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Google, Yahoo in Talks to Avoid Antitrust Case

Online ad deal may be capped to avoid further scrutiny

(Newser) - Google and Yahoo are working to settle any antitrust issues arising from their proposed joint online ad venture, the Wall Street Journal reports. Google has offered a cap on the volume of ads it sells Yahoo, which may be willing to continue selling search ads to avoid lengthy legal battles...

Google Changes Policy, Accepts Anti-Abortion Ads

Search engine settles after being sued for free-speech violations

(Newser) - Google today changed its worldwide advertising policy to let anti-abortion groups buy space on its site, the London Times reports. Google previously banned pro-lifers from placing ads opposite abortion-related search terms, but a British group sued the company for violating activists’ free speech rights. Says one group member: The Christian...

FTC Rejects Call for Internet Privacy Law

Google, others want ad guidelines; feds favor self-regulation

(Newser) - An federal official testifying at a Senate hearing today shot down calls for a federal law to regulate websites that track users' data for advertising purposes. The FTC doesn't think it's necessary to place a rule on the books—one that could quickly become obsolete—and instead encouraged "meaningful,...

Google Yet to Find Pitch for YouTube Ads

Big corporate dollars missing; internal inefficiency abounds

(Newser) - Google is still struggling to make advertising revenues from YouTube resemble the site's popularity, the Wall Street Journal reports, with big industry heavyweights still leery about placing their ads alongside amateur video. With a well-below-expectation $200 million in ad revenue forecast this year, it's obvious "most advertisers are still...

YouTube Trying Longer Videos
 YouTube Trying Longer Videos 

YouTube Trying Longer Videos

Long-form is attractive to site, still looking for revenue and going after directors

(Newser) - YouTube is testing some long-format videos for its site, anxious to increase the amount of ads they can display per view, CNN Money reports. The site has only a few videos longer than an hour, but is reaching out to independent directors at the Los Angeles Film festival this week.

Google CEO Says Saving Media Is a 'Moral Imperative'

Search engine chief says company wants to help publishers make Net ads work

(Newser) - Search engine giant Google wants to maximize online ad revenues for traditional media, CEO Eric Schmidt said yesterday, not work against them. CNets reports that with so many traditional media companies struggling to make online ads work, "it's a huge moral imperative to help here," Schmidt said.

Facebook Readies User-Friendly Makeover

Site wants to offer easier access to other applications

(Newser) - Social-networking stalwart Facebook is redesigning its site to allow users easier access to an array of applications that might include search options, Forbes reports, and give advertisers more ways to reach the Facebook community. CEO Mark Zuckerberg, speaking at the All Things Digital conference, said the company hoped to work...

Microsoft Will Offer Search Customers Cash

Rewards part of effort to gain ground on market leader Google

(Newser) - Having largely abandoned its bid to buy, in the form of Yahoo, a significant presence in the Internet search business, Microsoft now will give customers money back when they buy items through its search portal, the Wall Street Journal reports. To be made official today, the move makes...

SEC Charges Ex-AOL Execs With Fraud
SEC Charges Ex-AOL Execs With Fraud

SEC Charges Ex-AOL Execs With Fraud

Alleges they inflated revenue during merger with Time Warner

(Newser) - The Securities & Exchange Commission has filed civil fraud charges against eight former AOL executives for allegedly inflating AOL's advertising revenues before its merger with Time Warner, the Wall Street Journal reports. The men are accused of giving firms money to buy ads on AOL that they didn't want or...

Ballmer's Competitive Streak Drove Yahoo Bid

Microsoft CEO once vowed to 'kill Google'

(Newser) - Microsoft's Yahoo bid put CEO Steve Ballmer to the test: How much would he pay to fulfill his promise to "(expletive) kill Google"? Forty-seven billion bucks was too high, but many say he'll try again—and may have a tough time convincing investors it's all cool calculation. Microsoft...

Ad Networks Gain in Race for Clicks Online

Better targeting, rates draw advertisers away from portals like AOL

(Newser) - Once, advertisers bought web ads the way they bought TV spots: by buying space on popular sites to increase brand visibility. Now the mentality has changed, the New York Times reports: Buyers want targeted buys that produce lots of clicks for their buck. Increasingly, that means they’re turning away...

eBay Profits Jump 22% Under New CEO
eBay Profits Jump 22% Under New CEO

eBay Profits Jump 22% Under New CEO

Site raises projected revenue to $9B, exceeds estimates

(Newser) - EBay's revenue soared 24% in the first quarter, the Wall Street Journal reports, with profits up 22%. Fueled by continued success with its online auction business and PayPal, its online-payment component, the company also raised its projected 2008 earnings to $8.7 billion to $9 billion, well beyond Wall Street...

Yahoo Merger Could Level Online Ad Market

But Google team-up would shrink advertisers' options

(Newser) - Winds of a Yahoo-Microsoft merger have sparked a “nuclear war” in the online-advertising world—and the Google-dominated market could soon see major changes, the Wall Street Journal reports. “Nothing short of a new world order in this space is up for grabs,” says an expert. As Yahoo...

Yahoo Board Meets as Buyout Options Grow

Microsoft likeliest buyer but battle heats up

(Newser) - Yahoo's board meets today to examine the options for avoiding a hostile takeover by Microsoft, the Wall Street Journal reports. Experts think a Microsoft grab is still the most likely scenario, but the situation has grown increasingly complicated in the midst of discussions of an AOL-Yahoo merger, Yahoo's proposed trial...

Yahoo to Test Google Ads
 Yahoo to Test Google Ads 

Yahoo to Test Google Ads

Deal could help company fend off Microsoft or get a improved offer

(Newser) - Yahoo will try carrying ads from Google as it seeks to ward off a takeover by Microsoft—or at least get an improved offer, the Wall Street Journal reports. The test will run two weeks, and only 3% of Yahoo search results will come up with Google ads. Google, in...

Yahoo Plans One-Stop Web-Advertising Shop

Microsoft 'would be foolish to dismantle this,' analyst says of would-be buyer

(Newser) - Aiming to increase revenues in the face of a proposed Microsoft buyout, Yahoo is working on a system that will provide businesses with one-stop shopping for graphic advertisements across Yahoo’s partner sites, the Wall Street Journal reports. The system, called AMP, will let businesses buy ads such as banners—...

Web Videos May Be Ad Gold Mine
Web Videos
May Be Ad
Gold Mine

Web Videos May Be Ad Gold Mine

Market expected to explode as media companies retool

(Newser) - TV networks, major news organizations, and independent producers are all scrambling to create Web videos that will let them snag a portion of the ad dollars flowing online. Ad spending on Internet videos will grow to $4.3 billion by 2011, say researchers—a 455% increase over today. "It's...

Slowing Click Rate Hits Google Shares

Third monthly decline prompts fears for search king

(Newser) - Google shares declined 2.7% yesterday as the company reported its third month-on-month drop in advertising clicks, MarketWatch reports. Google's market share is still expanding, but that growth won't show up on the bottom line if the clicks that generate revenue keep slipping. The firm has shed 14% of its...

Google Pushes Privacy Reforms

Firm hopes to allay concerns about its DoubleClick buy

(Newser) - Google is working to ease concerns about privacy infringement in online advertising, ComputerWorld reports. The online giant hosted a meeting for the Consumer Privacy Legislative Forum, a group working to get a bill protecting online consumers’ information passed in Congress. Google will also file comments concerning the FTC’s proposed...

Microsoft Likely to Raise Yahoo Bid: Analyst

Stock upgraded to a buy after $34-per-share offer predicted

(Newser) - A Citigroup analyst upgraded Yahoo stock to a buy today, predicting that Microsoft will raise its buyout bid from $31 per share to $34, MarketWatch reports. Acquiring Yahoo is the only way for Microsoft to successfully compete with Google for online advertising, said analyst Mark Mahaney, and so “the...

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