conservative movement

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Palin's Just Like That 'Airhead' Reagan
 Palin's Just 
 Like That 
Norman Podhoretz

Palin's Just Like That 'Airhead' Reagan

Intellectuals on both sides weren't exactly crazy about the Gipper

(Newser) - It’s easy to see why liberal intellectuals hate Sarah Palin—she represents the “retrograde elements of American society” that have “stolen the country from its rightful (liberal) rulers,” writes Norman Podhoretz in the Wall Street Journal . But conservative intellectuals have come to deride her as well,...

House Dems Get Extra Security

Capitol police on case after post-health-vote threats

(Newser) - The rising threats against a number of House Democrats in the wake of Sunday’s health-reform vote has authorities beefing up security for them, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says. Capitol Police and the FBI are looking at at least 10 representatives, the Huffington Post reports; Reps. Bart Stupak (Mich.),...

Liz Cheney Thrives as Dad's Attack Dog
 Liz Cheney Thrives 
 as Dad's Attack Dog 
and she'll seek office

Liz Cheney Thrives as Dad's Attack Dog

She's definitely thinking dynasty, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Liz Cheney is hard at work on the family legacy, not just collaborating on dad's memoirs but boosting the former VP's attacks on the current administration with her own. Insiders say Liz was pivotal in convincing her father to reenter the public sphere and stand by his policies—at the...

Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside
 Tea Partiers 
 Attempt GOP 
 Takeover From 
 the Inside 


Tea Partiers Attempt GOP Takeover From the Inside

Activists fill local posts that set policy, choose candidates

(Newser) - If you thought tea partiers weren’t joiners, think again, as conservative activists across the country fill vacant local Republican Party positions in an effort to change the GOP from the inside. Precinct representatives have a hand in electing county leaders, who determine the platform and even which candidates to...

New Media Unite, Ignite Anti-Obama Message

Beltway insiders work together with tea party populists

(Newser) - The bloggers, radio hosts, tea-partiers and Beltway veterans of the new conservative movement are not only getting their message out through Twitter and Facebook—they're also getting their act together. Thanks to new media, conservatives are increasingly energized and coordinated, with Washington "insiders" and populist "outsiders" working together....

GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up
GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

GOP Should Copy Domino's, Admit It Screwed Up

Republicans can rise again if party acknowledges, 'We blew it'

(Newser) - The GOP need not abandon its core principles to become ascendant again—but it has to 'fess up to its failure to deliver what it preaches. The party could take a lesson from Domino’s Pizza, which in a new campaign basically says: "We blew it." The analogy...

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off
 Culture Wars Took 2009 Off 

Culture Wars Took 2009 Off

Conservative protests were largely secular, writes EJ Dionne

(Newser) - America called a ceasefire in the culture wars this year as the economy and debate on the role of government pushed battles over religion and culture to the back burner, writes EJ Dionne. The change was most apparent on the right, where the loudest voices of protest came from the...

Hey, Fetus People, Leave Irish Coach Alone
 Hey, Fetus People, 
 Leave Irish Coach Alone 

Hey, Fetus People, Leave Irish Coach Alone

It just doesn't matter that Brian Kelly is pro-choice

(Newser) - Unrest in the University of Notre Dame community over the pro-choice views of new football coach Brian Kelly tees up Amanda Marcotte for a screed against what she calls the “Fetus People.” Where sportswriters ask what abortion has to do with college football, the Fetus People “haven’...

Conservatives Are People, Too

 Conservatives Are People, Too 

Conservatives Are People, Too

Past all the negativity, there must be ways we can work together

(Newser) - Today’s screaming conservatives seem to have “quite happily abandoned the pretense of playing a constructive role in the debate over the nation,” ranting instead about paranoid delusions, writes Steve Almond in the Boston Globe . But under all that rage, there must be desires that drive conservatives, and...

GOP: It's Time to Rebrand to 'Conservative'

New name may have greater pull than tainted Repub label

(Newser) - Candidates on both sides are doing their best to hide their party affiliation but it's the Republicans who have the most to worry about, writes Nate Silver . "The Democratic brand is marginal in about half the country, but the Republican brand is radioactive in about two-thirds of it ,"...

Conservatives Declare War on GOP
 Declare War on GOP 

Conservatives Declare War on GOP

New York race just the beginning, activists say

(Newser) - The conservative coup in New York’s special election shows just how little control the GOP has over the ascendant tea party movement—it's a mutiny, and it's just gaining steam, activists say. The folks who helped push Republican Dede Scozzafava out of the race in favor of conservative Doug...

Palin Bucks GOP, Backs Conservative

Race for NY House seat turns into battle for soul of the right

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has bucked the GOP to endorse a third-party challenger in a closely-watched House special election. In the race for the upstate New York seat, Palin has joined Fred Thompson and Dick Armey in endorsing the candidate for the Conservative Party, Doug Hoffman, over a Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava,...

Righty Site Yanks Post on US Military Coup

Newsmax scribe said Obama overthrow 'gaining possibility'

(Newser) - A Newsmax columnist—the conservative mag says he's a mere “unpaid blogger”—suggests that a military coup against the Obama administration is “gaining possibility.” “Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration,” writes John Perry in a column...

Daughter Liz Revives the Cheney Brand

She carries on dad's national security message, and her fan base is growing

(Newser) - Move over, Sarah Palin and Megan McCain—the GOP’s newest rising star is Liz Cheney, “our favorite vice president’s daughter,” as she was touted at a recent conservative gathering. Cheney—an outspoken proponent of “enhanced interrogation” who has said “waterboarding isn’t torture”—...

Beck a PoMo Conservative— and It's Working Well for Him

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s popularity as compared to the more “traditional American conservatism” of, say, Rush Limbaugh heralds the advent of a new archetype, Nate Silver writes on FiveThirtyEight: “Beck is a PoMoCon—a postmodern conservative.” A recent poll shows Beck and Limbaugh equally popular while Limbaugh’s...

Right Steals Left's Language of Protest
 Right Steals Left's 
 Language of Protest 

Right Steals Left's Language of Protest

From 'Nazi' to 'my body,' conservatives are the new liberals

(Newser) - If you go to Amazon to buy Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky's classic treatise on left-wing protest, you'll see authors that other readers are also interested in: Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, and GOP Sen. Jim DeMint. For Politico, that's one of many signs that conservatives have co-opted liberal techniques, from...

Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M
 Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M 

Gingrich Group Raises $8.1M

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s political organization brought in a hefty $8.1 million in the first 6 months of the year, Politico reports. American Solutions for Winning the Future advances conservative issues by paying for Gingrich’s air travel, promoting his books, and distributing mail and advertising—but if anybody asks,...

Kristol: Hey, Liberals, Your Bubble Is Bursting

(Newser) - With the 2006 and 2008 election victories, liberals have been cheering the end of the “ghastly interlude of conservative dominance ushered in by Ronald Reagan,” William Kristol writes in the Weekly Standard. Not so fast. “Only six months into the new administration, even a talented hot air...

As Calif. Righty Bastion, Orange County Cedes to Rural Placer

But it's a place to hide from, not breed, change

(Newser) - Placer County, Calif.—stretching from Sacramento east to Lake Tahoe—is this generation’s Orange County, and that bodes ill for conservatives, Tom Schaller writes on Placer’s demographics and voting record are similar to the Orange County of the 1960s, which birthed the modern conservative movement....

GOP Takes Aim at Obama High Court Noms

(Newser) - Republican groups have already prepared dossiers and attack strategies on a host of possible Obama Supreme Court nominees, the New York Times reports. Ten memos obtained by the Times—all about female judges and scholars—focus on records of abortion rights, gay rights, and the citing of foreign laws. Weakened...

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