
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran Warns of 'War Situation' as Sanctions Resume

Rouhani likens current situation to war against Saddam

(Newser) - Iran greeted the re-imposition of US sanctions on Monday with air defense drills and a statement from President Hassan Rouhani that the nation faces a "war situation." The sanctions end all economic benefits America had granted Tehran for its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, though Iran for...

US Just Reimposed All Sanctions on Iran

Move follows decision to withdraw from 2015 nuclear deal

(Newser) - The Trump administration on Friday announced the reimposition of all US sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal. The sanctions will take effect Monday and cover Iran's shipping, financial, and energy sectors, the AP reports. It's the second batch of penalties the administration...

Iran Hawks Raise the Pressure on Trump

Some lawmakers want Iran removed from SWIFT

(Newser) - A battle is brewing between the Trump administration and some of the president's biggest supporters in Congress who are concerned that sanctions to be re-imposed on Iran early next month won't be tough enough, the AP reports. As President Donald Trump prepares to re-impose a second batch of...

Iran Took Its US Gripes to UN Court, Scored Victory

A preliminary one, at least

(Newser) - The United Nations' highest court on Wednesday ordered the United States to lift specific sanctions on Iran. The ruling by the International Court of Justice is legally binding, but it remains to be seen if the Trump administration will comply. President Trump moved to restore tough US sanctions in May...

North Korea Slams US: Your Policy Is 'a Pipe Dream'

North Korean foreign minister speaks at the UN

(Newser) - North Korea needs more trust in the US and their developing relationship before it will get rid of its nuclear weapons, Pyongyang's top diplomat said Saturday as an envoy from another of the international community's biggest worries—Syria—demanded that the US, France, and Turkey withdraw their troops...

US Slaps China With Sanctions for Buying Arms From Russia

Military agency bought Russian aircraft, missiles

(Newser) - A Chinese military agency and its director are facing US sanctions over the purchase of Russian weapons, the State Department announced Thursday. China's Equipment Development Department and director Li Shangfu made a "significant transaction" involving the purchase of Russian combat aircraft and surface-to-air missiles, State Department spokeswoman Heather...

7 Countries Join US on North Korea Mission

The plan: Stop anyone violating UN sanctions

(Newser) - Smugglers, watch out: Washington is forming an international coalition to better spot ships sneaking fuel into North Korea against UN sanctions, the Wall Street Journal reports. More than 50 people from the allied nations—including Japan, South Korea, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and a member from France—will be...

Trump Order Hits Election Meddlers With Sanctions

Move counters critics who claim he has not taken election security seriously enough

(Newser) - President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday authorizing sanctions against foreigners who meddle in US elections, a move that counters critics who claim he has not taken election security seriously enough. The executive order covers not just interference with campaign infrastructure, but it also covers the distribution of disinformation and...

Iran Wants UN's Highest Court to Reverse Trump Move

Country wants US sanctions lifted, is citing the Treaty of Amity

(Newser) - Iran went to the United Nations' highest court Monday in a bid to have US sanctions lifted following President Trump's decision earlier this year to re-impose them, calling the move "naked economic aggression." Iran filed the case with the International Court of Justice in July, claiming that...

US Makes Good on Promise Against Iran

Sanctions go back into effect at 12:01am Tuesday

(Newser) - The deadline is nearly here: At 12:01am Tuesday, the US will reimpose sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the nuclear arms accord put into place by the Obama White House. President Trump backed out of that accord, though China, Russia, Germany, France, Britain, and the European Union...

US Slaps Turkey With Sanctions Over Pastor
US Hits NATO Ally
With Sanctions

US Hits NATO Ally With Sanctions

Trump had told Turkey to free jailed pastor

(Newser) - President Trump has made good on his threat to hit Turkey with sanctions if American pastor Andrew Brunson wasn't freed. The country's justice minister and interior minister, Abdulhamit Gul and Suleyman Soylu, have been sanctioned over what White House press secretary Sarah Sanders describes as the "unfair...

Nikki Haley&#39;s Retort Sends Message to Trump
Nikki Haley's Retort
Sends Message to Trump
the rundown

Nikki Haley's Retort Sends Message to Trump

UN ambassador shows she won't quietly take public humiliation from the White House

(Newser) - Nikki Haley is getting a lot of attention for her not-so-subtle rejoinder to the White House. It all began when the UN ambassador declared that the US would be imposing new sanctions on Russia, only to have President Trump change his mind about them. When Trump economics adviser Larry Kudlow...

Trump on New Russia Sanctions: Not So Fast

White House walks back Nikki Haley's comments

(Newser) - A day after Nikki Haley announced that the US would be hitting Russia with new sanctions due to the suspected Syria chemical attack, President Trump is walking back her comments. Haley, the US ambassador to the UN, said on Face the Nation that any Russian companies linked to equipment used...

US Punishes Russian Oligarchs Over 'Malign Activity'

24 Russians hit in latest round of sanctions

(Newser) - The United States hit seven Russian oligarchs and 17 Russian government officials with sanctions on Friday for what it called "malign activity" around the world, as the Trump administration tried to show the president is taking tough action to stand up to Moscow. A dozen Russian companies owned by...

Russian Oligarchs May Be Next in Trump's Sights

Sources say they'll be target of latest round of sanctions

(Newser) - President Trump's latest round of sanctions against Russia is going to hit some billionaires with close ties to Vladimir Putin, officials say. Sources tell Reuters and the Washington Post that the new sanctions, expected to be in place by Friday, will target Russian oligarchs under powers given to Trump...

Russia Responds to Sanctions, Will Expand US 'Black List'

It'll add more Americans to its sanctions list: Sergei Ryabkov

(Newser) - Hours after the Trump administration announced sanctions against 19 individuals and five entities in response to Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Russia vowed to respond in kind. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov on Friday said Russia would be adding more Americans to its own sanctions list. "From the...

US Sanctions Russians, Warns of Cyberthreat to Energy Grid

Mnuchin says US won't tolerate 'malign Russian cyber activity'

(Newser) - The Trump administration is imposing sanctions on 19 Russians for alleged interference in the 2016 election, including 13 indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller. The penalties also include the first use of new powers that Congress passed last year to punish Moscow for election meddling. Those targets include officials working...

US: North Korea Used Chemical Agent to Kill Kim's Half Brother

Additional sanctions have been imposed against Pyongyang

(Newser) - The US has imposed additional sanctions on North Korea after determining the country used chemical weapons to assassinate Kim Jong Un's estranged half brother in Malaysia last year, Reuters reports. Kim Jong Nam died after two women smeared his face with the banned nerve agent VX in the Kuala...

North Korea Shipped Weapons to Syria, Myanmar: Report

Confidential UN report also states it made $200M off banned coal exports in 2017

(Newser) - North Korea made nearly $200 million last year by violating UN sanctions and shipping coal to multiple countries, according to an exclusive Reuters report. But that's not all. A confidential report prepared by independent UN monitors and seen by Reuters on Friday also states North Korea supplied weapons—including...

Report: Sanctions Taking Toll on N. Korea's Military

Fuel conservation may explain scaled-back military exercises: 'WSJ'

(Newser) - Amid calls for the reunification of "all Koreans," North Korea has scaled back its annual winter military exercises—but likely not out of the goodness of Kim Jong Un's heart. US officials say international sanctions, particularly those restricting fuel imports, have taken a toll on the country....

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