just a coincidence...

(Newser) - In her continued bid to do absolutely nothing to quell speculation about a run for the Oval Office, Sarah Palin has decided to take a little getaway following her much ballyhooed Sept. 3 appearance in Iowa: to scenic New Hampshire, reports the Iowa Republican . "High-level Iowa Republicans" tell the...

Jewish Donors Think Bachmann Is ... Jewish

And that's bad news for Mitt Romney's quest for cash

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann likes to talk to crowds about "the creator of the universe, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ." Yet for some reason, some Jewish donors think she's ... Jewish. And what may be good for her campaign coffers is bad news for Romney's, according to the...

Oh, OK: Romney's Only Doubling Size of Mansion

Newspaper publisher thinks media should stop assuming

(Newser) - Joe McQuaid, publisher of New Hampshire’s Union Leader , was at the Red Arrow Diner in Manchester during a recent visit from Mitt Romney, and he got a bit of much-needed clarification on an issue that’s been bothering some people: Why in the world is Romney giving his foes...

Santorum: Gay Community Waging 'Jihad' Against Me

Also, he explains how a napkin relates to gay marriage

(Newser) - You may have heard that certain members of the gay community are not huge fans of presidential contender Rick Santorum. Well, Santorum himself is well aware of that fact, and during a South Carolina campaign stop Friday, he accused the gay community of having "gone out on a, I...

Bachmann: God Sent the Hurricane, Earthquake...

To make Washington spend less

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is the latest candidate to make the risky political move of “attributing political motive to natural disasters,” as Alexander Burns writes for Politico . The St. Petersburg Times reports that this weekend at a campaign event in Florida, while praising the Tea Party for its focus on...

Perry Calls Social Security a 'Ponzi Scheme'—Again

But, he insists, he has never said it's unconstitutional

(Newser) - Though Rick Perry’s aides have been disavowing some of the views expressed in his nine-month-old book Fed Up!, the presidential candidate himself doesn’t seem to be doing the same. In Iowa on Saturday, Perry reiterated the opinion stated in his book that Social Security “is a Ponzi...

Bachmann: I'd Drill in the Everglades

...as long as it's done 'responsibly'

(Newser) - Speaking in Florida yesterday, Michele Bachmann supported drilling for oil and natural gas wherever we can find them, even in the Everglades—as long as we do it “responsibly,” the AP reports. “The United States needs to be less dependent on foreign sources of energy and more...

Perry's Travel, Security Tab Secret Til After 2012

Governor lobbied to seal info in school finance bill

(Newser) - Rick Perry's presidential campaign comes with a large security detail provided by Texas state police, but its costs are going to secret for the next 18 months, thanks to a provision added to a school finance bill, reports the Washington Post . Perry—who was “extremely concerned” to protect...

Tea Party Supporters Give Rick Perry Lead in Republican Race

 Tea Party  
 Rick Perry  
gallup poll

Tea Party Favorite: Rick Perry

And 58% of Republicans and right-leaning independents like the Tea Party

(Newser) - Turns out that Rick Perry holds a substantial lead among Tea Party supporters. Here's the new Gallup breakdown: Perry holds the same 21-point advantage, 35% to 14%, over Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann among Tea Party backers. Also, 58% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents back the Tea Party. That...

Bachmann Won't Rule Out Dropping the Minimum Wage

She also advocates reducing corporate taxes

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann says everything would be on the table in her administration when it came to trying to boost employment—including dropping the federal minimum wage. Asked yesterday if she would consider changing the minimum wage to make US labor costs more competitive with overseas costs, she replied, "I'...

Perry Backed Billions in Tax Hikes

Tea Party favorite not always on Norquist's good side

(Newser) - He may be an anti-tax champion now, but Rick Perry has supported billions of dollars in tax hikes throughout his political career—among them the biggest increase that ever occurred in Texas history, the Texas Tribune reports. Just weeks ago, the governor signed an online sales tax provision aimed at...

To Win the White House, Rick Perry Needs to Look Less Angry
To Win This, Rick Perry
Needs to Look Less Angry
Peggy Noonan

To Win This, Rick Perry Needs to Look Less Angry

Conservatives can't afford to be painted as radicals, Peggy Noonan writes

(Newser) - Rick Perry appears to be a “natural conservative, Texas Division,” and that’s awfully appealing for the Republican base, but he’s also got a glaring flaw, writes Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal . Perry has “a chesty, quick-draw machismo that might be right for an...

We'll Know if Palin's Running in 67 Days

There are deadlines even she must adhere to

(Newser) - It may seem like the will-she-or-won’t-she speculation surrounding Sarah Palin will never end, but take heart: There are some deadlines even Palin must adhere to, Molly Ball of Politico points out. Palin absolutely must make up her mind by Oct. 31—that’s the deadline to get on the...

Poll: 41% of GOP Voters Would Reject Sarah Palin

Only Newt Gingrich fared worse in Pew poll

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin decides to run for president she'll find lots of hostile Republicans out there, according to the latest Pew Research Center poll . Some 41% of Republican and Republican-leaning voters told pollsters that there was no chance they would vote for Palin. Only Newt Gingrich, with 48%, had...

Candidates&#39; Faith Is Our Business

 Candidates' Faith 
 Is Our Business 

Candidates' Faith Is Our Business

Candidates need to answer clearly about their religious beliefs

(Newser) - It's time to "get over" our squeamishness of talking frankly about religion in public life, especially when so many Republicans running for their party's presidential nomination have such unusual and strong religious beliefs, says Bill Keller in the New York Times . Two are Mormons, and three others...

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