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Justifiable Killings Surge for Cops, Civilians

(Newser) - Justifiable homicides committed by cops and civilians are at their highest levels in more than 10 years, USA Today reports. Last year's totals: 391 for police and 254 for civilians. Analysts attribute the rise to a growing “shoot-first” attitude among both groups, especially as criminals improve their arsenals.

NRA Endorses McCain, Despite Differences

Gun lobby has already spent millions attacking Obama

(Newser) - The NRA is endorsing John McCain for president, the group announced today, overlooking differences between the gun-rights lobby and McCain on campaign finance restrictions and gun show rules.The vice president of the NRA, whose political action committee has already spent more than $2.3 million opposing Barack Obama, said...

Top Gun-Control Activist Is Firearms Industry Spy

For-hire spy infiltrated deep into anti-gun movement

(Newser) - Mary McFate is a longtime prominent member of the gun-control movement; she is also, Mother Jones shockingly reveals, Mary Lou Sapone, a spy who infiltrates citizen groups for corporations targeted by activists—and who has been employed by the NRA. Over a decade, she reached high levels in a panoply...

NRA Plots Multimillion-Dollar Campaign Against Obama

Bittergate, Chicago gun ban to make appearances

(Newser) - The NRA has budgeted $40 million for the fall elections, with more than one-third of it set aside to spotlight Barack Obama's gun policies. The ad blitz will deny Obama the opportunity to neutralize the issue, Politico reports. A rep says the NRA will target 15 battleground states. “We...

NRA Targets Obama, but Does Anyone Care?

Gun control issue largely off the table, experts say

(Newser) - The NRA is aiming both barrels at Barack Obama, but the gun rights group is no longer a formidable GOP weapon, the LA Times reports. Congress hasn’t passed gun control laws in 14 years, and Democrats are terrified to touch the issue, scarred from old campaigns. In other words,...

Huckabee Jokes About Gun Pointed at Obama

At NRA, ex-hopeful jests about Obama ducking loaded firearm

(Newser) - At an NRA convention today, Mike Huckabee quipped that an offstage sound was Barack Obama leaping from a loaded gun. “That was Barack Obama,” the former Arkansas governor said. “He just tripped off a chair. He's getting ready to speak and somebody aimed a gun at him...

Florida Passes 'Take Your Gun to Work' Law

Biz groups fear increase in office shootings

(Newser) - Florida lawmakers have passed a law that prohibits most businesses from banning employees keeping guns in their cars on company property, Reuters reports. Backers hail the measure as a victory for Second Amendment rights. Business groups, fearing an increase in workplace shootings, are urging the governor to veto the so-called...

Hollywood's 'Man-Deity' Honored
 Hollywood's 'Man-Deity' Honored

Hollywood's 'Man-Deity' Honored

Critics reflect on legend's career

(Newser) - Charlton Heston was “the man-deity of movies,” writes Richard Corliss in a Time appreciation, declaring of the actor who stepped into the shoes of no less than the Almighty, "God is dead." Indeed, from Moses to Ben-Hur. “He was the epic hero,” Corliss notes....

Charlton Heston Dead at 84
 Charlton Heston Dead at 84 

Charlton Heston Dead at 84

Longtime leading man, former NRA president, had Alzheimer's

(Newser) - Charlton Heston, the longtime Hollywood leading man who portrayed everyone from Moses to Michelangelo and won an Oscar for his chariot-driving performance in Ben Hur, has died at age 84, the AP reports. Heston, who announced in 2002 that he had Alzheimer's, became the unapologetic head of the NRA in...

Obama Prods Pro-Gun Pa. Voters

Hopeful plays down liberal image to tout individual rights

(Newser) - Barack Obama is aiming to win pro-gun votes in Pennsylvania by touting the Second Amendment, Politico reports. His camp emailed state gun clubs this week about “the right and traditions of sportsmen" as Obama courted Pennsylvania's pro-gun Democratic lawmakers. The NRA fired back at Obama—and Hillary Clinton, too—...

Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee
Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee

Gun Lobby Holds Up Bush ATF Nominee

Republicans hold fellow Republican's nomination hostage

(Newser) - Michael Sullivan has spent a long time waiting to become head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, but his appointment has run into a roadblock in the Senate. Not with Democrats—with his fellow Republicans. Gun-rights supporters have blocked the appointment of Sullivan, also a US Attorney...

Feds to Allow Guns Inside National Parks

NRA backs move to overturn 100-year-old ban on loaded firearms

(Newser) - The federal government is preparing to loosen a ban on bringing loaded guns into national parks, reports the Los Angeles Times. The NRA has been pushing for the ban to be eased, saying it violates the right to bear arms and puts citizens at risk of attack from savage wild...

Thompson Aims for Gun Owners' Support in SC

But Huckabee, McCain have own in-roads with 2nd Amendment crew

(Newser) - Fred Thompson is banking on the support of South Carolina gun advocates in a last-ditch effort to save his Republican presidential campaign, Politico reports—and those Second Amendment supporters are hungry for a candidate who will represent their interests in Washington as well as President Bush has. For many, the...

NRA Sues for Guns Seized After Katrina

But arms org still seeks survivors who owned the weapons

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association has filed a federal lawsuit to recover hundreds of guns seized from New Orleans residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, AP reports. The suit claims that residents were left "at the mercy of roving gangs, home invaders and other criminals" because they lost their...

'08 Alert: Mitt Misspoke on King March

Globe , Times wonder if Romney has problem sticking to the facts

(Newser) - Mitt Romney backtracked yesterday from claims that he saw his father march with Martin Luther King in the 1960s, saying he used "saw" as “a figure of speech." The Boston Globe dissects the partial mea culpa, noting that the candidate couldn't have "seen" it even figuratively...

Rudy's Blunt Opinions Ruled NYC Airwaves

Mayor told off callers to radio show, urged others to get therapy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani is a tempered presidential candidate these days, belying the fiery personality displayed on his mayoral radio show in the '90s. Radio Rudy was a loose cannon, known for telling callers to seek psychiatric help, the Times reports. He was unafraid to needle interest groups, once saying “the...

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech
Rudy Takes
Call During
NRA Speech

Rudy Takes Call During NRA Speech

Did the missus really phone as he massaged the 2nd Amendment?

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani, former gun control-lover,  wasn't exactly killing with a speech to the National Rifle Association today when he interrupted his remarks at the podium—to take a phone call from his wife. After a little lovey-dovey with Judith ("OK, have a safe trip, bye-bye. Talk to you...

Rivals Attack Rudy's Record as NY Mayor

Gotham chief soft on immigration, tough on gun control, foes taunt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani uses his tenure as New York mayor as a badge of courage as he campaigns for the White House, but now his record is being turned against him. Attack ads by GOP rival Mitt Romney portray Giuliani's New York as "sanctuary city" for illegals, while would-contender Fred...

Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace
Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace

Net Hunting: The Nonexistent Menace

States jump to outlaw something nobody actually does

(Newser) - States are rushing to ban internet hunting—despite the fact that nobody does it. Since hunting by remote control gun over the internet was floated as a business plan, a Humane Society campaign spread outrage, and 33 states have banned the practice—a bill has even been introduced in Congress....

Va. Tech Probe Points to Privacy Laws
Va. Tech Probe Points to Privacy Laws

Va. Tech Probe Points to Privacy Laws

Muddled regs impede information flow; House OKs gun-control bill

(Newser) - A tangle of privacy laws helps prevent officials from sharing vital info about mentally ill individuals who may be dangerous, making it possible for them to buy handguns—and setting the stage for incidents like the Virginia Tech massacre. Greater awareness of the leeway officials have when safety is a...

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