
Stories 1801 - 1820 | << Prev   Next >>

Senate Votes Down Iraq Withdrawal
Senate Votes Down Iraq Withdrawal

Senate Votes Down Iraq Withdrawal

Proposal would have ended funding by March

(Newser) - The Senate yesterday shot down a plan to cut all funding for the war in Iraq by next March. Russ Feingold's proposal, largely a test of anti-war support, was defeated in a 67-29 procedural vote, as Congress moves towards compromise with the White House on a spending measure.

US Posts Reward for Missing Troops
US Posts Reward for Missing Troops

US Posts Reward for Missing Troops

Search for kidnapped soldiers generates $200K offer, thousands of leaflets

(Newser) - The US military is offering a $200,000 reward for information regarding the whereabouts of three soldiers who were kidnapped following an ambush Saturday. Helicopters dropped thousands of leaflets over the southern region of Iraq where the attacks took place, beseeching Iraqis to call a hotline with information. Search operations...

British Army Grounds Harry
British Army Grounds Harry

British Army Grounds Harry

In official about-face, young royal won't deploy to Iraq for fear of assassination

(Newser) - British brass have dashed 22-year-old Prince Harry's dreams of fighting in Iraq, citing fears of a targeted assassination. The head of Britain’s army made today’s announcement—a reversal from earlier promises that Harry would fight—after a visit to Iraq last week revealed direct threats against the prince.

Bush Names Surge Skeptic War Czar
Bush Names Surge Skeptic
War Czar

Bush Names Surge Skeptic War Czar

White House taps active-duty officer to coordinate war effort

(Newser) - After public rejection by at least five prominent former generals, the Bush administration named its war czar, three-star general Douglas Lute. The Washington Post describes Lute as a low-key soldier who expressed skepticism about sending more troops to Iraq. Durning internal discussions, Lute is said to have argued that a...

US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security
US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security

US Engages Iran on Iraqi Security

Ambassadors to meet in Baghdad; nuclear program won't be on the table

(Newser) - The US will sit down with Iran to enlist its aid in quelling violence in Iraq as early as next week, reports the Washington Post. US ambassador Ryan Crocker will meet with his Iranian counterparts in Baghdad to encourage the country, frequently accused of sponsoring sectarian violence in neighboring Iraq,...

Al-Qaeda Claims It Captured Soldiers

US troops comb area south of Baghdad for three missing since Saturday

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda umbrella group claims it kidnapped the three US soldiers missing since Saturday. Thousands of troops continue to sweep the area south of Baghdad dubbed the Triangle of Death for their comrades, who disappeared in an ambush that killed four other solders. The so-called Islamic State of Iraq offered...

3 Soldiers Missing, 5 Dead
3 Soldiers Missing, 5 Dead

3 Soldiers Missing, 5 Dead

U.S. and Iraqi troops scour area for missing soldiers

(Newser) - A pre-dawn attack on a patrol of seven U.S. soldiers and an Iraqi translator has left five dead and three missing, CNN reports. U.S. and Iraqi troops have joined together to search the violent and explosive region just south of Baghdad for the missing soldiers.

For Blair, Iraq Was No Anomaly
For Blair,
Iraq Was No Anomaly

For Blair, Iraq Was No Anomaly

Brooks: War he co-authored was a disaster, but consistent with his values

(Newser) - As Tony Blair prepares his exit from No. 10, the British left is already eulogizing the PM as a good man consigned by circumstance to a bad war. Not so, says David Brooks: The crux of Blair's political philosophy was a radical, religious communitarianism, which sired both his leftist leanings...

House Passes Short-Term War Funding
House Passes Short-Term
War Funding

House Passes Short-Term War Funding

Votes for another showdown with President Bush

(Newser) - Congress voted 221-205 last night to pump $40 billion into the war in Iraq—only enough to fund combat operations until July.  An additional $56 billion would be released contingent on the Iraqi government's progress. The bill omits any timetable for withdrawal, but sets the scene for another showdown...

Dems: Admit Iraqi Refugees
Dems: Admit Iraqi Refugees

Dems: Admit Iraqi Refugees

House Dems back bill easing resettlement

(Newser) - With Iraq war refugees numbering in the millions and as many as 70,000 joining their ranks each month, House Democrats will introduce a bill boosting the number of displaced Iraqis eligible for resettlement in the U.S. A total of 18 Iraqi refugees entered the U.S. in February...

GOP Moderates Huddle With Bush on Iraq

Blunt conversation reveals deepening fissure between Bush and party over war

(Newser) - Moderate Republicans met with Bush and his closest aides yesterday in a private meeting one participant called "a remarkable, candid conversation" the Washington Post reports. The representatives made clear their frustration with the war in Iraq, and its unpopularity with their constituents, as both parties attempt to hammer out...

Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill
Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill

Bush Will Veto New Iraq Bill

(Newser) - President Bush will veto a second proposed Iraq appropriations blll, the White House said today, dashing hopes for an agreement on the controversial measure. The new bill, which House Dems unveiled yesterday, requires the President to report to Congress on Iraq's progress in order to receive full funding for the...

Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit
Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit

Pelosi Threatens Bush Lawsuit

Speaker says House could take president to court over Iraq evasion

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says the House could sue President Bush if he tries to circumvent provisions in its new Iraq appropriations bill. Bush has suggested he'll append a signing statement to the bill, a controversial practice that could let him treat parts of the law—like timetables on progress in Iraq—...

Cheney Drops In On Baghdad
Cheney Drops In On Baghdad

Cheney Drops In On Baghdad

VP meets with brass, government, as attacks spread to Kurdistan

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney made a surprise visit to Baghdad this morning, hours after the White House alerted 35,000 more troops of impending deployment to the fractious capital. Cheney met with top general David Petraeus and top envoy Ryan Crocker, and is expected to consult with PM Maliki and...

September Looms as Iraq Watershed
September Looms as
Iraq Watershed

September Looms as Iraq Watershed

Legislative, military timetables converge with fiscal year

(Newser) - September is likely to be put-up-or-shut-up time for supporters of the Iraq war, legislators from both parties tell the Washington Post. Gen. David Petraeus has said he will have a sense of whether the surge is working by then, and lawmakers want a clearer picture of America's future involvement before...

Troops Bomb Ethics Test
Troops Bomb Ethics Test

Troops Bomb Ethics Test

Pentagon: troops are out of line with "soldier's rules"

(Newser) - U.S. troops in Iraq flunked a survey on battlefield ethics, according to a Pentagon report published yesterday. Of the 1,767 soldiers interviewed, more than one-third endorse torture, two-thirds would not turn in a team member for abusing civilians, and 10% admit to harassing civilians and vandalizing property—all...

Iranian, U.S. Diplomats Meet Briefly

Three-minute discussion focuses on Iraq, hints at Bush administration policy shift

(Newser) - It didn't involve the American Secretary of State or the Iranian foreign minister, but a brief meeting of high-level diplomats today in Egypt signals a thaw in relations between the countries, the International Herald Tribune reports. U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker said the three-minute conversation concerned the situation...

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers
Hill Calls For Repeal Of
War Powers

Hill Calls For Repeal Of War Powers

Hard-line stand may help her stake out leadership on war

(Newser) - Hillary wants a do-over on Iraq, calling on Congress to withdraw the war powers they gave Bush in 2002. In a clear bid to stake out her own hard-line anti-war territory, Clinton says Congress should repeal the authority granted Bush as of Oct. 11, the fifth anniversary of the vote....

Condi Sits Down With Syria
Condi Sits Down With Syria

Condi Sits Down With Syria

Rice talks with Syrian Foreign Minister about border security

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conferred with her Syrian counterpart Thursday in an unexpected half hour sit-down that ended a two-year cold-shoulder between the Bush administration and a state it considers a sponsor of terrorism. Rice asked asked Sryia's help in restricting the flow of foreign fighters across the Syrian...

Combat Soldiers' Blogs Make Brass Queasy

(Newser) - Some of the most riveting reporting about the war in Iraq is coming from the soldiers fighting it. As blogs from deployed soldiers proliferate, higher-ups are biting their nails over the ensuing transparency. Bloggers like Capt. Danjel Bout say posting provides "online therapy" and helps keep friends and the...

Stories 1801 - 1820 | << Prev   Next >>