conservative movement

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Cheney Should Have Run in 2008
 Cheney Should 
 Have Run in 2008 

Cheney Should Have Run in 2008

VP would have lost big and awakened right, says Douthat

(Newser) - As he bashes the Obama administration and insists that torture kept the country safe, Dick Cheney sounds less like a retired VP than a man campaigning for a third Bush term. For Ross Douthat, it's a pity he didn't run himself. In his first column for the New York Times,...

Bush Fans Rare at Conservative Pow-Wow

CPAC speakers slam former president, along with Obama

(Newser) - George W. Bush spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference every year of his presidency, but this year when you hear his name, it’s usually being derided, writes Andy Barr of Politico. Newt Gingrich spent his speech railing against “Bush-Obama big spending,” while Mike Huckabee cited Bush’...

Conservatives Must 'Obstruct and Delay' Obama: Kristol

GOP can check rush toward big government

(Newser) - The “day of reckoning” has come for Republicans, writes William Kristol in the Washington Post. On Tuesday, President Obama delivered “the most unabashedly liberal and big-government speech” since Lyndon Johnson, and seems poised to undo the whole Reagan agenda. “Conservatives can’t win politically right now,”...

Kristol Wraps NY Times Gig
Kristol Wraps
NY Times Gig

Kristol Wraps NY Times Gig

He's done, and says dawning Obama era may mean his fellow conservatives are, too

(Newser) - The “conservative era” in US politics is over, and so is William Kristol’s stay at the New York Times. “All good things must come to an end,” the conservative writes in today’s column, his last, calling Jan. 20 the official end of the right’s...

Weyrich, Who Coined 'Moral Majority,' Dead at 66

Conservative thinker gave name to movement key in GOP rise

(Newser) - Paul Weyrich, the influential conservative who co-founded the Heritage Foundation and coined the term “moral majority,” died today at 66, the Washington Post reports, after years of poor health. A reporter, Weyrich got his Washington entree in 1967 as press secretary for a Colorado senator. At a 1979...

Blame Rush and Co. for GOP's Fall
 Blame Rush
 and Co. for
 GOP's Fall 

Blame Rush and Co. for GOP's Fall

Divisiveness makes for good ratings, bad political movement

(Newser) - Blame has been flying in Republican circles, but not enough has stuck where it belongs: on conservative talk radio. Rush Limbaugh and his imitators skyrocketed to prominence by being "rabble-rousers—high intensity, 'hot' performers whose appeal is based on energizing their base," writes Steven Stark in the Boston ...

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...
 And Don't Let 
 the Door Hit You ... 

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...

Lefty glories in Bush's imminent departure, fires off some parting shots

(Newser) - George W. Bush will soon no longer be president, and “it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the multifaceted burden that will soon be lifted from our collective shoulders,” Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect, taking more than a few minutes to catalog the low...

Conservatism Dead by Its Own Hand: O'Rourke

Bloated government is only one (though huge) legacy of GOP reign

(Newser) - Modern conservatism is dead, and conservatives are to blame, PJ O’Rourke writes for the Weekly Standard. “Anyone who is still on the left is obviously insane and not responsible for his or her actions,” he contends. “No, we on the right did it.” Ideal after...

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