political donors

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Scott Walker Gives Donor's Kid an $81K Job

Brian Deschane gets job despite lack of college degree, experience

(Newser) - Don’t you hate those overpaid public employees? Why, just look at Brian Deschane. He’s racked up two drunk driving convictions, has little experience, and no college degree, yet Scott Walker’s administration is paying him $81,500 a year, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports. How did he get the...

Big-Time Dem Donors Defecting Over Tax Cuts for Wealthy

'Cave-in to GOP' sapping support for 2012

(Newser) - Wealthy liberals will have more money in their pockets because of President Obama's extension of tax cuts for the richest Americans—but they don't plan on sharing it with Obama's re-election campaign. Donors angered by the tax-cut deal say the president has caved to Republican pressure and they plan to...

Olbermann to MSNBC: I Want an Apology

'Keith sees himself as the star,' says an insider

(Newser) - As Keith Olbermann prepares to return to MSNBC tomorrow, it’s the network, not the host, that’s reportedly apologizing. Olbermann “insisted that MSNBC bosses apologize to him before he would agree to return,” a network insider tells PopEater . “Keith sees himself as the star of MSNBC,...

Moaning Democrats Actually Outspending Republicans

Outside groups can't make up for party advantages

(Newser) - Democrats have been playing the financial victim lately, bemoaning the cash outside groups are throwing at Republicans. Which is kind of ironic, because the truth is that Democrats are outspending Republicans—even if you take those outside groups into account. Democratic campaign committees and left-leaning outside groups have spent a...

Nonprofits' Political Ads May Bend Rules

Watchdogs question content backed by secret donors

(Newser) - Since the Supreme Court’s January ruling on campaign finance, nonprofit groups have been allowed to run ads openly attacking specific candidates, so long as less than 50% of all spending is dedicated to these political activities. But several organizations have lately pushed that limit, the New York Times reports,...

Democrats' Big Money Men Sitting Out 2010

Conservative groups outspending liberal ones by 7 to 1 margin

(Newser) - The Democrats' normal stable of megadonors has largely failed to show up for the 2010 race, while their Republican counterparts are going wild, the New York Times reports. Even reliable donors like George Soros are sitting on their wallets—Soros “believes that he can be most effective by funding...

Ensign's Lone Donor: 'All Men Are Dogs'

Nevada senator has gotten only $50 for 2012 re-election

(Newser) - Congratulations, you're nearly tied with John Ensign in political contributions. The Nevada senator has pulled in all of two donations so far this year toward his re-election in 2012, reports Talking Points Memo . Both came from the same guy. Both were for 25 bucks. Zachary Roth even tracked down the...

Obama Wants F-Bomb T-Shirt
 Obama Wants F-Bomb T-Shirt 

Obama Wants F-Bomb T-Shirt

VP tells donors president thought it was 'the best thing'

(Newser) - Joe Biden told donors that President Obama was pleased by his off-color remark at the health care bill signing. The "best thing" from Tuesday was "Joe's comment," he quoted the president as saying during a morning meeting. "I told him, 'If you thought it was so...

RNC Will Use 'Fear' Campaign for Big Donors

Also, Harry Reid is depicted as Scooby Doo

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee plans to hit up major donors with a campaign based on fear of Barack Obama and impending Socialism, writes Ben Smith at Politico . He got hold of a confidential presentation by the RNC's finance director, which points out how "ego-driven" donors can be coaxed into...

Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking at Hunters' Convention
Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking
at Hunters' Convention

Bush, Liz Cheney Speaking at Hunters' Convention

The Safari Club is a big GOP donor

(Newser) - Attendees at the Safari Club International Annual Hunter’s Convention in Reno will surely have a “night to remember” when former President George W. Bush gives the keynote address on the last night of the gathering later this month. That’s what SCI promises, at least. The hunters' rights...

GOP Raises More Cash Than Dems in Aug.

Unusual spike gives minority party $1.7M more for the month

(Newser) - Republican campaign committees got a big fundraising bump in August, pulling in $1.7 million more than Democrats, despite being the minority party. “Republicans have been able to tap into some of the anger against Democrats in power and translate that into fundraising,” one analyst tells USA Today....

Palin's Haul From Small Donors Echoes Obama: Silver

60% of war chest in chunks under $200

(Newser) - The nearly $1 million raised by Sarah Palin’s political action committee this year is not in itself all that impressive, writes Nate Silver for FiveThirtyEight.com. After all, her figures are dwarfed by Republican players with significantly less star power. But Palin’s fundraising numbers reveal a true strength:...

Commerce Pick Has Fundraising Skeletons
Pick Has
Fundraising Skeletons

Commerce Pick Has Fundraising Skeletons

Locke is no slam dunk: Malkin

(Newser) - President Obama's administration surely hopes Gary Locke will prove a relatively uncontroversial pick for Commerce after the messy Bill Richardson and Judd Gregg nominations. Not likely, writes Michelle Malkin, who covered Locke for the Seattle Times when he was Washington's governor. Locke, she reminds, faced a series of probes from...

Bush Faithful Rewarded With Plum Jobs

No crony left behind in last-minute appointments

(Newser) - The Bush presidency lives on through more than 100 end-of-term appointments to a wide range of presidential panels, the Washington Post reports. The positions, many of which will outlast his successor's current term, have gone to George Bush's aides and political donors. Most are unpaid, although four top aides snagged...

It's the Small Change We Should Believe In

(Newser) - The 2008 election marked the death knell of post-Watergate public financing, Mark Schmitt writes for the American Prospect, but the raft of small donations that killed the system heralds a hopeful future. The public financing system was designed—and failed—to limit the influence of special interests: “Since the...

100 Families Gave $100K to Obama
100 Families Gave $100K
to Obama

100 Families Gave $100K to Obama

Rockefellers, Spielbergs among Barack's 'elite' donors

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s political efforts haven’t run purely on grassroots fuel: almost 100 families that gave $100,000 or more made up an “elite” group of repeat donors over the past 2 years, the Washington Post reports. Current donation rules make whopping contributions possible if donors distribute funds...

Wall Street Dominates List of Inaugural Donors

Big banks (yeah, those big banks) have bundled huge donations for the bash

(Newser) - Private donations to defray the cost of Barack Obama's inauguration festivities total $27.3 million—and large donors, including Wall Street executives flush with bailout cash, chipped in $24.8 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. That runs counter to the vow to remain independent of special interests that led...

Bush Retracts Pardon for Son of Big GOP Donor

White House cites new information in halting process for developer Isaac Toussie

(Newser) - President Bush withdrew a presidential pardon today after it emerged that the father of a convicted Brooklyn developer donated $28,500 to the Republican Party, CNN reports. The president’s counsel approved clemency for Isaac Toussie on charges of mail fraud and false statements to federal officials, White House spokeswoman...

Small Donors Didn't Drive His Campaign: Study

(Newser) - The little guy didn't fill Barack Obama's campaign coffers after all, a new non-partisan study says. True, almost 50% of his donations were $200 or less, but many of those donors gave again. Only about a quarter of them stopped at two C-notes, a figure in the same range as...

Secretive Gay Donors Back Candidates Nationwide

Group of donors organizes to put millions of dollars behind pro-gay pols

(Newser) - A secretive group of wealthy gay activists who call themselves the Cabinet has been pouring huge sums into defeating anti-gay political candidates across the country, Time reports. The seven members of the Cabinet are estimated to have injected at least $7.8 million into races nationwide since 2004, and have...

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