
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Trump: Iran Policy Needs to 'Snap Back'

America will tell the UN to reimpose Iran sanctions

(Newser) - The US will demand Thursday that all United Nations sanctions be reimposed against Iran, President Trump said Wednesday, a move that follows America's defeat in trying to extend an arms embargo against Tehran, the AP reports. The administration's insistence on snapping back international sanctions against Iran sets the...

China Sanctions Cruz, Rubio for 'Egregious Behavior'

11 US citizens sanctioned in tit-for-tat Hong Kong move

(Newser) - As police in Hong Kong stepped up a crackdown on pro-democracy figures, China slapped sanctions on 11 American citizens for behaving "egregiously on Hong Kong-related issues." Those sanctioned include Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth, as well as Republican Sens. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tom...

US Sanctions Hong Kong Leader
US Sanctions
Hong Kong Leader

US Sanctions Hong Kong Leader

Carrie Lam said she'd 'laugh off' this very scenario

(Newser) - Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam is facing US sanctions amid accusations that she's working with China to limit political freedoms. Lam is "directly responsible for implementing Beijing's policies of suppression of freedom and democratic processes," the Treasury Department said in a Friday statement. It cited Lam'...

Russia's GRU Among Those Hit by EU Cyberattack Sanctions

Penalties are the organization's first

(Newser) - The European Union on Thursday imposed its first-ever sanctions over cyberattacks, slapping them on alleged Russian military agents, Chinese cyber spies, and organizations including a North Korean firm. The six people and three groups hit with sanctions include Russia's GRU military intelligence agency, the AP reports. EU headquarters blamed...

Pompeo Announces Sanctions on Huawei

Certain employees of Chinese tech companies to face visa restrictions

(Newser) - The State Department accused the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer of human right abuses Wednesday, saying it would impose visa restrictions on employees of China's Huawei. The announcement came a week after the State Department accused China of human rights abuses and a day after the UK said...

Trump Threatens Iraq With &#39;Very Big Sanctions&#39;
Trump Vows to Retaliate 
if Iraq Expels US Troops

Trump Vows to Retaliate if Iraq Expels US Troops

'It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame'

(Newser) - President Trump doubled down on his threat to attack Iranian cultural sites Sunday—and threatened Iraq, as well. The president responded to the Iraqi parliament's vote to expel all US troops by warning that the US could hit them with "sanctions like they've never seen before."...

Trump Orders All Sanctions on Turkey Lifted

Says the ceasefire is permanent

(Newser) - The Turkish ceasefire in Syria that was agreed upon last Thursday is a permanent one, said President Trump Wednesday, and so sanctions against Turkey will be lifted—although he allowed that "you will also define permanent in that part of the world as somewhat questionable," reports CNBC . CNN...

McConnell Introduces Resolution Opposing Syria Withdrawal

But stops short of suggesting sanctions on Turkey

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced legislation Tuesday denouncing Turkey's invasion of northern Syria and gently prodding President Trump to halt his withdrawal of US troops from the embattled country, the AP reports. But McConnell said lawmakers should refrain from imposing sanctions on Turkey for now, saying, "We...

After Longtime Stalemate, New US-N. Korea Talks Set

Nuclear negotiations are scheduled to resume Saturday

(Newser) - North Korea and the US have agreed to resume nuclear negotiations on Saturday following a monthslong stalemate over withdrawal of sanctions in exchange for disarmament, a senior North Korean diplomat said Tuesday. Choe Son Hui, North Korea's first vice minister of foreign affairs, said the two nations will have...

Iran, 5 World Powers Discuss Nuclear Deal

Germany, France, and Britain are among those who met in Vienna

(Newser) - Diplomats from Iran and five world powers recommitted Sunday to salvaging a major nuclear deal amid mounting tensions between the West and Tehran since the US withdrew from the accord and reimposed sanctions, the AP reports. Representatives of Iran, Germany, France, Britain, China, Russia, and the European Union met in...

Iran to US: Diplomacy Is Done After 'Stupid,' 'Idiotic' Sanctions

President Rouhani calls WH 'mentally retarded' as tensions escalate

(Newser) - Amid a series of escalations with the United States, Iran says it's throwing in the towel on finding a diplomatic way toward peace after the White House's latest round of sanctions, with name-calling thrown in for good measure. "Imposing useless sanctions ... is the permanent closure of the...

North Korea Orders US to Return Cargo Ship

Spokesman calls seizure of ship a 'flagrant act of robbery'

(Newser) - North Korea has expressed its displeasure with the US seizure of one of its cargo ships in standard North Korean fashion, denouncing the "flagrant act of robbery" and threatening unspecified consequences. "The United States committed an unlawful and outrageous act of dispossessing our cargo ship," a North...

US Seizes North Korean Ship
US Seizes North Korean Ship

US Seizes North Korean Ship

Ship was violating international sanctions, authorities say

(Newser) - In what the New York Times calls "a move certain to escalate tensions already on the rise" between the US and North Korea, the US has seized a North Korean cargo ship. The Justice Department says Wise Honest, the second-largest shipping vessel in Pyongyang’s fleet, was violating US...

Report: US to End Oil Sanctions Waivers

Move will affect allies including Turkey

(Newser) - The Trump administration is poised to tell five nations, including allies Japan, South Korea, and Turkey, that they will no longer be exempt from US sanctions if they continue to import oil from Iran, officials said Sunday. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo plans to announce on Monday that the administration...

N. Korea, Not Trump, Correct on Failed Summit: US Official

Kim Jong Un wanted many sanctions lifted, but not all of them, and none on weapons, official says

(Newser) - President Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un ended abruptly Thursday, with Trump saying, "It was about the sanctions, basically." The president claimed that North Korea wanted all sanctions lifted without a complete dismantlement of its nuclear program, just its main nuclear complex. North Korea soon pushed back...

As Deadline Nears, Trump May Meet With China's Xi

Trade war escalates in a month if 2 sides can't strike a deal

(Newser) - It's nearly crunch time for US and Chinese negotiators hoping to avoid a big escalation in the trade war, and it now appears that President Trump and Xi Jinping will meet face-to-face just before a crucial deadline. The Wall Street Journal reports that China has floated the idea of...

Bolton's Notepad Suggests Military Move on Venezuela

'All options are on the table'

(Newser) - The White House says "all options are on the table" for Venezuela—apparently including the arrival of American troops to its neighbor. The words "Afghanistan -> welcome the talks" and "5,000 troops to Colombia" were seen scribbled on a yellow notepad in the hands of national...

US Hits Huawei, CFO With Criminal Charges

How this affects the US-China trade war will remain to be seen

(Newser) - The US Department of Justice unsealed a 13-count indictment against Chinese tech giant Huawei on Monday, including against two of its affiliates and its chief financial officer, the AP and Fox News report. The felony charges, which came in the form of two separate indictments—one a 10-count grand jury...

New US Sanctions Put Pressure on Maduro

Trump administration hits state-owned oil company with sanctions

(Newser) - The Trump administration imposed sanctions Monday on the state-owned oil company of Venezuela, PDVSA, a potentially critical economic move aimed at increasing pressure on President Nicolas Maduro to cede power to the opposition, the AP reports. National security adviser John Bolton and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced the measures against...

Europe Strikes Back Over Poisoning of Ex-Russian Agent

The European Union slaps sanctions on four Russians

(Newser) - The European Union retaliated with sanctions Monday over the poisoning of an ex-Russian double agent and his daughter in Britain, CNN reports. The sanctions target four members of the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency: officers Ruslan Boshirov and Alexander Petrov—who were accused of carrying out the 2018 nerve-agent...

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