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&#39;Karma&#39;: Lions Eat Rhino Poachers
'Karma': Lions Eat
Rhino Poachers

'Karma': Lions Eat Rhino Poachers

3 poachers may have been killed in South Africa

(Newser) - In a case of poetic justice, rhino poachers were recently eaten by lions in a South African game reserve. A ranger at the Sibuya Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape discovered remains of at least two, possibly three people near a pride of lions Tuesday; an ax and three pairs...

World's 9th-Highest-Paid Actor Sentenced to Prison

Salman Khan gets 5 years in 1998 poaching case

(Newser) - Salman Khan's life might get significantly less glamorous. The world's ninth-highest-paid actor , who has appeared in more than 100 Bollywood films, was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday in India after being found guilty of poaching, though his lawyers intend to appeal and a bail hearing is...

Poachers Still Killing Elephants, but Not for Ivory
They Tracked 19 Elephants,
Found Something Macabre

They Tracked 19 Elephants, Found Something Macabre

Poaching for elephant skin raises fears populations could get decimated in Myanmar

(Newser) - Poaching elephants for their ivory has already devastated populations, but poaching the animals for their skin could be disastrous, according to a new study detailing the "heartbreaking" practice in Myanmar. Poaching wasn't thought to be a major issue in the country at the outset of the three-year study...

They Were Endangered, Now They're Dead

87 vultures succumb to poison in Mozambique

(Newser) - Conservationists say at least 87 critically endangered vultures have died after consuming poison planted in the carcass of a poached elephant in Mozambique, reports the AP . The South Africa-based Endangered Wildlife Trust says at least 80 white-backed vultures and seven hooded vultures were killed and more dead birds might be...

Officials Testing Human Feces, Hope They Belong to Tycoon

Thai officials trying to prove Premchai Karnasuta poached animals in wildlife sanctuary

(Newser) - It's not every day that a tycoon's feces are tested by the authorities, but such is the case in Thailand. Wildlife officials accuse Premchai Karnasuta—ranked by Forbes as the country's 35th richest person, with an estimated net worth of $240 million—of poaching a leopard and...

Suspected Lion Poacher Is Killed&mdash; by Lions
Lions Eat
Lion Poacher

Lions Eat Suspected Lion Poacher

Authorities find remains, rifle in South African game park

(Newser) - A man believed to be illegally hunting lions in South Africa ended up being the prey himself. Authorities found the remains of the man in a private game park near the renowned Kruger National Park, and a police spokesman provides the grisly details to AFP : "It seems the victim...

Rhino Turns Tables on Would-Be Poacher

Suspect arrested after leg injury in Namibia

(Newser) - A rhino turned the tables on a suspected poacher in Namibia, reports the AP , charging and injuring the man while he was allegedly tracking it. The incident happened in Etosha National Park after suspect Luteni Muharukua and other alleged poachers illegally entered the wildlife area in hopes of killing rhinos...

Found in Galapagos Reserve: Boat Carrying 6K Dead Sharks

20 Chinese crew members face jail time, fines

(Newser) - Crew members aboard a Chinese-flagged ship in the Galapagos Islands have been handed almost $6 million in fines plus jail time after what Quartz calls "likely one of the biggest seizures of illegal sharks in recent years." Investigators boarded the Fu Yuan Yu Leng 999 in the Galapagos...

With Prices at $2K a Pound, Feds Crack Down on Eel Poaching

'Operation Broken Glass' targets illegal trade

(Newser) - Changes in the worldwide sushi industry have turned live baby American eels into a commodity that can fetch more than $2,000 a pound at the dock, but the big demand and big prices have spawned a black market that wildlife officials say is jeopardizing the species. Law enforcement authorities...

The Poaching of the World&#39;s Ancient Trees
New Target: 
Ancient Trees

Poachers' New Target: Ancient Trees

This natural resource is centuries in the making, and the black market is thriving

(Newser) - When Colin Hepburn, member of the activist group Wilderness Committee, was walking through the woods in May of 2012 in Canada’s Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park, he came across the remains of an 800-year-old cedar tree. It had stood at almost 200 feet, and it was gone, cut off at...

Astute Viewer Busts Poachers on Hunting Show

Observant man noticed hunters didn't have correct licenses while hunting elk

(Newser) - An eagle-eyed viewer in Wyoming watching a hunting show on cable TV noticed something amiss—an observation that's led to two hunters from Bedford, Ky., being sentenced for poaching and forced to pay hefty fines, the AP reports. Per a release from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the...

To Protect Rhinos, Zoo Taking Chainsaw to Their Faces

Dvur Kralove zoo is fearful of poachers in wake of French incident

(Newser) - "For the sake of rhino safety," a Czech zoo plans to take a chainsaw to its rhinos' faces. The goal is to make the herd of rare black and southern white rhinos unattractive to poachers, who last week shot and killed a white rhino at a French zoo...

Europe Just Experienced a Horrible First at One of Its Zoos

Vince the rhino, killed for his horn, is first live animal to be poached at a zoo

(Newser) - In what authorities say is a brazen first, poachers busted into an EU zoo and attacked a live animal. NBC News reports on the slaying of Vince, a rhinoceros who was found dead in his enclosure Tuesday morning by his keepers after perps broke into France's Thoiry Zoo overnight,...

There Are Just 25 'Big Tuskers' Left in the World. One Was Just Killed

Poachers suspected to have poisoned Satao II

(Newser) - One of the last "big tusker" elephants in Africa has been killed by poachers. Satao II, one of the oldest and biggest elephants on the continent, is believed to have been struck by a poisoned arrow; he was found dead Monday, before poachers could take his ivory. The elephant,...

Poachers Use Conservationists' Tracking Tags Against Them

'There are many ways in which this process can be corrupted'

(Newser) - The tracking tags utilized by conservationists are now being used by poachers to kill the endangered animals they're meant to save, according to a new report published in Conservation Biology . Scientists use tags equipped with GPS or radio transmitters to study animals' behavior, migration, and more. The technology has...

Elephants Increasingly Born Tuskless Due to Poaching

In one area, 98% of female elephants are born without tusks

(Newser) - By 1931, all but 11 elephants living in what is now South Africa's Addo Elephant National Park had been killed, mostly for their ivory. Of the eight female elephants left, half had no tusks. Now 98% of female elephants in Addo are tuskless, the Independent reports. The normal rate...

3 Rare Giraffes Killed Over Their Tails

'What an absolute waste'

(Newser) - Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is home to elephants, rhinos, and giraffes—well, it used to be. Because of poaching, elephant numbers are dwindling, the rhinos are all gone, and the rare Kordofan giraffes may be headed that way. Just 2,000 of the giraffes...

Rhino Killed in India Park Hours After Royal Family's Visit

Rhino was de-horned by poachers

(Newser) - The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visited India's Kaziranga national park Wednesday, where Prince William was reportedly appalled after seeing footage of the mutilated remains of a rhino recently killed by poachers. Just 10 hours after his and wife Kate Middleton's visit ended, and while they were staying...

Rare White Giraffe 'Alive and Well' in Tanzania Park

But the unique animal could be at risk from poachers

(Newser) - A rare 15-month-old white giraffe has made another appearance in Tanzania, leaving conservationists to hope poachers don't decide to go all Ahab on it, the Telegraph reports. According to USA Today , the unique giraffe was spotted as a calf last year in Tarangire National Park. It was seen again...

Headless Body of Famous Elk Found in Oklahoma

A $1K reward has been offered for information in Hollywood's death

(Newser) - The 8-year-old bull elk was photographed so often by visitors to an Oklahoma nature preserve he was dubbed "Hollywood." But the final photo of the creature is a grisly one: a shot of its headless carcass (graphic image here ). The elk, which lived on the Nature Conservancy'...

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