child custody

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Janet, Grim Joe Appear at BET's Jacko Tribute

(Newser) - The BET awards last night were turned into a  star-studded tribute to Michael Jackson, with host Jamie Foxx donning a red leather "Billie Jean" jacket and Beyonce calling Jackson "my teacher and hero." Joe Jackson, wearing a hat and sunglasses, expressed anger about the singer's death. "...

Jackson Clan Demands 2nd Autopsy
Jackson Clan Demands 2nd Autopsy

Jackson Clan Demands 2nd Autopsy

His kids want to stay with grandma, who vows to win custody

(Newser) - The Rev. Jesse Jackson said today that Michael Jackson's family, suspicious over his death, have ordered a second autopsy. Among their concerns is the role played by Dr. Conrad Murray in Jackson’s final hours. "When did the doctor come? What did he do? Did he inject him?" ...

Mercy's Dad Rips 'Scandalous' Madge

Dad who walked out on toddler's mom blasts Madonna for lacking 'good morals'

(Newser) - Madonna's battle to adopt a second Malawi child suffered a major blow yesterday when the toddler's father blasted the singer's loose morals and launched a battle for custody, reports the Daily Mail. James Kambewa is seeking to block the adoption because he wants to spare 3-year-old Mercy a life of...

'Most Teens... Are Sexually Active': Levi

Baby daddy willing to sue for visitation, if it comes to that

(Newser) - Levi Johnston may sue the Palins for the right to see his son, Politico reports. Johnston told Larry King last night that he hired an attorney when Alaska's first family cut off communication, but added, “We’re not in a big fight with the Palins. I still like the...

Madonna Divorce Details To Go Public

Pop star "dreading" public hearing of child custody deal

(Newser) - The messy details of Madonna’s divorce from Guy Ritchie could be aired in public next month, the Daily Mirror reports. A New York judge will likely approve the child custody deal reached in the UK during open-court proceedings. “She is dreading it,” a pal told the Sun....

Adolf Hitler, 3, Removed From Home

Social services take Adolf and sisters away from parents

(Newser) - Authorities have removed Adolf Hitler Campbell and his siblings from their parents' New Jersey home, the Express-Times reports. Adolf, 3, and his baby sisters— JoyceLynn Aryan Nation and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie—were taken by social services. It wasn't immediately clear why they were removed. There were no reports of...

Troops Must Also Fight for Custody
Troops Must Also Fight
for Custody

Troops Must Also Fight for Custody

Ex-spouses use deployment as an argument against military parents

(Newser) - They already risk their lives daily in Afghanistan and Iraq, but members of the US military increasingly face a different kind of fight on the home front: custody battles. As military divorce rates rise, so too do the number of ex-spouses of troops using deployment as a legal argument in...

Guy Spurns Cash, Wants Kids
 Guy Spurns Cash, Wants Kids 

Guy Spurns Cash, Wants Kids

(Newser) - Guy Ritchie will eschew a fight for the Material Girl's material assets, and instead focus on joint custody of their two sons, the New York Daily News reports, citing a settlement in the works. At issue is where the couple’s children, Rocco and David, will live; Madonna would relocate...

Madge Demands 'Kabbalah Water' for Boys During Ritchie Visit

Guy's reunited with sons amid custody fight

(Newser) - Guy Ritchie has been happily reunited with his sons David and Rocco but they've been accompanied by a dozen demands from Madonna, the Daily Mail reports. The singer issued a strict set of rules for the boys' visit, ordering Ritchie not to speak to them about the split, not to...

Britney Brings Boys to La.

Singer finally allowed to take kids across state lines

(Newser) - Britney Spears took her sons to visit her hometown of Kentwood, La., yesterday, marking the first time the singer has been allowed to leave California with the boys since she lost custody to Kevin Federline. “This is a terrific indication of the progress she's made, and the growing trust...

Stone Denied Custody of Son
 Stone Denied Custody of Son 

Stone Denied Custody of Son

Ex Phil Bronstein keeps sole physical custody

(Newser) - Sharon Stone lost another round of custody proceedings over her oldest son. A judge denied her request for primary custody of 8-year-old Roan, who's been living with his father, former San Fransisco Chronicle executive editor Phil Bronstein. The couple divorced in 2004 after six years of marriage.

Jeffs' Bride, 14, Ordered Into Foster Care

Parents let daughter marry sect leader at 12, authorities charge

(Newser) - A Texas judge has ordered a 14-year-old girl allegedly married to polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs at age 12 back into state custody, reports the Salt Lake Tribune. The judge said the parents of the girl, who was first taken into custody when the sect's compound was raided in April,...

'Rockefeller' Headed Back to Boston on Kidnap Charge

Man accused of abducting 7-year-old daughter OKs extradition from Md. to Mass.

(Newser) - Clark Rockefeller waived his right to an extradition hearing in Baltimore today, the Boston Herald reports. The blueblood imposter may be arraigned in Boston as early as tomorrow morning, though authorities have until Aug. 15 to transfer him. Rockefeller—likely an alias—faces charges of felony parental kidnapping and assault....

Spears, Federline Settle Custody Case

Britney pays more in child support, foots K-Fed's lawyer bill

(Newser) - Britney Spears and Kevin Federline finalized their child-custody settlement today, including a $5,000-per-month increase in child support for the pop singer's ex-husband. An attorney for Federline delivered the terms of two separate agreements to Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner Scott M. Gordon, who gave his approval late this afternoon.

K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids
 K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids 

K-Fed Keeps Custody of Kids

Brit still gets three visits per week

(Newser) - Britney Spears and Kevin Federline have reached a custody agreement that will keep them out of court for the near future. If the judge approves, K-Fed will retain sole custody of Preston, 2½, and Jayden, 18 months, with Spears continuing to have two visits and one overnight per week, People...

Jogger in Mystery Murder Abused by Hubby: Family

Victim's parents, twin win custody of two children

(Newser) - The family of a woman found murdered in North Carolina has won custody of her two children after they told the court that her "mentally unstable" husband had been emotionally abusive and had been involved in an affair. No suspects have been named in the mystery murder, but police...

Christie Brinkley Settles Divorce, Gets Kids

Ex makes off with $2.1M; 'It's everything I asked for,' he says

(Newser) - After an intense all-night negotiation session, Christie Brinkley has settled her acrimonious divorce, the New York Post reports. The model got full custody of her two children, and will pay philandering ex Peter Cook a one-time $2.1 million, which will mostly cover legal fees. The rest of the settlement...

Devil, US May Care About Satanist's Custody Fight

Mom wants kids to spend Sunday morning in church instead of with devilish dad

(Newser) - An Indiana man says he is a loving father who just wants to share his faith with his kids—but his Christian ex-wife would prefer their daughters spent Sunday morning in church instead of with their Satanist dad. The custody case raises thorny church and state issues, the Chicago Tribune ...

Murray's Divorce Settled in a Flash

After allegations from both sides a month ago, comedian's wife gets custody, houses

(Newser) - Gossip hounds hoping for acrimonious divorce proceedings for Bill Murray aren't getting their wish, TMZ reports. The actor's divorce has already been settled, with papers signed June 13. Wife Jennifer Butler Murray, 42, gets custody of the four kids; Bill, 57, will have to pay child support. Jennifer, who also...

Judge Sends Kids Back to Polygamist Parents

They must remain in Texas, take classes and steer clear of investigators

(Newser) - A Texas judge ordered more than 400 children returned to their polygamist parents today, the AP reports. Parents could begin picking up their children at 10 this morning, but were ordered not to leave the state or interfere with ongoing child-abuse investigations.

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