
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Zimbabwe Wants Palmer Extradited for Killing Lion

But certain circumstances need to be met for Walter Palmer's extradition

(Newser) - Walter Palmer, the Minnesota dentist who has incited the ire of people around the world for killing Cecil the lion , may soon be making a return trip to Africa if Zimbabwe has its say. The Zimbabwean environment minister said today that the country is seeking Palmer's extradition "so...

Experts: Cecil's Death Could Doom 10 Lion Cubs

Dead lion's cubs are now vulnerable to infanticide from nearby male lions

(Newser) - The death of Zimbabwe's beloved lion Cecil , killed by Minnesota dentist Dr. Walter Palmer , could spark a "cascade of effects" that ultimately result in the deaths of 10 cubs in Cecil's pride. So say University of Oxford conservation experts who've been tracking one of the continent'...

Jimmy Kimmel Has Best Way to Respond to Lion Shooting

Emotional talk-show host says killing was 'vomitous'

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel is as outraged as anyone about the killing of Cecil the lion, who was lured away from a Zimbabwe national park, killed, skinned and beheaded, then left to rot in the sun. "Why are you shooting a lion in the first place?" he asked on last night'...

American Dentist Paid $55K to Lure, Kill Lion: Report

Walter Palmer identified as hunter who killed Zimbabwe's Cecil

(Newser) - The search for the hunter who killed Cecil, Zimbabwe's most famous lion, may be over. The Telegraph says two sources IDed the man as Walter Palmer, a Minnesota dentist, and the Independent says the chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force has confirmed that. Palmer, who's believed to...

Man May Have Paid $55K to Kill Africa's Most Famous Lion

Spaniard sought in killing of Cecil

(Newser) - Months after Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe came under fire for exporting 23 elephant calves to China ( National Geographic has published undercover photos), the park is again mired in controversy—this time after a hunter skinned and beheaded Africa's most famous lion, 13-year-old Cecil. The lion was wearing...

Police in China Nab 10 in Killing of Giant Panda

Raid on home turns up panda meat and pelts

(Newser) - There is now one less giant panda in the world. China Central Television reports that police have arrested 10 people suspected in the killing and dismemberment of a protected wild panda, including two brothers said to have been the ones who actually killed the animal. Acting on a tip, police...

China Finally Admits Allowing Tiger Skin Trade

Presentation forces dramatic admission at international conference

(Newser) - The Chinese government allows the illegal trade of tiger skins, a Chinese delegate was forced to admit yesterday after being confronted at an international conference on endangered species. A report, which according to the International Business Times included graphic content, detailed the way China facilitates the trade of captive tiger...

Poachers Kill One of World's Biggest Elephants

Satao, almost 50, was found mutilated, with his tusks hacked off, in Kenya

(Newser) - An enormous and iconic elephant thought to have been born in the late 1960s—considered one of the last great "tuskers," with ivory that weighed more than 100 pounds and was so big it touched the ground—has been killed by poachers in Tsavo National Park in Kenya....

Baby Rhino Won't Sleep Alone After Poachers Killed Mom

Little Gertjie getting some TLC from endangered species center

(Newser) - Gertjie is only four months old, but he's got a backstory terrible enough to keep most people awake at night, so perhaps it's no surprise that the little guy has trouble sleeping by himself. The Independent has the tale of the baby rhino, who came to live in...

'Zero Tolerance' Nepal Hits Huge Anti-Poaching Milestone

Elephants, tigers, rhinos avoid tragic fate for a full year

(Newser) - Poachers recently killed four rhinoceroses within a week in Kenya; last year, that number was 1,004 in South Africa. But in Nepal, not one was poached in the yearlong span that ended in February—nor were any tigers or elephants, the World Wildlife Fund reports. The country celebrated its...

Obama Cracks Down on US Ivory Sales

Sellers will now have to prove their ivory is legit

(Newser) - The Obama administration today announced a ban on nearly all ivory imports, exports, and sales, along with rules designed to make skirting the ban especially difficult. Under the new rules, all commercial imports of African elephant ivory are banned, including antiques. Most domestic sales will be banned as well; there...

Florida Guy's Crime: Shooting Robot Deer

Decoy used to catch poachers

(Newser) - Florida officials use a bit of technological trickery to catch potential poachers: They set out real-looking robotic deer in areas they think are attracting illegal hunting, Outside reports. The tactic—also used in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Utah—seems to be effective, the Smithsonian notes. After a Florida man pulled over...

US to Destroy 25 Years of Seized Ivory

Obama administration's move meant as warning

(Newser) - US officials have seized six tons of ivory over the past quarter-century, and this month, they plan to destroy it. The destruction in Denver—by rock-crusher—will be the first of its kind in this country, with the White House hoping to underscore that it won't tolerate poaching, Time ...

Help National Security: Curb Animal Poaching
Help National Security:
Curb Animal Poaching

Help National Security: Curb Animal Poaching

Funds go to terrorist groups, say op-ed writers

(Newser) - The US needs to get way more aggressive in stopping animal poachers worldwide—not just for moral reasons but for its own national security, write three advocates in the New York Times . Poaching is a major source of revenue for terror organizations, and poachers' links to groups such as al-Qeada,...

Activists Hope to Fight Poaching —With Nukes

New test can pinpoint year of elephant's death

(Newser) - As the slaughter of elephants for their ivory continues at its worst rate in decades , conservationists have enlisted an unlikely new weapon in the fight against poaching: Cold War-era nuclear bombs. Scientists have found that radioactive carbon left over from above-ground nuclear tests carried out between 1952 and 1962 makes...

US-Funded African Armies Slaughtering Elephants

Poaching is at its highest level in decades

(Newser) - Elephant poaching in Africa is at its highest level in decades, and American taxpayer dollars are helping to fund the frenzied slaughter, the New York Times finds. Soldiers from US-trained and funded armies in Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been implicated in poaching and ivory...

2011's Elephant Carnage: Tens of Thousands

Populations on decline across Africa, wildlife groups warn

(Newser) - The mass slaughter of elephants and rhinos in Africa by poachers has once again reached crisis levels, warns the world body that tracks endangered species. As many as tens of thousands of elephants were slaughtered by poachers last year alone, and the illegal trade in tusks and horns is "...

Rhino Dies in Anti-Poaching Demonstration

Spencer couldn't be revived after sedation

(Newser) - A demonstration of a new anti-poaching procedure came to a tragic end in South Africa yesterday. A white rhino that had been sedated in order for veterinarians to implant a tracking device in his horn—and inject it with dye and a pesticide toxic to humans—died under anesthesia in...

Thai Elephants' New Threat: Poachers After Their Meat

Some Asian cultures believe flesh will boost one's sexual prowess

(Newser) - A new gastronomic fad in Thailand is pushing the country's elephants a step closer to extinction. Poachers, who have historically hunted elephants to obtain their ivory tusks, are now killing the giant mammals and selling their trunks and sexual organs to be eaten as food, reports the AP . Consumption...

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants
 2011: Deadly Year for Elephants 

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants

Ivory seizures represent at least 2.5K dead

(Newser) - This year will ring out as one of the deadliest for elephants since ivory sales were banned more than two decades ago. Officials seized tusks from a record 2,500 elephants, and while some of those could be from long-dead animals, the news still isn't good. "As most...

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