political donors

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Small Print Lets Donors Write Big Checks

Individuals are giving as much as $70K to candidates and parties

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s small donors have grabbed the headlines this election, but the latest campaign finance reports reveal that big donors have been playing their biggest role in ages, the New York Times reports. Both candidates have used joint committees, which raise money for both the candidates and their parties,...

Obama Got $40K From Fake People
Obama Got
$40K From
Fake People

Obama Got $40K From Fake People

McCain benefited from fewer fictitious donors, Times discovers

(Newser) - Barack Obama received some $40,000 from obviously fictitious donors, the New York Times reports. After poring over both candidates’ records, the Times found some 3,000 donations to Obama from more than a dozen people with obviously falsified names —like “Test Person” from “Some Place, UT....

Big 'Bundlers' Help Fuel Both Campaigns

New type of fundraising is quickly becoming lucrative cash stream

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain have racked up nearly 100 “bundler” donors between them who have gathered at least $500,000 each from friends and co-workers to support their chosen candidates, the Wall Street Journal reports. The candidates’ spending suggests the fundraisers are breaking bundling records set during the...

Rising New Money Class Powers Obama
Rising New
Money Class Powers Obama

Rising New Money Class Powers Obama

Brooks cites recent shift to 'information age analysts'

(Newser) - Barack Obama likes to tout his small-donor network, as though a wave of inspired regular folk came out of the woodwork just for him. In reality, Obama is mining a money class that Democrats have been cultivating for years, writes David Brooks in the New York Times—"the rising...

Pre-Unity, Some Clinton Donors Just Not Into Obama

Fundraising event goes less than swimmingly

(Newser) - On the eve of today’s Democratic Unity rally, top Clinton donors intimated that they weren't quite ready to break out their party hats (or pocketbooks) for Obama. Said one of the 200 top Hillary backers corralled by the senators last night in DC, “This felt like when your...

Barack Writes Campaign Check to Hillary

He asks donors to pay Clinton campaign debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama made a personal $4,600 donation to Hillary Clinton's campaign—a gesture to win over her supporters as the Democratic party tries to unify following the divisive campaign for the nomination. Obama told a meeting of 200 top Clinton fundraisers he's encouraging his donors to help pay off...

Forget the Small-Donor Myth: Big Money Still Rules

Big money men still Obama and McCain's bread and butter

(Newser) - Barack Obama often talks about how much money he’s raised from small donors, even describing it as “a parallel public financing system.” But while Obama has indeed raised record sums from little guys, big donors have kept pace, writes Jay Mandle of the Washington Post, predicting that...

Dems Work to Fuse Fundraising Machines

Two campaigns set to become one as Clinton bows out

(Newser) - The Obama and Clinton campaigns have been working to merge their fundraising machines as Clinton prepares her swan song today, the Wall Street Journal reports. Clinton made a call to her top 50 fundraisers, urging them to get behind Obama and promising a private meeting with the presumed nominee. The...

Superdelegates Rejected $1M 'Deal' From Clinton Donor

Billionaire offered Young Dems big bucks to back Clinton, say sources

(Newser) - A billionaire Clinton backer offered to donate a million bucks to the Democratic Party's unofficial youth arm if its two uncommitted superdelegates endorsed his candidate, sources told the Huffington Post. Entertainment mogul Haim Saban allegedly made his million-dollar proposal to the Young Democrats of America just before the Indiana and...

Obama Donor List Is 'Gigantic'

Database could make him power broker for decades

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s massive donor and networking list—stuffed with data on 2 million people—will make him a major power broker even if his campaign falters, Bloomberg reports. Unlike past hopefuls, Obama has inspired donors to reveal addresses, phone numbers, and even views on specific issues. "It's gigantic,...

Clinton Plea Raises $10M
 Clinton Plea Raises $10M 

Clinton Plea Raises $10M

60,000K go online after Pennsylvania victory speech

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign has raised nearly $10 million since Hillary made a plea to voters last night in her Pennsylvania victory speech, Reuters reports. Clinton urged supporters to contribute through her website, and she struck a chord with 60,000 donors, campaign chief Terry McAuliffe said. It's the single biggest...

McCain Helped Donor Developer Win Contracts

Decades-old friendship built on fundraising, land deal assistance

(Newser) - John McCain has repeatedly done favors a wealthy Arizona real estate developer who is a major donor, sponsoring legislation that swapped public land for his land and stepping in to speed a lucrative land deal with the Pentagon that netted him $20 million in a quick flip. The relationship with...

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors
Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Clinton Spending Vexes Donors

Supporters ask why consultants are paid so much for failing campaign

(Newser) - The $25,000 Hillary Clinton's sputtering campaign dropped at Vegas' posh Bellagio last month is raising eyebrows among those cutting her the checks, reports the New York Times. Add $5 million for the very strategists who engineered her string of recent failures, and donors looking over her latest campaign finance...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

Hsu Swindled Investors of $60M: Feds

'Ponzi scheme' bizman sought to be part of celeb campaign circuit

(Newser) - Businessman Norman Hsu swindled $60 million from investors across the country and made illegal campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton and others, federal prosecutors say. In a criminal complaint unsealed in Manhattan yesterday, the feds say Hsu broke US election law by reimbursing some of the political donors who participated in...

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