
Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

Qaeda in Iraq Deputy Killed, But Masri Still on Loose

But says top Al Qaeda in Iraq official

(Newser) - Americans have killed a senior Al-Qaeda in Iraq deputy, but there's no evidence that  the leader of the group died in fighting between rival factions, as the Iraqi government had claimed Tuesday. Muharib Abdul Latif al-Jubouri, killed in a Tuesday raid, was a minister of information for Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks
Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Democrats Move on to Benchmarks

Even some Republicans like them. But how would they be enforced?

(Newser) - Congressional Dems have dropped their demands for a timeline to bring home troops, after the House failed yesterday to override a Bush veto on their Iraq spending bill. Now the buzzword is benchmarks, and even some Republicans are signaling that they could get on board. But what, if any, muscle...

Iraqi PM Begs for Debt Forgiveness
Iraqi PM Begs
for Debt Forgiveness

Iraqi PM Begs for Debt Forgiveness

US, Iran, Syria to cross paths at Egypt summit

(Newser) - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is begging other nations to write off Iraq's debt, saying the country needs reconstruction funds. He spoke today at a regional summit that will feature the first high-level talks between the U.S. and Syria since 2005; prospects of Secretary of State Rice sitting down with...

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups
Hoon Admits
Iraq Screwups

Hoon Admits Iraq Screwups

British defense minister regrets mistakes, underestimating Dick Cheney

(Newser) - In a confessional interview about his Iraq war regrets, the former British defense secretary tells the Guardian that the Brits' biggest miscalculation was underestimating Dick Cheney. Geoff Hoon said he and other senior ministers would air disagreements with Bush, Rumsfeld, and Powell, and they'd come away thinking they'd made their...

Some Mahdis Going Freelance
Some Mahdis Going Freelance

Some Mahdis Going Freelance

What's worse than Moqtada al-Sadr? The Mahdi Army ignoring him

(Newser) - The Madhi Army is letting loose. Officially locked down by leader Moqtada al-Sadr during the troop surge, renegade Mahdis are unleashing a wave of random violence on once-peaceful areas of central and southern Iraq, Newseek reports. That worries even al-Sadr's commanders, who are now seeking U.S. help to control...

Dems, President Get Serious On Iraq Compromise

A day of pomp and American flags leads back to the drawing board

(Newser) - After a day of partisan theatrics—what the Politico notes may rank as the Capitol's most celebrated sendoff for a doomed bill—work gets serious on a compromise war spending bill that may include benchmarks but no timelines. Bush meets with congressional leaders to begin formal negotiations today, even as...

Middle East Solution? Ignore It
Middle East Solution? Ignore It

Middle East Solution? Ignore It

The only option: "backward societies must be left alone"

(Newser) - As experts scramble to respond to escalating crises in the Middle East, think-tanker Edward Luttwack has a novel solution—leave 'em be. The strategic implications of the Arab-Israeli crisis ended with the Cold War, he argues, and local regimes don't control oil supplies—oil companies do.

Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda
Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda

Cabal Pushes Shiite Agenda

Group working out of Iraqi PM's office is accused of protecting militias

(Newser) - A shadowy group within the Iraqi prime minister’s office is secretly pushing a Shiite agenda and exacerbating sectarianism, CNN reports. The 24-member Office of the Commander in Chief has power over other ministries, which Iraqis say it is using to protect  militias and blacklist commanders not willing to turn...

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan
Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Democracy Depends on Kurdistan

Human-rights activist sees region as harbinger of Iraq's fate

(Newser) - While the U.S. focuses on Baghdad, a potentially defining crisis is developing in Kurdistan, according to Mark Lattimer, director of Minority Rights Group International. He argues in the Guardian that bloodshed in the only relatively secure region of Iraq is increasing as Kurds forced out of Kirkuk by Saddam...

Tribes Claim Al-Qaeda Head Killed by Rivals

Leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq said to be victim of Insurgent infighting

(Newser) - The head of al-Qaeda in Iraq is dead, according to the Iraqi government. Abu Ayyub al-Masri was killed in a skirmish between rival groups of militants, officials said today, suggesting the possibility of exploitable rifts in the Sunni insurgency. The U.S. military has not verified the claim because a...

Sunnis Threaten To Quit Cabinet
Sunnis Threaten To Quit Cabinet

Sunnis Threaten To Quit Cabinet

The largest Sunni Arab bloc in parliament issues an ultimatum

(Newser) - The largest bloc of Sunni Arabs in Iraq's parliament threatened to pull its five ministers out of the cabinet yesterday, the New York Times reports. To forestall the pullout, which would further undermine the faltering government, President Bush phoned Tariq al-Hashimi, a Sunni Arab vice president, to discuss their concerns.

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06
Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Terrorist Attacks Spiked in '06

Attacks rise 25% percent, driven by

(Newser) - Terrorist attacks rose 25 percent in 2006, with much of the rise attributable to Iraq, according to a State Department report released today. Terrorism claimed over 20,000 lives in 2006—two-thirds of those in Iraq—up sharply from 2005, raising doubts about the short-term success of the continued War...

Deadly Blast Rocks Holy City
Deadly Blast Rocks Holy City

Deadly Blast Rocks Holy City

Shiite Holy City Rocked by Blast

(Newser) - A car bomb ripped through one of Iraq's holiest cities today, killing at least 58 Iraqis and wounding over 150 as they made their way to evening prayers. Karbala—the site of two major Shiite shrines—is a hotspot for suicide bombers, who killed 47 in an attack just two...

Bush Doubts Surge Success
Bush Doubts Surge Success

Bush Doubts Surge Success

Privately, Bush seeks to lower expectations on the surge—and the prime minister

(Newser) - The Bush administration is quietly rijiggering its internal expectations for Iraq, senior administration officials have told the New York Times. In spite of a publicly optimistic stance, Bush is already preparing for the possible failure of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's regime and readying to maintain a troop surge well into...

U.S. Unveils 7/7 Bombing Mastermind at Guantanamo

Bin Laden aide captured last year

(Newser) - U.S. officials revealed yesterday they have Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, widely considered the architect of the 7/7 London transit attacks, in custody at Guantanamo Bay. The CIA nabbed al-Hadi as he tried to enter Iraq last year, and the announcement suggests—the Times reports—that he's been in a "...

You Go to War With the Army You Need

Not the Army you have, says an active-duty Army officer

(Newser) - "America's generals have failed to prepare our armed forces for war and advise civilian authorities on the application of force to achieve the aims of policy," says Lt. Col. Paul Yingling. In an extraordinary article in Armed Forces Journal Yingling blames the military for not properly advising the...

Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote
Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote

Iraqi Slams U.S. Senate Vote

"We see it as a loss of four years of sacrifices"

(Newser) - The Iraqi government is blasting the U.S. Senate for approving the troop-withdrawal bill, saying it sends the wrong message to insurgents. "We see it as a loss of four years of sacrifices," government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said yesterday of the legislation, which mandates an October 1 deadline...

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

Dems Unite to Slam Iraq In First Debate

Candidates united to attack Bush for continuation of unpopular war

(Newser) - Eight Democrats butted heads last night in the first '08 debate, not so much with each other but with the president over the war in Iraq. Candidates at South Carolina State University  competed at panning the war for making the country less safe and Bush for ignoring the voters' will...

Prince Harry Heads for Iraq
Prince Harry Heads for Iraq

Prince Harry Heads for Iraq

(Newser) - England's Prince Harry is scheduled to deploy to south-east Iraq with his regiment next month, in spite of misgivings about the high-profile royal becoming a target for insurgents. The British Ministry of Defense continues to support his deployment, saying that holding him back would be a "tremendous propaganda coup"...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>