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Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site
 Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site 

Prosecutors Probe Gossip Site

Online rumor forum draws NJ Attorney General's attention

(Newser) - Prosecutors have hit college gossip site with subpoenas for records, the AP reports. New Jersey’s Attorney General Anne Milgram is investigating whether the site violates the Consumer Fraud Act by stating that it doesn’t tolerate offensive material but doing nothing to enforce that claim. "There's...

Facebook to Users: Sell Stuff, Get Paid

If their friends buy recommended products, they get a commission

(Newser) - Facebook has rolled out a new service that encourages users to recommend products to their friends and make a little money in the process, AP reports. Called Market Lodge, the program allows users to set up personal stores on their Facebook pages and hawk a variety of products from a...

AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo
 AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo 

AOL Goes Social, Buys Bebo

$850M acquisition for a company struggling to change roles

(Newser) - AOL will buy for $850 million in an attempt to enter the social networking market, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bebo has 22 million unique visitors a month, well behind MySpace's 109 million, but the site’s strong European presence will give AOL access to key youth demographics...

Google Buys DoubleClick After EU Signs Off

Regulators cite Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft as 'credible' competitors

(Newser) - Google acquired ad tracker DoubleClick today after EU regulators approved the $3.1 billion deal, the AP reports. Antitrust officials dismissed concerns about competition, saying Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL also provide “credible” online ad services. The ruling ducked questions of how private data will be handled, an issue that...

Fewer Clicks Are Better Clicks: Google

Company says it's part of a plan to reduce accidental ad traffic

(Newser) - Google's share price took a big hit after quarterly results released last week showed the number of paid-for-clicks on advertising flattening out, but the company says the fall is actually good news, MarketWatch reports. Google bosses say the drop is all part of their plan to improve the quality of...

Facebook Poaches COO From Google
Facebook Poaches COO From Google

Facebook Poaches COO From Google

Social networking site recruits big gun to stem growing pains

(Newser) - Facebook has hired the Google VP who handles virtually all advertising sales in a bid to ease the hiccups the rapidly expanding networking site is encountering. New COO Sheryl Sandberg, one of Silicon Valley's top female execs, denied that Google's plummeting stock price motivated the move, the Wall Street Journal...

Google Not Clicking with Investors
Google Not Clicking with Investors

Google Not Clicking with Investors

Share price continues slide as advertising views flatline in January

(Newser) - Google, flying high in November when its stock hit a record $747.24, is falling back to Earth as investors worry that the slowing economy is discouraging web surfers from clicking on the search giant’s ads, reports the Wall Street Journal. A comScore report yesterday said Google’s January...

Web Tracking Opt-Out Plan Gets Panned

Online ad group's proposal clashes with FTC guidelines, privacy group desires

(Newser) - An online advertisers trade group has proposed guidelines for targeted advertising that don’t satisfy recent FTC recommendations. The Interactive Advertising Bureau proposal would make it harder for consumers to know if a website was storing their information; FTC guidelines suggest a “clear, consumer-friendly, and prominent statement” and easy...

Teen Pleads Guilty in Botnet Adware Scheme

Used IRCBots to profit off of online advertising contracts

(Newser) - A teenager referred to by the FBI as BDH and known online as “Sobe” pleaded guilty to two counts of juvenile fraud conspiracy for a scheme that used botnets to install adware on hundreds of thousands of American computers, including some military systems. He will be sentenced May 5,...

Yang Justifies Rejected Microsoft Bid

Says Yahoo uniquely positioned in growing online ad market

(Newser) - Jerry Yang believes Microsoft’s $44.6 billion bid for Yahoo was too low because it does not take into account the company's “unique position” in the growing online advertising market, the New York Times reports. In a letter sent to shareholders today, Yang inventoried Yahoo’s advantages: its...

Yahoo Loses Leverage as Google Ad Deal Fades

Microsoft-Yahoo merge looks more likely

(Newser) - A potential advertising deal linking Google and Yahoo is losing steam because of Google's concerns over regulatory scrutiny, reports the Wall Street Journal, and that in turn removes one lever Yahoo hoped to use to boost Microsoft's buyout bid. Yahoo’s second largest shareholder, meanwhile, said yesterday that Microsoft’s...

Advertisers Lukewarm on Social Sites

Networking, video-sharing users not prime marketing targets

(Newser) - Facebook and YouTube are runaway success stories when it comes to attracting Internet users, but they lag in attracting ad dollars, the Wall Street Journal reports. Advertising on social networking and video-sharing sites is relatively new, and therefore most vulnerable if economic worries lead to advertising cutbacks. Firms also worry...

Google to Microsoft: Not So Fast
Google to Microsoft:
Not So Fast

Google to Microsoft: Not So Fast

Web giant steps in, offers to help Yahoo rebuff rival's advances

(Newser) - Google is offering to help Yahoo thwart Microsoft’s attempts at a hostile takeover, the Wall Street Journal reports. After Microsoft announced its $44.6-billion bid, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt called Yahoo’s Jerry Yang on Friday to bolster talk of an ad search alliance, support Yahoo’s efforts...

Super Bowl Ads Go Online
Super Bowl Ads Go Online

Super Bowl Ads Go Online

Marketers want in on Sunday's virtual action

(Newser) - A TV spot during the actual Super Bowl is still advertising's crown jewel, but marketers are increasingly expanding to Internet news, video, search and social networking. The Web lets TV advertisers stretch their investments farther, reports the Wall Street Journal, while letting smaller players get in on the action without...

Google Sours on 'Domain Tasters'
Google Sours on
'Domain Tasters'

Google Sours on 'Domain Tasters'

Cuts ad revenue for registrants tying up millions of domains 5 days at a time

(Newser) - Google aims to stop entrepreneurs from "domain name tasting," the AP reports. The practice exploits a 5-day grace period during which registrants can return a domain for a full refund; meantime, the buyer puts up ads and evaluates whether the site would bring in enough revenue to keep...

Tumbling Yahoo Now a Target?
Tumbling Yahoo Now a Target?

Tumbling Yahoo Now a Target?

Rumors of Microsoft takeover still swirling

(Newser) - Yahoo's falling core value threatens the company's future and is ringing alarm bells for investors, the New York Times’ Saul Hansell warned in his "Bits" blog. The central business of, excluding subsidiary holdings, is worth less than half of its current share price, and a paltry 7%...

Holiday E-Commerce Still Suffers Growing Pains

Net surfing window shoppers blamed for crashes, meltdowns

(Newser) - As online retailers post record sales this year, holiday e-commerce meltdowns show that stores still don't have the kinks ironed out of their sites. Despite increased capacity on retail sites, crashes such as's eight-hour Black Friday crash and Yahoo Shopping's 10-hour Cyber Monday outage continue to plague holiday...

Facebook Backs Off Beacon
Facebook Backs Off Beacon

Facebook Backs Off Beacon

Switches ad platform to 'opt-in' format after users decry involuntary 'sharing'

(Newser) - Facebook has watered down its unpopular Beacon ad platform, which "shared" information about users' online shopping habits with everyone in their Facebook network—without their permission. Now, instead of making users opt out every time they make a purchase if they don't want it to be broadcast, Facebook will...

Newspaper Ad Profits Down Despite Increase in Online Ads

Editorial staff cuts loom, classifieds hardest hit

(Newser) - A 21% third-quarter increase in newspapers' online advertising revenues was not enough to offset a print ad spending decline that brought total ad spending down 7.4% to $10.9B. As major newspaper companies grapple with contracting print revenues and declining profits, Gannett's USA Today has announced 8.8% cuts...

Facebook Fights Anti-Privacy Charges
Facebook Fights Anti-Privacy Charges

Facebook Fights Anti-Privacy Charges

Battle with MoveOn hinges on the meaning of 'private'

(Newser) - Facebook jumped to the defense of its new social advertising program yesterday, under attack by a MoveOn campaign. MoveOn calls the program a “massive privacy breach,” but Facebook says that misrepresents Beacon, which does not make information "public." "Information is shared with a small selection...

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