
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Dharun Ravi: I Didn't Out Clementi

Ex-Rutgers student gives first TV interview

(Newser) - Dharun Ravi is on a media blitz. First there was yesterday's interview with the New Jersey Star Ledger, and today he sat down with ABC News for his first TV interview. In it, Ravi insists that he didn't out roommate Tyler Clementi. "I know I didn't,...

Mystery Man at Tyler Clementi Trial: I Saw the Webcam

'MB' says he, Clementi were having sex when Dharun Ravi allegedly spied

(Newser) - The man Tyler Clementi was having sex with when his roommate allegedly spied on him says he noticed that a webcam was trained on them during the act, USA Today reports. "While we were intimate on the bed, I glanced over my shoulder and noticed the webcam facing toward...

Activists to Harvard: Give Degrees to Expelled Gays

Group wants students expelled by 'secret court' in 1920 recognized

(Newser) - In 1920, seven students were expelled from Harvard University because they were gay or thought to be gay—and now a group of students and faculty wants the school to award the seven with posthumous degrees. The group also wants Harvard to formally abolish its "secret court," the...

Brother Remembers Tyler Clementi
 Tyler Clementi 

Brother Remembers Tyler Clementi

James Clementi writes a series of letters to him

(Newser) - When Rutgers freshman Tyler Clementi committed suicide in 2010, he became the "issue du jour for the masses," writes his older brother, James, in Out magazine. But what could the masses possibly know about his brother, the little kid he used to spin around in the air and...

Evangelical Slams 'Gay' Star Wars Video Game

'Homosexual activists' threaten 'empire': Tony Perkins

(Newser) - In a galaxy not far enough away... an evangelical is criticizing the gay and lesbian relationships in a Star Wars video game, Raw Story reports. Tony Perkins, who leads the Family Research Council, wrote a post condemning Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic: "In a new Star Wars...

Gay Anti-Suicide Activist Kills Himself

Just one month after making an 'It Gets Better' video

(Newser) - A 19-year-old gay filmmaker committed suicide this week, just a month after making an "It Gets Better" video, the Huffington Post reports. In that video, Eric James Borges, who went by EricJames, told a tale of brutal homophobia. He said he'd dropped out of high school after peers...

Catholic Paper Yanks Column Blaming Gay Attraction on Devil

US Conference of Catholic Bishops staffer sorry for 'hurt and confusion'

(Newser) - The country's oldest Roman Catholic newspaper has pulled a column suggesting that the devil may be behind gay sexual attraction. "Some Fundamental Questions on Same-Sex Attraction," written by Daniel Avila, an associate director for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, stated that "the scientific evidence of...

Zachary Quinto Comes Out of the Closet

'Mr. Spock' says gay teen's suicide filled him with 'despair'

(Newser) - Plagued by despair over a gay teenager's suicide, actor Zachary Quinto has come out as a gay man in a new magazine profile. The inheritor of the Mr. Spock role in "Star Trek" said the suicide of a bullied gay teen filled him with "indescribable despair,"...

Phone App Tell Moms Whether Their Son Is Gay

French mothers need only answer 20 questions

(Newser) - "Is my son gay?" is apparently a burning question in France. So much so that a new smartphone app there promises to let moms know after they answer 20 questions, reports Radio France International in a post spotted by the Awl . Sample questions on the app sold by Android...

Gay Student Pressured to Leave School

Private Master's School asked Rachel Aviles to withdraw: Hartford Courant

(Newser) - The Master's School could tolerate the fact that Rachel Aviles wasn't Christian, but gay? That was apparently too much for the Connecticut private school to bear. Though she was a model student in most every way, administrators of the Christian school told Aviles to withdraw or face expulsion...

Meghan Daum on Marcus Bachmann Gay Rumors: He's No Hypocrite
 Lay Off Marcus Bachmann 

Lay Off Marcus Bachmann

'Deeply closeted' or not, there's 'no evidence' he's a hypocrite: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - An “angry mob” of gay-rights supporters are slamming the anti-gay Marcus Bachmann, suggesting he’s a hypocrite who’s not as “straight an arrow as he purports to be.” Though Bachmann’s views on homosexuality are indefensible, the activists themselves may be the real hypocrites, writes Meghan...

First Openly Gay Man Quietly Confirmed as US Judge

J. Paul Oetken makes history, with little fanfare

(Newser) - The US got its first openly gay male federal judge last night. J. Paul Oetken, a former lawyer for the Clinton administration, was confirmed by the Senate on an 80-13 vote and could take his Manhattan seat this week, the New York Times reports. "The old barriers that existed...

Marcus Bachmann: My Clinics Aren't Anti-Gay

He hits back at critics who slammed his 'reparative therapy'

(Newser) - Despite the fact that an ex-patient says Marcus Bachmann's Christian counseling clinic urged him to "pray the gay away," Bachmann says that turning people straight is not the focus of his business. "We don't have an agenda or a philosophy of trying to change someone,...

Oops: Player's 'Gay' Joke Goes Public

Infielder's message in dirt spotted by fans

(Newser) - Gordon Beckham of the Chicago White Sox is on the apology circuit this week: In a game against Kansas City, the second-baseman scratched out a message in the infield with his spikes for his buddy on the other team: "GETZ IS GAY! GB." He made it so big...

48% of Gay Americans Work in the Closet

Many are out in their personal lives, but in at work

(Newser) - Nearly half of college-educated gay and lesbian Americans keep their rainbow flags furled at work, according to a new study. By the Center for Work-Life Policy’s count, 48% hide their orientation in the workplace, with about a third leading “double lives”—meaning they’re openly gay at...

Why I Have No &#39;Gay Pride&#39;
 Why I Have No 'Gay Pride' 

Why I Have No 'Gay Pride'

But 'the absence of pride is not shame,' Jesse Bering concludes

(Newser) - It's LGBT Pride month, but research psychologist Jesse Bering is certainly not proud of the fact that he's gay. The way he sees it, "pride" can be defined in three main ways, and none matches the way he feels about his sexual orientation. Pride is sometimes defined...

Most People Can Determine Sexuality Based Only on How Vowels are Pronounced
 Gay or Straight? 
 How Vowels Can Out You 

Gay or Straight? How Vowels Can Out You

People can determine sexual orientation by listening, says study

(Newser) - If high-tech gaydar equipment existed, you probably wouldn't need it. People can pick up on male sexual orientation based solely on how men pronounce the letters a, e, i, o, and u, reports US News . Researchers at Ohio State University conducted a study to see whether strangers could tell...

CNN Anchor Don Lemon: I'm Gay

Phoenix Suns CEO Rick Welts comes out as well

(Newser) - Don Lemon, CNN's weekend prime-time anchor, is joining a tiny group of media members: those who are openly gay. Lemon, 45, officially comes out in his new book Transparent, though many of his colleagues have long known about his sexual orientation. “I’m scared,” he tells the...

Brit PM Seeks Primetime Ban on Gay Kissing

David Cameron worried about kids 'losing their innocence'

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron appears close to proposing new TV regulations that would ban gay kissing on all TV programs until late at night, according to press reports. The move is the result of a government review of the effects of "sexually suggestive" TV scenes on youngsters, reports...

School Boots Student Groups After Gay Club Forms

New Mexico district says it's a coincidence

(Newser) - A New Mexico school district has forbidden all extra-curricular clubs from meeting during school hours or using school resources—right after a gay-straight alliance applied to become a club. The Clovis school board says it’s purely a coincidence, and that it had already been reviewing the policy, but the...

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