
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

US Drones Batter Yemen Some More

34 suspected militants killed since July 27

(Newser) - Amid continuing US concerns over al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the drone death toll in Yemen has reached 34 since July 27, by Yemeni officials' count. Yesterday, a trio of strikes killed 14 suspected militants, the BBC reports. The attacks occurred in Mareb and Hadramout provinces; they all hit cars,...

New Drone Strike in Yemen Kills 4 Linked to al-Qaeda

Two civilians also reported dead as US hits convoy

(Newser) - At least four people linked to al-Qaeda are dead after a US drone strike targeted a two-vehicle convoy in Yemen's Mareb province at dawn today, security officials say. While Reuters reports the drones, seen circling the area after two vehicles went up in flames, killed as many as six...

Al-Qaeda 'Board Meeting' Prompted Alerts

Leader Zawahri was on conference call with 20 subordinates: Daily Beast

(Newser) - Most of the stories about the recent security alerts say they came about because the US intercepted communication between al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri and Yemen affiliate chief Nasser al-Wuhayshi. But the Daily Beast reports that this was no one-on-one call. In fact, representatives from about 20 al-Qaeda groups were on...

Yemen Busts Huge al-Qaeda Plot

BBC says US special ops are preparing for missions

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda wasn't just planning a one-off suicide bombing of the usual variety—it was close to pulling the trigger on a highly coordinated operation in Yemen that involved blowing up pipelines and taking control of key port cities, reports the BBC . The news service also says US special operations...

Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda
Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda

Dumb US Strategy Keeps Giving Life to al-Qaeda

It's decentralized now, but maybe more dangerous: Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - The al-Qaeda of old may be dead as we once knew it, but misguided US policy over a decade might actually be making things worse, writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post . He sums it up this way: "Al-Qaeda turns out to be like a pool of mercury. Hit...

Bin Laden Groomed Rising al-Qaeda Leader, 36

Al-Wuhayshi, figure in new security alerts, served as his personal aide

(Newser) - The name Nasser al-Wuhayshi is starting to become more familiar to Americans, thanks to the recent spate of security alerts . It was messages between him and overall al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri that triggered US alarm. So who is he? Some snippets from various stories:
  • Wuhayshi is 36 and runs al-Qaeda

US Warns Americans: Get Out of Yemen

US drone strike takes out 4 members of al-Qaeda

(Newser) - American concern about the threat of an al-Qaeda attack is only intensifying. The State Department today ordered all non-essential government employees to leave Yemen, and it urged all American citizens there to do the same, reports Reuters . The development comes after news reports revealed that one of the key pieces...

Al-Qaeda Chief's Order to Attack Sparked Terror Alert

Yemen No.2 was ordered to carry out attack

(Newser) - The intercepted al-Qaeda message that sparked a spate of US embassy closings and travel warnings came from the very top. Ayman al-Zawahri, leader of al-Qaeda since the death of Osama bin Laden, had ordered the head of the terror group's Yemen-based affiliate al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to carry...

Al-Qaeda May Have Invented Explosive Clothing: Report

From same guy behind the underwear bomb

(Newser) - From the mastermind behind the underwear bomb , US officials now fear a new couture-based weapon: clothes dipped in liquid explosives. ABC News says senior government officials heard about the potential new threat at a briefing on yesterday's embassy closures . Two officials present at the meeting say the explosive clothes...

US Can&#39;t Close Bagram, Either
 US Can't Close Bagram, Either 

US Can't Close Bagram, Either

Nicknamed the 'second Guantanamo'

(Newser) - The US is preparing to pull out of Afghanistan, but there's one fly in the ointment: the prison at Bagram air base, which has been nicknamed "the second Guantanamo," the Washington Post reports. The US currently houses 67 non-Afghan inmates there, some of whom it says are...

US Embassies Will Stay Closed All Week

But only as a caution, not because of a new threat, says State Department

(Newser) - Today's closure of US embassies and consulates has been extended through Saturday for diplomatic posts in 19 cities, the State Department has announced. But, it says in a statement , the extension is not due to a new threat, but "merely an indication of our commitment to exercise...

GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right
 GOP: Closing 
 Was Right 


GOP: Closing Embassies Was Right

Threat level was specific, serious

(Newser) - The State Department's move to close all embassies today in light of an al-Qaeda threat reverberated through the Sunday shows, with the decision garnering near-universal applause from both sides of the aisle. "We’ve learned from Benghazi, thank God, and the administration’s doing this right," said...

Interpol Issues Security Alert
 Interpol Issues Security Alert 

Interpol Issues Security Alert

It's worried about all the recent prison breaks; follows US alerts

(Newser) - Add this to a weekend already filled with security alerts: Interpol is urging countries around the world to show "increased vigilance" because of a recent rash of prison escapes that have freed hundreds of militants in Pakistan , Libya , Iraq , Indonesia , and elsewhere. The global security alert asks for help...

Travel Warnings Stem From Unusually Specific Threat

Affiliate of al-Qaeda reportedly in 'final stages' of planning attack on US interests

(Newser) - The State Department's unusually strong warnings this week about a possible terror threat—it announced that 21 US embassies would be closed tomorrow and followed that up with a global travel alert for Americans—came after authorities intercepted communications among what the New York Times calls "senior operatives"...

Threat Closes US Embassies Everywhere on Sunday

State Department says it's out of an 'abundance of caution'

(Newser) - The State Department has ordered many embassies in the Middle East and elsewhere to close on Sunday in response to a terror threat. A State Department spokeswoman said the closings come out of an "abundance of caution," but warned that they could stretch on for days "depending...

500 Prisoners Bust Out of Abu Ghraib

Most escapees were high-ranking al-Qaeda men

(Newser) - Some 500 prisoners, most of them high-ranking al-Qaeda members, were busted out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison (yes that Abu Ghraib prison , but the Iraqis are back in charge now) in a violent and explosive jail break last night. Suicide bombers raided the prison with cars full of explosives,...

Syrian Rebels Turn on Each Other

Infighting breaks out amongst moderates and Islamic extremists

(Newser) - Syrian rebel groups are no longer just battling government forces; some are now fighting a second front: other rebel groups. Infighting has broken out amongst the rebels, with the Western-aligned Free Syrian Army clashing with al-Qaeda-aligned groups the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, reports the AP . There has been...

Terrorists Con American al-Qaeda Supporters

Money sent for military training kept by al-Qaeda leaders

(Newser) - Three Americans who sent thousands of dollars abroad to feed al-Qaeda terrorist plots have found their money wasn't quite going where they intended. Rather than being used for military training, the $300 sent each month—plus watches, cold-weather gear, GPS units, and a remote-control car—was divided between Yemen...

Evidence in Manning Trial: Letter Found by Navy SEALs

It's from Osama bin Laden, and it requests WikiLeaks material

(Newser) - The most serious charge against Bradley Manning is one of aiding the enemy: It carries a sentence of life without parole, and it requires prosecutors to prove that Manning "knowingly gave intelligence information to al-Qaeda." The prosecution began its effort to prove just that yesterday—as it wraps...

Syrian Rebels Using Exact Weapons That Took Gadhafi Down

Rebel weapon pipeline shows how US arms could end up in undesirable hands

(Newser) - Obama recently announced he'd begin sending arms to anti-government rebels in Syria, but where have they been getting their weapons until now? Many of them come from Libya, reports the New York Times , thanks to a secretive, Qatar-financed supply pipeline that sneaks in unregistered arms previously used by Libyan...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>