Rick Scott

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Governors: Scott Walker, Rick Scott Win; Wendy Davis Loses

Charlie Crist's comeback falls short

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott will not hand his job back to former Gov. Charlie Crist. The Republican Scott fended off the challenge from Republican-turned-Democrat Crist tonight in one of the higher-profile races of the 36 gubernatorial contests on the ballot. Elsewhere, Wisconsin's Scott Walker defeated Mary Burke to keep...

Florida Governor Almost Calls Off Debate Over Fan

Heated debate gets off to bizarre start

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott almost called off his debate with Democratic challenger Charlie Crist last night over a fan—and not the kind that would want the Republican's autograph. At the start of the debate, Scott refused to come out for at least six minutes because Crist had an...

GOP Governors Are Coming Around on ObamaCare

How lobbying, politics are making them change their tune

(Newser) - Rick Scott's stunning about-face on expanding Medicaid in Florida made him the seventh Republican governor to back the ObamaCare provision, a trend delighting the law's supporters, the New York Times observes today. "I think this means the dominoes are falling," says the head of one consumer...

Big Reversal: Florida Gov. Backs Key Part of ObamaCare

Scott now supports expansion of Medicaid

(Newser) - ObamaCare scored a big surprise victory today thanks to one of its most strident critics, reports Politico . Florida Gov. Rick Scott reversed himself and backed an expansion of Medicaid in the state, reports the Tampa Bay Times , which calls it an "amazing policy reversal." Scott said the death...

Rick Scott Unwittingly Becomes Satanist Hero

Satanists like his support for 'inspirational messages' in school

(Newser) - When Florida Gov. Rick Scott approved a Senate bill allowing students to read inspirational messages at school assemblies and sports events, he probably wasn't expecting to get the Satanists on his side. But that's exactly what happened, as the Satanic Temple is championing the bill as a "...

After Clamoring for Recount, Allen West Losing Harder

Meanwhile, Dems accuse Gov. Rick Scott of interfering in race

(Newser) - It looks pretty clear at this point that Tea Party favorite Allen West did not win re-election to his House seat in Florida, but he's not giving up—and now, Democrats say, even Gov. Rick Scott has interfered in the race, WPTV reports. The Florida secretary of state—who...

Oops: Fla. Gov Accidentally Promotes Phone Sex No.

He meant to give out a meningitis hotline

(Newser) - Here's today's face-palm moment, courtesy of Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who helpfully, unintentionally, and hysterically promoted the phone number for an adult hotline during a meeting of the Florida Cabinet yesterday, reports WSUF . He apparently got his digits mixed up when trying to direct Floridians to the hotline...

Florida Nixes 2 ObamaCare Features

Gov. Rick Scott says state can't foot the bill

(Newser) - And then there were three: Florida will join Wisconsin and Louisiana in refusing to implement two features of the Affordable Care Act, said Gov. Rick Scott yesterday, stating that Florida does not have the money to expand Medicaid or to create a private insurance exchange, reports Reuters . The Medicaid expansion...

Romney to Florida: Hush Up on the Great Jobs News

Sources say campaign feels Rick Scott's good news is off message

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott has been touting the Sunshine State's sunny jobs news—and the Romney campaign would like his forecast to get a little cloudier, two sources tell Bloomberg . Scott's re-election campaign recently boasted that Florida's unemployment rate dropped to 8.6% in May from 8....

Florida Gov Slams Feds' Lawsuit Against Voter Purges

Rick Scott: 'It doesn't make any sense'

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott is showing no signs of backing off his showdown with the federal government, giving Fox & Friends today an earful over the feds' lawsuit to stop the Sunshine State's noncitizen voter purges . "We want to make sure that our voters get to vote and...

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge
Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

Feds Suing Florida Over Voter Purge

...while Florida sues feds over denied access to database

(Newser) - The Department of Justice is taking Florida's Board of Elections to court for disregarding its warnings and continuing to purge its voter lists . Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez has told Florida officials that the state's attempt to purge people it believes are noncitizens from the rolls needs to...

Tampa Paper to Gov. Scott: You're Like George Wallace

Editorial: Stop the Florida voter purge

(Newser) - The Tampa Bay Times today calls on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to stop the state's controversial purge of voters , but the editorial is most notable for what accompanies it: a 1963 photo of Gov. George Wallace trying to stop blacks from enrolling at the University of Alabama. It asks...

Judge to Florida: You Can't Drug-Test State Workers

Governor Rick Scott's directive called unconstitutional

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott's plan to give random drug tests to state workers just ran into a big problem: the Fourth Amendment. A federal judge ruled that Scott's directive to have the state's 85,000 employees submit to surprise tests violates the Constitution's protection against unreasonable...

Judge Orders Florida to Stop Welfare Drug Tests

Says it will likely be ruled unconstitutional

(Newser) - A federal judge has ordered Florida to suspend its “suspicionless drug testing” of would-be welfare recipients, writing that “there is a substantial likelihood” that the law requiring such tests will be deemed unconstitutional. The ruling comes thanks to an ACLU lawsuit on behalf of one welfare recipient—an...

Only 2% Failed Florida Welfare Drug Tests

But that might still be enough for the program to break even

(Newser) - Florida’s controversial new program to drug test welfare recipients isn’t exactly catching droves of addicts. So far only 2% of those tests have come up positive, the Tampa Tribune reports, with 96% testing clean and 2% declining to complete the application process. That rate of failure may still...

Lawsuit: Gov. Scott Running Florida a la Monty Python

Florida governor sued by blind woman for rules change

(Newser) - A blind Florida woman is suing Gov. Rick Scott over his order suspending the state’s rulemaking process—and her attorneys had some fun with the filing. Rosalie Whiley thinks the governor overstepped his constitutional bounds, while the governor says he has the “ supreme executive power ” to do...

Florida To Drug Test Welfare Recipients Under New Law Signed by Rick Scott
Florida to Drug Test
Welfare Recipients
in case you missed it

Florida to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

ACLU files lawsuit saying law is unconstitutional

(Newser) - Governor Rick Scott signed a law this week requiring Floridians to submit urine, blood, or hair samples for drug testing before they could receive any cash aid from the state. Those testing positive will be banned from receiving aid for six months, though they can secure assistance for their children...

Fla. to Ban Doctors From Asking About Guns

'Docs vs Glocks' bill passes state senate

(Newser) - Doctors in Florida will be restricted from asking patients about gun ownership under a bill headed for Gov. Rick Scott's desk. The so-called "Docs versus Glocks" bill passed by the state Senate yesterday was introduced after a woman complained that her pediatrician told her to find another doctor...

Florida Scraps High-Speed Rail Pushed by Obama

Rick Scott cancels plans for Orlando-Tampa train

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott canceled plans for a high-speed train line between Orlando and Tampa promoted by President Barack Obama, saying today it would cost the state too much even with $2.4 billion in federal help. High-speed rail is one of Obama's priorities, and his latest budget proposal calls...

Sink Concedes Fla. Governor's Race

Rick Scott will take over from Charlie Crist

(Newser) - Alex Sink is taking her text messages and going home, conceding the Florida governor's race to Republican multimillionaire Rick Scott after his campaign called a win on her part a "mathematical impossibility." Scott, who ran on an anti-establishment platform with Tea Party blessings, had held what the AP...

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