child custody

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Sect Moms Say Kids Scarred
 Sect Moms Say Kids Scarred 

Sect Moms Say Kids Scarred

State blasted ahead of ruling on whether it had right to take custody

(Newser) - Taking young children away from their parents has harmful effects, say mothers from the polygamist sect in Texas, and numerous studies agree—which is why federal and state guidelines require a “reasonable effort” to keep children with their parents before removing them. Texas authorities don't appear to have done...

Jeffs Photos Used to Bolster Custody Case
Jeffs Photos Used to Bolster Custody Case

Jeffs Photos Used to Bolster Custody Case

Cheap publicity stunt, maybe, but parents of newborn took the bait

(Newser) - It was an obvious stunt by Texas child services: entering photos of Warren Jeffs kissing two "child brides" in a custody hearing for a newborn. Reeling from an appeals court ruling that they failed to show that 450 children were at risk, officials wanted to hype the "pervasive"...

12 Children Returned to Sect Parents

3 families reunited; not allowed to return to polygamist ranch

(Newser) - Texas has agreed to return a dozen of the children in its custody to their parents, members of the polygamist sect FLDS, but the state is fighting to hang on to hundreds more, the San Antonio Express-News reports. The reunited families won't be allowed to return to the sect's Yearning...

Polygamy Kids Could Be Back Home in 10 Days

Texas must appeal surprise ruling or send children back

(Newser) - Yesterday's surprise court ruling in favor of a polygamous sect has Texas authorities scrambling, Time reports. An appeals judge ruled that the state had no right to seize children suspected of being sexually abused from the Yearning for Zion ranch. Officials now must appeal the ruling or return the children...

Texas Court: Return Kids to Polygamy Sect
 Texas Court: Return Kids
to Polygamy Sect 

Texas Court: Return Kids to Polygamy Sect

Appellate body finds no evidence more than 460 children were in danger

(Newser) - A Texas appeals court found today that authorities, acting on "no evidence," and supported only by a "general allegation" of impropriety, should not have removed more than 460 children from a polygamist compound, the Dallas Morning News reports. The panel also said a local court "abused...

Sect Parents Slam 'Vague' Custody Plans

Decry persecution, say Texas offering no clear way to reclaim kids

(Newser) - Hearings for the biggest child custody case in American history began yesterday and members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints weren't happy with proceedings, the AP reports. Parents of the more than 460 children in state custody complained that the court's recommendations were too generalized and...

Gunman in Custody Battle Opens Fire at Church Fair

He's tackled by 'hero' bystanders

(Newser) - Three people were wounded yesterday when a gunman involved in a child custody battle opened fire on his ex-girlfriend at a church school festival in San Fernando Valley, reports the Los Angeles Times. Families ran screaming as the gunman nonchalantly lifted his rifle and began squeezing off rounds in front...

Hard Choice for Polygamy Moms: Your Cult or Your Kids

Women may have to leave ranch

(Newser) - Mothers from the Yearning for Zion polygamist compound in Texas may have to distance themselves from their religion—or face not getting their children back, the Dallas Morning News reports. Texas officials have prepared a list of goals the women need to work toward to prove they can provide a...

Britney Wins More Time With Sons

K-Fed lawyer praises singer's 'progress'

(Newser) - Pop princess Britney Spears will be seeing more of her two young sons, the AP reports. Dad Kevin Federline will retain custody, but a court yesterday extended Britney's visitations rights, a sign of the progress she has made since her father took over the singer's affairs. Federline's attorney, who did...

Britney Custody Hearing Gets Off to Low-Key Start

Singer appears distraught as she attempts to gain more time with young sons

(Newser) - Britney Spears attended a custody hearing today, and the scene at the courthouse was surprisingly calm, People reports. The singer looked distraught during a recess, but she appeared to be in higher spirits returning to the courtroom. Because she remains under the conservatorship of her father, the court is unlikely...

Sect Style: Flamboyant Modesty
 Sect Style: Flamboyant Modesty

Sect Style: Flamboyant Modesty

Women's uber-modest fashion clearly sets polygamists apart

(Newser) - The women’s clothes from the Texas polygamist compound call to mind both Little House on the Prairie and prison garb. Yet there’s something elaborate, or even flamboyant, in the carefully crafted styles that set these women so distinctly at odds with modern culture, writes Robin Givhan in the ...

Sect Children Slowly Meet Outside World

Care workers advised to keep them away from TV—and red clothes

(Newser) - The last of the 462 children removed from the compound of a polygamous sect have been placed in foster care in 16 locations around Texas, the Houston Chronicle reports. The caregivers have been given lengthy instructions on how to treat the children, including keeping them away from TV, radio, and...

Do We Have the Old Britney Back?

With dad in control, Spears is out of the spotlight and back in the gym

(Newser) - Britney Spears might be on the rebound, as the court-appointed custodianship of her father shepherds her back to her kids, the gym, and the recording studio, Reuters reports. Apart from a minor traffic accident, the pop star has been out of the news and out of the hospital, focusing instead...

DNA Tests on Polygamists Begin
 DNA Tests on Polygamists Begin 

DNA Tests on Polygamists Begin

Officials seek foster home for 416 children

(Newser) - Texas officials begin taking DNA samples today from 416 children removed from a  polygamist sect and from adults who lived with them. The tests will be used to sort out the parentage of the children in the confusing mix of families with multiple mothers on the sprawling Eldorado ranch, reports...

Britney Owes Lawyers $400K, Court Rules

Bills represent three months of work

(Newser) - Britney Spears must pay nearly $400,000 to the lawyers who have been handling her affairs for the past three months, People magazine reports. Among the disbursements ordered by an LA court: $175,000 to the firm that won Spears' father control over the pop star's affairs, an arrangement that's...

Britney Finally Sees Her Boys
Britney Finally Sees Her Boys

Britney Finally Sees Her Boys

Court-monitored visitation arranged by troubled singer's pop

(Newser) - Troubled star Britney Spears' sons were happy to see their mommy yesterday, for the first time in more than seven weeks. Jayden James and Sean Preston, who have been in their father's custody during Spears' very public breakdown, got three hours of face time with their mom in a court-monitored...

Britney Can See Her Kids: Judge
Britney Can See Her Kids: Judge

Britney Can See Her Kids: Judge

Star can see her boys again, but dad and shrink have to be there

(Newser) - A judge has ruled that Britney Spears can see her kids again, E! Online reports. The singer hasn't been allowed visitation with her two young sons since she barricaded herself in a bathroom with 1-year-old Jayden on Jan. 3. K-Fed's lawyer said the star would be seeing her boys "...

Court Nixes Gag Order in Britney Case

Paparazzi dangerous, but 1st Amendment protects them

(Newser) - Britney Spears will get no help from LA's family court in dodging the paparazzi, People reports. The commissioner overseeing her custody case today declined her lawyers' request for a gag order. Spears' legal team had requested a media blackout because the hordes of photographers were "dangerous" to the troubled...

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