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12 More States May OK Carrying Gun Without Permit

It's already legal in 4 states, but gun control advocates appalled

(Newser) - Bills are in the works in at least 12 states to allow residents to buy and carry concealed weapons without a permit, USA Today reports. Gun control advocates are naturally appalled. "They want a gun in every nook and cranny in society with no permission needed," fumes a...

Ex-Cons Get Gun Rights Back Easily

'It's kind of spooky, isn't it?' says felon

(Newser) - A felony conviction shouldn't stop an American from owning a gun—right? So say several US states, including Kansas, Ohio, and Minnesota, which often restore firearm rights automatically to ex-cons, the New York Times reports. Several other states restore gun rights after a pardon or a brief petition. If...

NRA Refuses White House Meeting on Gun Rules

Democrats are out to kill Second Amendment, says group

(Newser) - The Obama administration is trying to bring together both sides in the debate over gun control for a series of meetings, but the NRA sees it as a waste of time. “Why should I or the NRA go sit down with a group of people that have spent a...

Don't Expect Any Gun Control Bills to Pass: Lawmakers

NRA not expecting a fight, say advocates

(Newser) - The Tucson shooting has prompted the drafting of a number of gun-control bills—but lawmakers don’t expect any major legislation to pass. In fact, insiders said, Congress is looking less likely than ever to step up regulation, reports New York Times , which notes that many members of Congress own...

NRA Takes Wider Aim
 NRA Takes 
 Wider Aim 

NRA Takes Wider Aim

Gun lobby not just focused on gun laws

(Newser) - The NRA is sticking its muzzle in all kinds of legislation that don’t look much like gun laws, the New York Times reports. The gun group’s lobbyists, thanks in part to their close relationship with Harry Reid, have put their fingerprints on everything from health care legislation (making...

NRA Under Fire for Being ... Too Liberal?

Group cozies up to pro-gun Democrats, moderates

(Newser) - Conservatives are taking aim at the NRA, which they complain has drifted too close to the middle, supporting both moderate Republicans and even some pro-gun Democrats against opposition from the right. The NRA has given 29% of its political contributions this election cycle to Democrats, the most in more than...

Palin: Obama Would Ban Guns If He Could

Ex-governor has a packed speaking schedule

(Newser) - For someone not officially running for anything, Sarah Palin spends an awful lot of time running her mouth. Among highlights from yesterday's soundbite extravaganza, as reported by the AP :
  • If Obama and the Dems thought they "could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition and

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
Dana Milbank

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights

We prevent them from flying, but not buying weapons

(Newser) - If you ascribe to George W. Bush's “you're either with us or you're with the terrorists” logic, then the head of the NRA “should be just a few frequent-flier miles short of a free ticket to Gitmo right about now,” argues Dana Milbank of the Washington Post...

Guns at Starbucks? Time for a New Coffee Shop

If chain wants to be 'cowardly bartender,' this columnist is out

(Newser) - Is Starbucks trying to become the NRA's favorite company, or has the coffee titan just lost its nerve? For a company that's nearly conquered the world, Starbucks put up no resistance to "open-carry" advocates who want to treat their Virginia, California, and Washington stores like Wild West saloons, writes...

It's Time for Congress to Stop Fearing the NRA
It's Time for Congress to
Stop Fearing the NRA

It's Time for Congress to Stop Fearing the NRA

Poll shows even NRA members back sensible gun laws

(Newser) - Congress should stop cowering in the face of the NRA and start passing some sensible gun laws—without fear of retribution, writes EJ Dionne. Lawmakers worry that the NRA will unleash hordes of single-issue voters on them if they call for any restraint whatsoever on firearms, but a new poll...

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters
NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

NRA Shouldn't Tolerate Gun-Toting Protesters

It's just not a safe way to use a firearm

(Newser) - If the National Rifle Association is really, to quote its website “dedicated to the lawful, effective, responsible, and above all safe use of firearms,” then it should loudly discourage people from carrying those firearms to political rallies, writes Stephen Stromberg of the Washington Post. Politics aside, it’s...

Blogger's Case Tests Limits of Free Speech

Far-right critic remains in jail after calling for judges' deaths

(Newser) - When three federal judges rejected an NRA lawsuit, Internet radio host Hal Turner got angry. “These judges deserve to be killed,” he wrote on his blog. “Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty.” Then he posted photos of the judges, maps to their courthouse, and...

NRA Fails to Win Votes Against Sotomayor

(Newser) - The National Rifle Association is taking aim at lawmakers over Sonia Sotomayor but failing to buckle many knees, the AP reports. Breaking from its habit of avoiding Supreme Court nomination picks, the NRA has threatened to penalize legislators who vote for Sotomayor. But Blue Dog Democrats and some Republicans are...

Senate Dems Bring Down Concealed-Weapons Measure

Schumer leads effort to quash Thune amendment

(Newser) - Senate Democrats today narrowly defeated a measure that would have let concealed weapons be transported across state lines, the Hill reports. The amendment, which required 60 votes to pass according to a prior, bipartisan agreement, went down 58-39. Sen. Charles Schumer and majority whip Dick Durbin fought hard to drum...

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns
Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

Meghan McCain: Don't Politicize, Take My Guns

2nd Amendment 'one issue where I’m red through-and-through'

(Newser) - She supports gay marriage and thinks the Republican Party is out of touch, but on guns, Meghan McCain is “red through-and-through,” she writes in the Daily Beast: “The right to bear arms, and specifically the idea of it being taken away from me, is one of my...

Save Some Outrage for Gun Violence
Save Some Outrage for
Gun Violence

Save Some Outrage for Gun Violence

Wall St. malfeasance is a crisis—but so is shooting epidemic

(Newser) - We look back at witch hunts and slavery with shame and consternation, but after reading about our recent spate of gun violence, future historians will regard us as similarly misguided, Cynthia Tucker writes for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “These mass shootings are a form of madness, but what’s even...

Guns OK'd in National Parks
 Guns OK'd in National Parks 

Guns OK'd in National Parks

Campers will be allowed to pack heat in all but 3 of America's national parks

(Newser) - Visitors will be allowed to carry concealed and loaded weapons in all but three of America's 391 national parks under a new Bush administration policy, the Washington Times reports. The move, widely seen as a parting gift to the NRA from the president, reverses a 25-year-old Interior Department policy and...

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers
Bush's Pardons
Favor Gun Lovers

Bush's Pardons Favor Gun Lovers

President restores right to bear arms to convicted felons

(Newser) - Second Amendment enthusiasts seem to have a better-than-average chance of winning a presidential pardon as the Bush presidency nears its end, the Wall Street Journal reports. Of the 14 felons pardoned in the last week, seven are fans of hunting or shooting and five say they specifically mentioned their desire...

GOP Donors Pour Millions Into Ga. Race

'Unbelievable' sum of money fuels runoff for Senate seat

(Newser) - With Democrats just two seats away from mounting a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, GOP donors are injecting millions into Georgia’s runoff election, USA Today reports. Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss raised $1.6 million in large contributions in about a week, compared to $462,000 for Democrat Jim Martin....

Post-Election Gun Sales Spike
 Post-Election Gun Sales Spike 

Post-Election Gun Sales Spike

Some afraid of bans; others expect civil unrest

(Newser) - Gun sales were up before the election, but the numbers have shot through the roof since Barack Obama's win, the Chicago Tribune reports. As stores sell out of assault rifles and enthusiasts stock up on Glocks, people offered a few different reasons for their purchases. Some anticipate new weapons bans;...

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