Rick Scott

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7 Governor's Races to Watch
 7 Governor's Races to Watch 
Midterms 2010

7 Governor's Races to Watch

Republicans poised for huge redistricting advantage

(Newser) - Governor’s seats are up for grabs in 37 states today, and Republicans look poised to win loads of them—which could have a profound impact when it comes time to redraw district lines . This Huffington Post tally shows 29 seats held by or leaning toward Republicans, to 16 for...

Under Fire for Text, Fla. Gov Candidate Fires Staffer

Candidate caught breaking rules by viewing phone message

(Newser) - Facing a ruckus after her campaign sneaked her a message during a debate Monday night, Florida's Democratic nominee for governor has fired a staffer for the rules violation. GOP candidate Rick Scott spotted Alex Sink being shown a message on a cell phone during a commercial break and informed moderators,...

3 GOP Hopefuls Have Spent a Quarter-Billion Dollars

Seriously ... and they're not even ahead in the polls

(Newser) - The Chamber of Commerce and Public-Employees Union have got nothing on three Republican candidates when it comes to campaign spending: Meg Whitman, Rick Scott, and Linda McMahon have spent more than the two groups combined—a staggering $243 million. What makes that figure even more gobsmacking is not just the...

Outsider Rick Scott Wins Fla. GOP Primary
 Outsider Rick Scott 
 Wins Fla. GOP Primary 

Outsider Rick Scott Wins Fla. GOP Primary

Novice politician will face Alex Sink for governor

(Newser) - Political novice Rick Scott has narrowly defeated Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum—and the state's GOP establishment—to win the Republican nomination for governor. Scott, a former health care executive, poured $50 million of his own money into a bitterly fought campaign in which he painted his rival as a...

Huck: I Didn't Shake Down GOP Candidate

 Huck: I Didn't 
 Shake Down 
 GOP Candidate 

Huck: I Didn't Shake Down GOP Candidate

Denies he sought $250K for endorsement

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee's crew is moving swiftly to stamp out rumors that the onetime presidential candidate offered up his endorsement in Florida's gubernatorial primary—for the bargain-basement discount price of $250,000, according to Politico. A blogger reported yesterday than an unnamed source in Rick Scott's camp told him that Huck...

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow
Primary Preview

McCain, Old Pros Set to Win Big Tomorrow

Anti-establishment wave hits the rocks in Arizona, Florida

(Newser) - If the polls are to be believed, tomorrow will deal a big blow to the “anti-establishment” storyline swirling around the 2010 election. John McCain, who looked like he’d be on the ropes early on, now has a huge lead over tea party favorite JD Hayworth, the Washington Post...

Florida Tries to Outdo Arizona on Immigration

AG/gubernatorial candidate proposes even tougher law

(Newser) - Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has proposed a sweeping new immigration bill that makes Arizona’s look tame. The bill would require immigrants to carry documentation at all times, or risk 20 days in jail, and would allow judges to more harshly punish illegal immigrants accused of the same crimes...

Ex-CEO, Swift-Boaters Lead Attack on Health Reform

Rick Scott ties Democrats' plans to Canadian, British systems

(Newser) - As leading Democrats prepare for a health care overhaul, the loudest opposition isn’t coming from GOP leaders—it’s coming from investor and former hospital CEO Rick Scott, with the help of the team that “Swift-boated” John Kerry, the Washington Post reports. Scott is spending $5 million of...

GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders on Health Care
 GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders 
 on Health Care 


GOP Lacks Focus, Leaders on Health Care

Dems' organization on issue towers over Republicans'

(Newser) - While Democrats build up serious steam on health-care reform, the GOP has been left behind, with no firm message, no plan, little funding, and no clear leaders on the issue, writes Carrie Budoff Brown for Politico. Republicans fear the lag could make opposition to President Obama’s plans difficult. “...

Stories 61 - 69 | << Prev