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Seymour Hersh: Obama Lied About Syria

President didn't mention that jihadists may have gassed Syrians

(Newser) - President Obama lied about the chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds of Syrians in August—or at least spoke way out of school, writes Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books . "In some instances, he omitted important intelligence, and in others he presented assumptions as facts," writes...

CIA Secretly Turned Gitmo Inmates Into Double Agents

'Penny Lane' program led to al-Qaeda leaders' deaths: officials

(Newser) - Guantanamo Bay contained "the worst of a very bad lot," according to Dick Cheney—and it was from this pool that CIA teams handpicked potential double agents, anonymous officials tell the AP . The program at Gitmo's "Penny Lane" facility, a secret cluster of eight cottages near...

Syria: Snipers, Death Squads Target Kids
'War on Childhood' Has
Killed 11K Kids in Syria

'War on Childhood' Has Killed 11K Kids in Syria

Snipers, death squads target children as jihadists make gains

(Newser) - The horrific toll civil war is taking on the children of Syria is laid bare in the first major report to focus on the issue. At least 11,420 children, more than a tenth of the conflict's casualties, have been killed since the conflict began in March 2011, including...

Al-Qaeda Bombers Came to US as Refugees

Their fingerprints were found on Iraq IEDs

(Newser) - A pair of Iraqi bomb-making experts who boasted about killing American soldiers made it into the US as refugees because of apparent bungles with background checks—and authorities fear there could be dozens of similar cases, ABC finds. Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi were allowed to settle in...

NC Man Charged With Trying to Join al-Qaeda in Syria

Pakistani native had online relationship with undercover FBI worker

(Newser) - A North Carolina man was on his way to Lebanon to join an al-Qaeda-linked group when he was arrested, federal prosecutors say; his father says there's "no truth" in the allegations. Pakistan-born Basit Javed Sheikh, 29, is a legal permanent US resident, the News & Observer reports. He...

In Iraq, It's Like the 'Surge' Never Happened

Al-Qaeda has killed thousands this year

(Newser) - Nine car bombs exploded in Baghdad yesterday, which, along with a suicide attack and other incidents killed at least 66 people, the AP reports—and, unfortunately, that didn't make it a particularly unusual day. The al-Qaeda affiliate group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been pummeling the country...

Send al-Qaeda Chief to Gitmo: GOP Senators

Trying al-Libi in US is a wasted opportunity to interrogate him

(Newser) - Recently captured al-Qaeda honcho Abu Anas al-Libi belongs in Guantanamo—not a US courtroom, say Republican Sens. Saxby Chambliss, Kelly Ayotte, and Lindsey Graham. Al-Libi is currently still being held on a Navy ship, but President Obama wants to put him on trial Stateside. The lawmakers say that's...

Captured al-Qaeda Honcho Being Held on Navy Ship

Months of questioning lie ahead for Libyan suspect

(Newser) - Looks like boats are the new Guantanamo Bay: The Libyan al-Qaeda leader captured by American special forces on the weekend is being held on a Navy ship for interrogation and will probably next see land when he is sent to New York City for prosecution, the New York Times reports....

Assad: I Won't Make Peace Deal With Rebels

But admits his gov't has made mistakes

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad admits he's made mistakes ... but gassing his own people wasn't one of them. "We did not use chemical weapons," he insists in a new interview with German magazine Der Spiegel . "This is a misstatement. So is the picture you paint of...

Worst Intel Blow of 2013: News of al-Qaeda Intercept

NYT: Trumps Snowden's leak in terms of harm to surveillance efforts

(Newser) - Quick, answer this: Has any 2013 intelligence leak been worse for US counterterror surveillance efforts than Edward Snowden's big document dump? No? You're wrong, at least according to the New York Times , which talked to unnamed senior officials and government analysts who say the title belongs to an...

Al-Qaeda Militants, Syria Rebels Call Truce— in One Town

Syrian regime, opposition ceasefire may not be far off either, says Assad official

(Newser) - The fighting between al-Qaeda militants and Syrian rebels, which "has raised fears of a war within a war," may now be over, at least in one town, the BBC reports. After seizing the town of Azaz this week, the al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) agreed...

Cloaked by Fog, al-Qaeda Stages Yemen Attacks

Militants launch assault on 3 encampments

(Newser) - Coordinated attacks by al-Qaeda militants in a southern province have killed at least 38 soldiers and wounded dozens, a Yemeni military official says. The attacks took place at dawn today in Shabwa province, Maj. Raed Mohammed Nasser says; the militants, taking advantage of heavy fog, surprised the troops in barracks...

Al-Qaeda Militants Capture Syrian Town—From Rival Rebels

It's more evidence of infighting among Assad's enemies

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda militants seized a town near the Turkish border today after expelling Western-backed rebels from the area, demonstrating the growing power of jihadis as they seek to expand their influence across opposition-held Syrian territory. The infighting—now engulfing many parts of northern Syria—threatened to further split opposition forces outgunned...

Al-Qaeda Head to Militants: Think Smaller

Al-Zawahri likes the idea of attacks 'by one brother'

(Newser) - In a speech disseminated yesterday (a day after Sept. 11, points out Reuters) , al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri pushed militants to think smaller. He asserted that attacks "by one brother or a few of the brothers" would have a big effect, explaining that "we should bleed America economically by...

Al-Qaeda Engineers Take Aim at Drones: Secret File

No real success yet in quest to develop counterdrone strategy

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda has engineers, and those engineers have been handed a mission: Figure out how to mess with American drones. The Washington Post takes a look at the effort, noting right off the bat that there are thus far no indications that al-Qaeda has actually managed to take down or interfere...

'Syrian' Hackers Strike Again: Deface Marine Corps Site

Call Obama 'traitor'; implore Marines to 'refuse orders'

(Newser) - Fresh from taking down the New York Times website last week, the pro-Assad Syrian Electronic Army has apparently hit another target: the US Marine Corps. The Marines' recruiting website,, was attacked earlier today, replaced with a page calling Obama a "traitor" and arguing that the Syrian government...

Al-Qaeda Hatching Train Plot: Report

NSA allegedly tips off Germany

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda may be plotting to attack Europe's high-speed rail network, according to a report in Germany's Bild newspaper. According to the report, the NSA overheard the plan while listening in on an al-Qaeda conference call, the AFP reports—possibly the same conference call that reportedly led to the...

Brother of al-Qaeda Chief Arrested in Egypt

Zawahri's sibling ran own hard-line group

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities have arrested the younger brother of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri, a security official said today. Mohammed al-Zawahri, leader of the ultraconservative Jihadi Salafist group, was detained at a checkpoint in Giza, the city across the Nile from Cairo. He had been allied with ousted President Mohammed Morsi, whose...

Ramadan Ends With 69 Blown Up in Iraq

Wave of car bomb attacks on last day of bloodiest Ramadan in 6 years

(Newser) - A wave of car bombings targeting those celebrating the end of Ramadan across Iraq killed 69 people today, a bloody reminder of the inability of Iraqi authorities to stop violence threatening to spiral out of control, despite promises that it would step up security for today's Eid al-Fitr celebrations,...

Help National Security: Curb Animal Poaching
Help National Security:
Curb Animal Poaching

Help National Security: Curb Animal Poaching

Funds go to terrorist groups, say op-ed writers

(Newser) - The US needs to get way more aggressive in stopping animal poachers worldwide—not just for moral reasons but for its own national security, write three advocates in the New York Times . Poaching is a major source of revenue for terror organizations, and poachers' links to groups such as al-Qeada,...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>